df -h command output in HTML format with specific columns


I am trying to write a shell script which sends the output of df -h in mail with the help of HTML code embedded in the script. The issue is this is printing all six columns. I want only specific sequence (6,2,3,4,5). How do I achieve it? Tried lots of things putting array also ) but still not working.

#! /bin/bash


ALERT_DIR_COUNT=`df -Ph | grep -v "Use%" | sed 's/%//g' | awk '$5 > 70
{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5"%",$6;}' | column -t | wc -l`

printf "To: xyz@gmail.comn"
printf "Subject:$HOSTn :$ALERT_DIR_COUNTn mounts reached threshold & Logs
Cleared : $Numberofdays daysn"
printf "Content-Type: text/htmln"

printf "<html>n
df -Ph| awk '{ print $6,$2,$3,$4,$5 }''
print "<table border="8" cellpadding="3" style="border-collapse:
printf "<tr>"
printf "<th bgcolor=turquoise colspan="6">BEFORE_USAGE</th>"
printf "</tr>"
printf "<tr>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>MOUNT</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>SIZE</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>USED</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>AVAILABLE</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>USE%</th>"

printf "</tr>"}
for( i = 1; i <= NF; i++ ) {
printf "%s", "<td bgcolor=azure"
if (i==5&&$i+0>70) printf " bgcolor=azure"
print ">" $i "</td>"
print "</tr>"
END { print "</table>" }'

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bumped to the homepage by Community 15 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • 1

    (1) Please don’t say “not working.” What is happening? (2) IIRC, email doesn’t allow multi-line Subject lines. (And it’s probably a good idea to have a space after the colon (:).) (3) The BEGIN block (if any) must be the first thing in an awk program. (4) Please don’t say 'foo''bar' when you mean 'foobar' unless you have a good reason for doing so (and I can’t think of any). (5) You have an unmatched ( in your script (before printf "To: xyz@gmail.comn"). … (Cont’d)

    – G-Man
    Jun 13 '17 at 22:48

  • 1

    (Cont’d) …  (6) For every line of input, your script first writes fields 6, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (in that order), unadorned, and then prints all the fields (in 1→NF order), wrapped in HTML tags.  That’s probably not what you mean.  (7) Your script prints bgcolor=azure unconditionally (for every cell/value), and then, conditionally, again.  (8) Your script is very complicated.  Simplify it, get something working, and then build on it.

    – G-Man
    Jun 13 '17 at 22:48

  • aks: Welcome to U&L on SE ! Please do acknowledge at least the answer you got. If it effectively answers your query, do check the green mark to the left of it (below the point accumulator) so others may later benefit from it. PS: G-Man's comments are well worth acknowledging as well but you are sole judge here.

    – Cbhihe
    Jun 14 '17 at 16:44


I am trying to write a shell script which sends the output of df -h in mail with the help of HTML code embedded in the script. The issue is this is printing all six columns. I want only specific sequence (6,2,3,4,5). How do I achieve it? Tried lots of things putting array also ) but still not working.

#! /bin/bash


ALERT_DIR_COUNT=`df -Ph | grep -v "Use%" | sed 's/%//g' | awk '$5 > 70
{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5"%",$6;}' | column -t | wc -l`

printf "To: xyz@gmail.comn"
printf "Subject:$HOSTn :$ALERT_DIR_COUNTn mounts reached threshold & Logs
Cleared : $Numberofdays daysn"
printf "Content-Type: text/htmln"

printf "<html>n
df -Ph| awk '{ print $6,$2,$3,$4,$5 }''
print "<table border="8" cellpadding="3" style="border-collapse:
printf "<tr>"
printf "<th bgcolor=turquoise colspan="6">BEFORE_USAGE</th>"
printf "</tr>"
printf "<tr>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>MOUNT</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>SIZE</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>USED</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>AVAILABLE</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>USE%</th>"

printf "</tr>"}
for( i = 1; i <= NF; i++ ) {
printf "%s", "<td bgcolor=azure"
if (i==5&&$i+0>70) printf " bgcolor=azure"
print ">" $i "</td>"
print "</tr>"
END { print "</table>" }'

