Is it possible to have a Jewish wedding after a civil ceremony?


My (legal) husband and I had a small courthouse wedding ceremony, which was done entirely for practical reasons after my cancer diagnosis. Neither of us are as frum now as we were raised, but having a Jewish wedding ceremony and ketubah is very important to us. Is there any halachic reason why we couldn't now have a Jewish wedding ceremony?

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    1 hour ago


My (legal) husband and I had a small courthouse wedding ceremony, which was done entirely for practical reasons after my cancer diagnosis. Neither of us are as frum now as we were raised, but having a Jewish wedding ceremony and ketubah is very important to us. Is there any halachic reason why we couldn't now have a Jewish wedding ceremony?

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  • Welcome to MiYodeya AthenaFlute. Great to have you learn with us!

    – mbloch
    1 hour ago




My (legal) husband and I had a small courthouse wedding ceremony, which was done entirely for practical reasons after my cancer diagnosis. Neither of us are as frum now as we were raised, but having a Jewish wedding ceremony and ketubah is very important to us. Is there any halachic reason why we couldn't now have a Jewish wedding ceremony?

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AthenaFlute is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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My (legal) husband and I had a small courthouse wedding ceremony, which was done entirely for practical reasons after my cancer diagnosis. Neither of us are as frum now as we were raised, but having a Jewish wedding ceremony and ketubah is very important to us. Is there any halachic reason why we couldn't now have a Jewish wedding ceremony?

halacha wedding civil-procedure

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AthenaFlute is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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AthenaFlute is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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edited 1 hour ago




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AthenaFlute is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked 1 hour ago




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AthenaFlute is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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AthenaFlute is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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AthenaFlute is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • Welcome to MiYodeya AthenaFlute. Great to have you learn with us!

    – mbloch
    1 hour ago

  • Welcome to MiYodeya AthenaFlute. Great to have you learn with us!

    – mbloch
    1 hour ago

Welcome to MiYodeya AthenaFlute. Great to have you learn with us!

– mbloch
1 hour ago

Welcome to MiYodeya AthenaFlute. Great to have you learn with us!

– mbloch
1 hour ago

1 Answer





There is no reason not to have a Jewish wedding. All the contrary! There is a strong reason to have one, in order to live according to halacha with a kosher wedding and ketuba.

Note that, in many European countries (e.g., Switzerland, France), it is forbidden to have a Jewish wedding without first having a civil wedding. As such, all Jews first have a small wedding ceremony in front of civil authorities, and soon after that the real Jewish wedding.

With best wishes for a beautiful kosher wedding. Mazal tov!

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    1 Answer




    1 Answer











    There is no reason not to have a Jewish wedding. All the contrary! There is a strong reason to have one, in order to live according to halacha with a kosher wedding and ketuba.

    Note that, in many European countries (e.g., Switzerland, France), it is forbidden to have a Jewish wedding without first having a civil wedding. As such, all Jews first have a small wedding ceremony in front of civil authorities, and soon after that the real Jewish wedding.

    With best wishes for a beautiful kosher wedding. Mazal tov!

    share|improve this answer


      There is no reason not to have a Jewish wedding. All the contrary! There is a strong reason to have one, in order to live according to halacha with a kosher wedding and ketuba.

      Note that, in many European countries (e.g., Switzerland, France), it is forbidden to have a Jewish wedding without first having a civil wedding. As such, all Jews first have a small wedding ceremony in front of civil authorities, and soon after that the real Jewish wedding.

      With best wishes for a beautiful kosher wedding. Mazal tov!

      share|improve this answer




        There is no reason not to have a Jewish wedding. All the contrary! There is a strong reason to have one, in order to live according to halacha with a kosher wedding and ketuba.

        Note that, in many European countries (e.g., Switzerland, France), it is forbidden to have a Jewish wedding without first having a civil wedding. As such, all Jews first have a small wedding ceremony in front of civil authorities, and soon after that the real Jewish wedding.

        With best wishes for a beautiful kosher wedding. Mazal tov!

        share|improve this answer

        There is no reason not to have a Jewish wedding. All the contrary! There is a strong reason to have one, in order to live according to halacha with a kosher wedding and ketuba.

        Note that, in many European countries (e.g., Switzerland, France), it is forbidden to have a Jewish wedding without first having a civil wedding. As such, all Jews first have a small wedding ceremony in front of civil authorities, and soon after that the real Jewish wedding.

        With best wishes for a beautiful kosher wedding. Mazal tov!

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered 1 hour ago




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