How to have tail -f show colored output


I'd like to be able to tail the output of a server log file that has messages like:


etc, and if it's SEVERE, show the line in red; if it's INFO, in green. What kind of alias can I setup for a tail command that would help me do this?

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  • one-line sed:

    – Trevor Boyd Smith
    Sep 14 '18 at 18:45


I'd like to be able to tail the output of a server log file that has messages like:


etc, and if it's SEVERE, show the line in red; if it's INFO, in green. What kind of alias can I setup for a tail command that would help me do this?

share|improve this question

  • one-line sed:

    – Trevor Boyd Smith
    Sep 14 '18 at 18:45





I'd like to be able to tail the output of a server log file that has messages like:


etc, and if it's SEVERE, show the line in red; if it's INFO, in green. What kind of alias can I setup for a tail command that would help me do this?

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I'd like to be able to tail the output of a server log file that has messages like:


etc, and if it's SEVERE, show the line in red; if it's INFO, in green. What kind of alias can I setup for a tail command that would help me do this?

command-line colors alias highlighting tail

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edited Mar 16 '11 at 21:51




asked Mar 1 '11 at 19:13

Amir AfghaniAmir Afghani



  • one-line sed:

    – Trevor Boyd Smith
    Sep 14 '18 at 18:45

  • one-line sed:

    – Trevor Boyd Smith
    Sep 14 '18 at 18:45

one-line sed:

– Trevor Boyd Smith
Sep 14 '18 at 18:45

one-line sed:

– Trevor Boyd Smith
Sep 14 '18 at 18:45

19 Answers





Try out multitail. This is an übergeneralization of tail -f. You can watch multiple files in separate windows, highlight lines based on their content, and more.

multitail -c /path/to/log

The colors are configurable. If the default color scheme doesn't work for you, write your own in the config file. For example, call multitail -cS amir_log /path/to/log with the following ~/.multitailrc:


Another solution, if you're on a server where it's inconvenient to install non-standard tools, is to combine tail -f with sed or awk to add color selection control sequences. This requires tail -f to flush its standard output without delay even when its standard output is a pipe, I don't know if all implementations do this.

tail -f /path/to/log | awk '
/INFO/ {print "33[32m" $0 "33[39m"}
/SEVERE/ {print "33[31m" $0 "33[39m"}

or with sed

tail -f /path/to/log | sed --unbuffered 
-e 's/(.*INFO.*)/o033[32m1o033[39m/'
-e 's/(.*SEVERE.*)/o033[31m1o033[39m/'

If your sed isn't GNU sed, replace o033 by a literal escape character.

Yet another possibility is to run tail -f in an Emacs shell buffer and use Emacs's syntax coloring abilities.

share|improve this answer

  • how can you do this with sed? (sorry for being lazy and not figuring it out myself!) But would you please add a sed example as well.

    – Ali
    Nov 28 '11 at 16:41

  • 4

    @Ali Sed is less convenient because it doesn't have a syntax for the escape character, you need to have it literally in the script or use a shell quoting method to work it in. I recommend that you use awk.

    – Gilles
    Nov 28 '11 at 17:18

  • 6

    @Gilles In your tail -f with awk code, if a string doesn't have INFO and SEVERE, the string isn't be printed. How can I print the remain strings either? (The string doesn't need to be colored)

    – Benjamin
    Jun 29 '12 at 10:32

  • 5

    @Benjamin Add ; next before the closing braces to skip further processing, and a new processing line 1 {print} at the end (1 means always).

    – Gilles
    Jun 29 '12 at 11:58

  • 2

    sed --unbuffered -e 's/(.*FATAL.*)/o033[1;31m1o033[0;39m/' -e 's/(.*ERROR.*)/o033[31m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*WARN.*)/o033[33m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*INFO.*)/o033[32m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*DEBUG.*)/o033[34m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*TRACE.*)/o033[30m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*[Ee]xception.*)/o033[1;39m1o033[0;39m/'

    – DmitrySandalov
    Sep 7 '18 at 15:07


grc, the generic colouriser is pretty cool.

Just do

grc tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

and enjoy!

You’ll also find it on GitHub.

share|improve this answer

  • 2

    This is exactly what I needed: lightweight and simple. The coloring isn't exactly right for my log types (custom logs) but any coloring makes it easier for me to follow a log.

    – rennat
    Oct 21 '11 at 19:49

  • For me 'grc' on Debian errors out with: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied. Also it depends on Python being installed so it's not relaly lightweight unless you already have it. I have found 'ccze' to work much better, ex. 'tail -f -n 50 /var/log/starbound-server.log | ccze -A'.

    – Daniel Sokolowski
    Dec 9 '13 at 3:56

  • 1

    grc default settings in Ubuntu didn't display nice for syslogs or mail.log. It is not easy to understand how to customize it.

    – lepe
    Jan 27 '14 at 3:34

  • 1

    I found it quicker and easier way to colorize than multitail. Just did a quick install via source on my CentOS system and upgraded my life. Will install on my other systems too.

    – zeeshan
    Jul 12 '14 at 9:51

  • 3

    This looks pretty terrible on nginx logs

    – mpen
    Sep 3 '14 at 2:34


Have you had a look at ccze? You have the possibility to customize the default colors of some keywords using the option -c or directly in your configuration file. If your screen is clearing after colorizing you must use option -A.