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bumped to the homepage by Community 15 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • 1

    (1) Please don’t say “not working.” What is happening? (2) IIRC, email doesn’t allow multi-line Subject lines. (And it’s probably a good idea to have a space after the colon (:).) (3) The BEGIN block (if any) must be the first thing in an awk program. (4) Please don’t say 'foo''bar' when you mean 'foobar' unless you have a good reason for doing so (and I can’t think of any). (5) You have an unmatched ( in your script (before printf "To: xyz@gmail.comn"). … (Cont’d)

    – G-Man
    Jun 13 '17 at 22:48

  • 1

    (Cont’d) …  (6) For every line of input, your script first writes fields 6, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (in that order), unadorned, and then prints all the fields (in 1→NF order), wrapped in HTML tags.  That’s probably not what you mean.  (7) Your script prints bgcolor=azure unconditionally (for every cell/value), and then, conditionally, again.  (8) Your script is very complicated.  Simplify it, get something working, and then build on it.

    – G-Man
    Jun 13 '17 at 22:48

  • aks: Welcome to U&L on SE ! Please do acknowledge at least the answer you got. If it effectively answers your query, do check the green mark to the left of it (below the point accumulator) so others may later benefit from it. PS: G-Man's comments are well worth acknowledging as well but you are sole judge here.

    – Cbhihe
    Jun 14 '17 at 16:44





I am trying to write a shell script which sends the output of df -h in mail with the help of HTML code embedded in the script. The issue is this is printing all six columns. I want only specific sequence (6,2,3,4,5). How do I achieve it? Tried lots of things putting array also ) but still not working.

#! /bin/bash


ALERT_DIR_COUNT=`df -Ph | grep -v "Use%" | sed 's/%//g' | awk '$5 > 70
{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5"%",$6;}' | column -t | wc -l`

printf "To: xyz@gmail.comn"
printf "Subject:$HOSTn :$ALERT_DIR_COUNTn mounts reached threshold & Logs
Cleared : $Numberofdays daysn"
printf "Content-Type: text/htmln"

printf "<html>n
df -Ph| awk '{ print $6,$2,$3,$4,$5 }''
print "<table border="8" cellpadding="3" style="border-collapse:
printf "<tr>"
printf "<th bgcolor=turquoise colspan="6">BEFORE_USAGE</th>"
printf "</tr>"
printf "<tr>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>MOUNT</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>SIZE</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>USED</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>AVAILABLE</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>USE%</th>"

printf "</tr>"}
for( i = 1; i <= NF; i++ ) {
printf "%s", "<td bgcolor=azure"
if (i==5&&$i+0>70) printf " bgcolor=azure"
print ">" $i "</td>"
print "</tr>"
END { print "</table>" }'

share|improve this question

I am trying to write a shell script which sends the output of df -h in mail with the help of HTML code embedded in the script. The issue is this is printing all six columns. I want only specific sequence (6,2,3,4,5). How do I achieve it? Tried lots of things putting array also ) but still not working.

#! /bin/bash


ALERT_DIR_COUNT=`df -Ph | grep -v "Use%" | sed 's/%//g' | awk '$5 > 70
{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5"%",$6;}' | column -t | wc -l`

printf "To: xyz@gmail.comn"
printf "Subject:$HOSTn :$ALERT_DIR_COUNTn mounts reached threshold & Logs
Cleared : $Numberofdays daysn"
printf "Content-Type: text/htmln"

printf "<html>n
df -Ph| awk '{ print $6,$2,$3,$4,$5 }''
print "<table border="8" cellpadding="3" style="border-collapse:
printf "<tr>"
printf "<th bgcolor=turquoise colspan="6">BEFORE_USAGE</th>"
printf "</tr>"
printf "<tr>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>MOUNT</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>SIZE</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>USED</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>AVAILABLE</th>"
printf "<th bgcolor=gray>USE%</th>"

printf "</tr>"}
for( i = 1; i <= NF; i++ ) {
printf "%s", "<td bgcolor=azure"
if (i==5&&$i+0>70) printf " bgcolor=azure"
print ">" $i "</td>"
print "</tr>"
END { print "</table>" }'

text-processing awk html text-formatting

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edited Jun 14 '17 at 3:13




asked Jun 13 '17 at 22:20




bumped to the homepage by Community 15 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

bumped to the homepage by Community 15 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • 1

