
Showing posts from February 17, 2019

calling wget from a browser using php

0 My httpd is running with a daemon user. I want to do a wget using php from FTP server. When I run the php from linux server, the same downloads the required file from FTP. But when I call the same php from browser, it does not download the file. On checking the logs of of apache2, I found the below error message. wget: /opt/lampstack-5.6.31-0/common/lib/ no version information available (required by wget) wget: /opt/lampstack-5.6.31-0/common/lib/ no version information available (required by wget) wget: /opt/lampstack-5.6.31-0/common/lib/ no version information available (required by wget) Can I know how to run wget and download required file to overcome this error? apache-httpd php wget ...

Linux boot error, ACPI Error: no handler for Region?

0 Recently, my Linux mint cannot boot up. And with the error message I have searched a lot. And tried to edit /etc/fstab file to mount root partition but it didn't work. I suspect that my SSD hard drive is broken. And I get this error sometimes. My environment: I have install Linux mint under /dev/sdb1, and install Windows under /dev/sdc1. Is there any problem with my hardware? linux boot boot-loader share asked 3 mins ago einverne einverne 133 7 ...