    (1) Please don’t say “not working.” What is happening? (2) IIRC, email doesn’t allow multi-line Subject lines. (And it’s probably a good idea to have a space after the colon (:).) (3) The BEGIN block (if any) must be the first thing in an awk program. (4) Please don’t say 'foo''bar' when you mean 'foobar' unless you have a good reason for doing so (and I can’t think of any). (5) You have an unmatched ( in your script (before printf "To: xyz@gmail.comn"). … (Cont’d)

    – G-Man
    Jun 13 '17 at 22:48

  • 1

    (Cont’d) …  (6) For every line of input, your script first writes fields 6, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (in that order), unadorned, and then prints all the fields (in 1→NF order), wrapped in HTML tags.  That’s probably not what you mean.  (7) Your script prints bgcolor=azure unconditionally (for every cell/value), and then, conditionally, again.  (8) Your script is very complicated.  Simplify it, get something working, and then build on it.

    – G-Man
    Jun 13 '17 at 22:48

  • aks: Welcome to U&L on SE ! Please do acknowledge at least the answer you got. If it effectively answers your query, do check the green mark to the left of it (below the point accumulator) so others may later benefit from it. PS: G-Man's comments are well worth acknowledging as well but you are sole judge here.

    – Cbhihe
    Jun 14 '17 at 16:44

  • 1

    (1) Please don’t say “not working.” What is happening? (2) IIRC, email doesn’t allow multi-line Subject lines. (And it’s probably a good idea to have a space after the colon (:).) (3) The BEGIN block (if any) must be the first thing in an awk program. (4) Please don’t say 'foo''bar' when you mean 'foobar' unless you have a good reason for doing so (and I can’t think of any). (5) You have an unmatched ( in your script (before printf "To: xyz@gmail.comn"). … (Cont’d)

    – G-Man
    Jun 13 '17 at 22:48

  • 1

    (Cont’d) …  (6) For every line of input, your script first writes fields 6, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (in that order), unadorned, and then prints all the fields (in 1→NF order), wrapped in HTML tags.  That’s probably not what you mean.  (7) Your script prints bgcolor=azure unconditionally (for every cell/value), and then, conditionally, again.  (8) Your script is very complicated.  Simplify it, get something working, and then build on it.

    – G-Man
    Jun 13 '17 at 22:48

  • aks: Welcome to U&L on SE ! Please do acknowledge at least the answer you got. If it effectively answers your query, do check the green mark to the left of it (below the point accumulator) so others may later benefit from it. PS: G-Man's comments are well worth acknowledging as well but you are sole judge here.

    – Cbhihe
    Jun 14 '17 at 16:44



(1) Please don’t say “not working.” What is happening? (2) IIRC, email doesn’t allow multi-line Subject lines. (And it’s probably a good idea to have a space after the colon (:).) (3) The BEGIN block (if any) must be the first thing in an awk program. (4) Please don’t say 'foo''bar' when you mean 'foobar' unless you have a good reason for doing so (and I can’t think of any). (5) You have an unmatched ( in your script (before printf "To: xyz@gmail.comn"). … (Cont’d)

– G-Man
Jun 13 '17 at 22:48

(1) Please don’t say “not working.” What is happening? (2) IIRC, email doesn’t allow multi-line Subject lines. (And it’s probably a good idea to have a space after the colon (:).) (3) The BEGIN block (if any) must be the first thing in an awk program. (4) Please don’t say 'foo''bar' when you mean 'foobar' unless you have a good reason for doing so (and I can’t think of any). (5) You have an unmatched ( in your script (before printf "To: xyz@gmail.comn"). … (Cont’d)

– G-Man
Jun 13 '17 at 22:48



(Cont’d) …  (6) For every line of input, your script first writes fields 6, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (in that order), unadorned, and then prints all the fields (in 1→NF order), wrapped in HTML tags.  That’s probably not what you mean.  (7) Your script prints bgcolor=azure unconditionally (for every cell/value), and then, conditionally, again.  (8) Your script is very complicated.  Simplify it, get something working, and then build on it.

– G-Man
Jun 13 '17 at 22:48

(Cont’d) …  (6) For every line of input, your script first writes fields 6, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (in that order), unadorned, and then prints all the fields (in 1→NF order), wrapped in HTML tags.  That’s probably not what you mean.  (7) Your script prints bgcolor=azure unconditionally (for every cell/value), and then, conditionally, again.  (8) Your script is very complicated.  Simplify it, get something working, and then build on it.

– G-Man
Jun 13 '17 at 22:48

aks: Welcome to U&L on SE ! Please do acknowledge at least the answer you got. If it effectively answers your query, do check the green mark to the left of it (below the point accumulator) so others may later benefit from it. PS: G-Man's comments are well worth acknowledging as well but you are sole judge here.

– Cbhihe
Jun 14 '17 at 16:44

aks: Welcome to U&L on SE ! Please do acknowledge at least the answer you got. If it effectively answers your query, do check the green mark to the left of it (below the point accumulator) so others may later benefit from it. PS: G-Man's comments are well worth acknowledging as well but you are sole judge here.

– Cbhihe
Jun 14 '17 at 16:44

1 Answer





To simplify the body, you could use something like this:

df -Ph | awk -f stat.awk

I've extracted the awk parts into an awk script, but the script could easily be inlined.

Where stat.awk is:

print "<html><body><table border="8" cellpadding="3" style="border-collapse: collapse">"

print "<tr>"
print "<th bgcolor=turquoise colspan="6">BEFORE_USAGE</th>"
print "</tr>"
print "<tr>"
print "<th bgcolor=gray>MOUNT</th>"
print "<th bgcolor=gray>SIZE</th>"
print "<th bgcolor=gray>USED</th>"
print "<th bgcolor=gray>AVAILABLE</th>"
print "<th bgcolor=gray>USE%</th>"
print "</tr>"

NR > 1 {
if ($5+0 > 70) {
bgcolor=" bgcolor=azure"
print "<tr><td>"$6"</td><td>"$2"</td><td>"$3"</td><td>"$4"</td><td"bgcolor">"$5"</td></tr>"

print "</table></body></html>"

For me, this produces:

<html><body><table  border="8" cellpadding="3"  style="border-collapse: collapse">
<th bgcolor=turquoise colspan=6>BEFORE_USAGE</th>
<th bgcolor=gray>MOUNT</th>
<th bgcolor=gray>SIZE</th>
<th bgcolor=gray>USED</th>
<th bgcolor=gray>AVAILABLE</th>
<th bgcolor=gray>USE%</th>
<tr><td>/</td><td>465Gi</td><td>402Gi</td><td>62Gi</td><td bgcolor=azure>87%</td></tr>
<tr><td>/dev</td><td>339Ki</td><td>339Ki</td><td>0Bi</td><td bgcolor=azure>100%</td></tr>
<tr><td>/Volumes/MobileBackups</td><td>465Gi</td><td>465Gi</td><td>0Bi</td><td bgcolor=azure>100%</td></tr>

Please note, that this solution breaks when your volume names contain spaces.

share|improve this answer

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    1 Answer




    1 Answer











    To simplify the body, you could use something like this:

    df -Ph | awk -f stat.awk

    I've extracted the awk parts into an awk script, but the script could easily be inlined.

    Where stat.awk is:

    BEGIN {
    print "<html><body><table border="8" cellpadding="3" style="border-collapse: collapse">"

    print "<tr>"
    print "<th bgcolor=turquoise colspan="6">BEFORE_USAGE</th>"
    print "</tr>"
    print "<tr>"
    print "<th bgcolor=gray>MOUNT</th>"
    print "<th bgcolor=gray>SIZE</th>"
    print "<th bgcolor=gray>USED</th>"
    print "<th bgcolor=gray>AVAILABLE</th>"
    print "<th bgcolor=gray>USE%</th>"
    print "</tr>"

    NR > 1 {
    if ($5+0 > 70) {
    bgcolor=" bgcolor=azure"
    print "<tr><td>"$6"</td><td>"$2"</td><td>"$3"</td><td>"$4"</td><td"bgcolor">"$5"</td></tr>"

    END {
    print "</table></body></html>"

    For me, this produces:

    <html><body><table  border="8" cellpadding="3"  style="border-collapse: collapse">
    <th bgcolor=turquoise colspan=6>BEFORE_USAGE</th>
    <th bgcolor=gray>MOUNT</th>
    <th bgcolor=gray>SIZE</th>
    <th bgcolor=gray>USED</th>
    <th bgcolor=gray>AVAILABLE</th>
    <th bgcolor=gray>USE%</th>
    <tr><td>/</td><td>465Gi</td><td>402Gi</td><td>62Gi</td><td bgcolor=azure>87%</td></tr>
    <tr><td>/dev</td><td>339Ki</td><td>339Ki</td><td>0Bi</td><td bgcolor=azure>100%</td></tr>
    <tr><td>/Volumes/MobileBackups</td><td>465Gi</td><td>465Gi</td><td>0Bi</td><td bgcolor=azure>100%</td></tr>

    Please note, that this solution breaks when your volume names contain spaces.

    share|improve this answer


      To simplify the body, you could use something like this:

      df -Ph | awk -f stat.awk

      I've extracted the awk parts into an awk script, but the script could easily be inlined.

      Where stat.awk is:

      BEGIN {
      print "<html><body><table border="8" cellpadding="3" style="border-collapse: collapse">"

      print "<tr>"
      print "<th bgcolor=turquoise colspan="6">BEFORE_USAGE</th>"
      print "</tr>"
      print "<tr>"
      print "<th bgcolor=gray>MOUNT</th>"
      print "<th bgcolor=gray>SIZE</th>"
      print "<th bgcolor=gray>USED</th>"
      print "<th bgcolor=gray>AVAILABLE</th>"
      print "<th bgcolor=gray>USE%</th>"
      print "</tr>"

      NR > 1 {
      if ($5+0 > 70) {
      bgcolor=" bgcolor=azure"
      print "<tr><td>"$6"</td><td>"$2"</td><td>"$3"</td><td>"$4"</td><td"bgcolor">"$5"</td></tr>"

      END {
      print "</table></body></html>"

      For me, this produces:

      <html><body><table  border="8" cellpadding="3"  style="border-collapse: collapse">
      <th bgcolor=turquoise colspan=6>BEFORE_USAGE</th>
      <th bgcolor=gray>MOUNT</th>
      <th bgcolor=gray>SIZE</th>
      <th bgcolor=gray>USED</th>
      <th bgcolor=gray>AVAILABLE</th>
      <th bgcolor=gray>USE%</th>
      <tr><td>/</td><td>465Gi</td><td>402Gi</td><td>62Gi</td><td bgcolor=azure>87%</td></tr>
      <tr><td>/dev</td><td>339Ki</td><td>339Ki</td><td>0Bi</td><td bgcolor=azure>100%</td></tr>
      <tr><td>/Volumes/MobileBackups</td><td>465Gi</td><td>465Gi</td><td>0Bi</td><td bgcolor=azure>100%</td></tr>

      Please note, that this solution breaks when your volume names contain spaces.

      share|improve this answer




        To simplify the body, you could use something like this:

        df -Ph | awk -f stat.awk

        I've extracted the awk parts into an awk script, but the script could easily be inlined.

        Where stat.awk is:

        BEGIN {
        print "<html><body><table border="8" cellpadding="3" style="border-collapse: collapse">"

        print "<tr>"
        print "<th bgcolor=turquoise colspan="6">BEFORE_USAGE</th>"
        print "</tr>"
        print "<tr>"
        print "<th bgcolor=gray>MOUNT</th>"
        print "<th bgcolor=gray>SIZE</th>"
        print "<th bgcolor=gray>USED</th>"
        print "<th bgcolor=gray>AVAILABLE</th>"
        print "<th bgcolor=gray>USE%</th>"
        print "</tr>"

        NR > 1 {
        if ($5+0 > 70) {
        bgcolor=" bgcolor=azure"
        print "<tr><td>"$6"</td><td>"$2"</td><td>"$3"</td><td>"$4"</td><td"bgcolor">"$5"</td></tr>"

        END {
        print "</table></body></html>"

        For me, this produces:

        <html><body><table  border="8" cellpadding="3"  style="border-collapse: collapse">
        <th bgcolor=turquoise colspan=6>BEFORE_USAGE</th>
        <th bgcolor=gray>MOUNT</th>
        <th bgcolor=gray>SIZE</th>
        <th bgcolor=gray>USED</th>
        <th bgcolor=gray>AVAILABLE</th>
        <th bgcolor=gray>USE%</th>
        <tr><td>/</td><td>465Gi</td><td>402Gi</td><td>62Gi</td><td bgcolor=azure>87%</td></tr>
        <tr><td>/dev</td><td>339Ki</td><td>339Ki</td><td>0Bi</td><td bgcolor=azure>100%</td></tr>
        <tr><td>/Volumes/MobileBackups</td><td>465Gi</td><td>465Gi</td><td>0Bi</td><td bgcolor=azure>100%</td></tr>

        Please note, that this solution breaks when your volume names contain spaces.

        share|improve this answer

        To simplify the body, you could use something like this:

        df -Ph | awk -f stat.awk

        I've extracted the awk parts into an awk script, but the script could easily be inlined.

        Where stat.awk is:

        BEGIN {
        print "<html><body><table border="8" cellpadding="3" style="border-collapse: collapse">"

        print "<tr>"
        print "<th bgcolor=turquoise colspan="6">BEFORE_USAGE</th>"
        print "</tr>"
        print "<tr>"
        print "<th bgcolor=gray>MOUNT</th>"
        print "<th bgcolor=gray>SIZE</th>"
        print "<th bgcolor=gray>USED</th>"
        print "<th bgcolor=gray>AVAILABLE</th>"
        print "<th bgcolor=gray>USE%</th>"
        print "</tr>"

        NR > 1 {
        if ($5+0 > 70) {
        bgcolor=" bgcolor=azure"
        print "<tr><td>"$6"</td><td>"$2"</td><td>"$3"</td><td>"$4"</td><td"bgcolor">"$5"</td></tr>"

        END {
        print "</table></body></html>"

        For me, this produces:

        <html><body><table  border="8" cellpadding="3"  style="border-collapse: collapse">
        <th bgcolor=turquoise colspan=6>BEFORE_USAGE</th>
        <th bgcolor=gray>MOUNT</th>
        <th bgcolor=gray>SIZE</th>
        <th bgcolor=gray>USED</th>
        <th bgcolor=gray>AVAILABLE</th>
        <th bgcolor=gray>USE%</th>
        <tr><td>/</td><td>465Gi</td><td>402Gi</td><td>62Gi</td><td bgcolor=azure>87%</td></tr>
        <tr><td>/dev</td><td>339Ki</td><td>339Ki</td><td>0Bi</td><td bgcolor=azure>100%</td></tr>
        <tr><td>/Volumes/MobileBackups</td><td>465Gi</td><td>465Gi</td><td>0Bi</td><td bgcolor=azure>100%</td></tr>

        Please note, that this solution breaks when your volume names contain spaces.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        edited Jun 14 '17 at 8:45

        answered Jun 14 '17 at 8:17




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