If you really would like to have the complete line colored in red, you could also have a try at the following:

$ tail -f myfile.log | perl -pe 's/.*SEVERE.*/e[1;31m$&e[0m/g'

e[1;31m will give you the red color. If you would like some yellow, use e[1;33m, and for green use e[1;32m. The e[0m restores the normal text color.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    This doesn't work on Mac - I'm upvoting it because it works on Linux.

    – Amir Afghani
    Mar 1 '11 at 21:33

  • Upvoting because while the perl/ansi trick might not, ccze does.

    – Shadur
    Nov 13 '11 at 16:02

  • You can also make your terminal send an alert or "beep" by adding 07 to the end of the regex, like so: perl -pe 's/(ERROR)/33[31m$133[0m07/g;'. This works awesome if you are using tmux with set -g bell-action any, in which case if you have your log tailing in another window, that window name will alert whenever the regex finds a match.

    – jonyamo
    Nov 13 '12 at 4:15

  • @AmirAfghani This is a linux/unix SE site, therefore I am not sure why you thought it would work on mac.

    – BЈовић
    Jun 4 '13 at 6:06

  • 1

    @BЈовић Mac is a Unix.

    – Chris Down
    Sep 12 '13 at 19:16


Have a look at lnav, the advanced log file viewer.


It can also pretty print various formats.





share|improve this answer


    You can use rainbow, which colorizes lines based on regular expressions:

    rainbow --red='SEVERE.*' --green='INFO.*' tail -f my-file.log

    It also comes bundled with predefined configs, for example for Tomcat logs:

    rainbow --config=tomcat tail -f my-file.log

    share|improve this answer

    • 1

      I tried most of the other solutions offered to this question, but rainbow was the only one that worked equally well on sun, aix, linux, termux, darwin, and cygwin -- the 6(!) environments I use on a daily basis. All the others involved difficult non-portable build processes for at least some platforms.

      – Stabledog
      May 17 '17 at 15:15


    You can use colortail:

    colortail -f /var/log/messages

    share|improve this answer

    • 2

      +1 available at Ubuntu repositories. What I like of colortail compared to ccze is that you can customize freely your patterns using RegEx. Available colors: black, brightblack, white, brightwhite, magenta, brightmagenta, cyan, brightcyan, green,‌​brightgreen, yellow, brightyellow, red,brightred, blue, brightblue. Unfortunately there is no way to set bold or other colors like orange.

      – lepe
      Jan 27 '14 at 3:55

    • I would like to correct one point about my previous comment: "bright"+color includes "bold" (some colors will actually look brighter as well)

      – lepe
      Jan 27 '14 at 4:25


    Also note that if you just want to look for one matching regex, GNU grep with --color will work — just pipe your tail output through that.

    share|improve this answer

    • The OP only wanted to highlight the output, not filter it. Grep won't show non-matching lines...

      – Coderer
      Jun 30 '14 at 12:36

    • 3

      If you say grep  -A9999  -B9999 regex, it will show all lines unless you have 10,000 non-matching lines in a row.  Use something like GREP_COLORS="ms=31:sl=33:cx=32" grep -A9999 -B9999 SEVERE to show the word SEVERE in red, the rest of SEVERE lines in yellow, and all other (non-SEVERE) lines (up to 9999) in green.

      – G-Man
      Aug 7 '15 at 2:45

    • You might need to pass --color=always to grep instead of just --color, depending on the order of your pipe, but yes, this works tail (GNU coreutils) 8.27 installed on my box.

      – Hank Schultz
      Jul 2 '18 at 15:26


    I quite like colorex. Simple, yet satisfying.

    tail -f /var/log/syslog | colorex -G '[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}' -b $(hostname)

    share|improve this answer

    • 9

      how is that simple?

      – Eliran Malka
      Apr 13 '15 at 10:40


    To get colored output from standard commands like grep, you should set this alias in your .bashrc

    # User specific aliases and functions
    alias grep='grep --color=auto'

    when you grep something in your file you see something like this, (but probably in red):

    [root@linuxbox mydir]# grep "(INFO|SEVERE)" /var/log/logname
    this entry is an INFO
    SEVERE this entry is a warn!
    this entry is an INFO
    this entry is an INFO
    SEVERE this entry is a warn!

    if want to use tail or awk and want that the color survive to a pipe, then the alias is not enough and you should use the --color=always parameter, for example:

    [root@linubox mydir]# grep --color=always "(INFO|SEVERE)" /var/log/logname | tail -f | awk '{ print $1 }'

    If you want color text with awk the story is a little bit complex but more powerfull, for example:

    [root@linubox mydir]# tail -f /var/log/messages | awk '{if ($5 ~ /INFO/) print "33[1;32m"$0"33[0m"; else if ($1 ~ /SEVERE/) print "33[1;31m"$0"33[0m"; else print $0}'
    this entry is an INFO
    SEVERE this entry is a warn!
    this is another ENTRY
    this entry is an INFO
    this is another ENTRY
    this entry is an INFO
    SEVERE this entry is a warn!

    with each line in its own color.

    There are many other way to get colorized text from shell with other tools and they are well descripted by other members.

    share|improve this answer


      Based on @uloBasEI answer, I've tried to use ... | perl ... | perl ..., but Linux pipe gets a bit crazy and is too slow. If I put all rules in only one perl command, it works fine.

      For example, create a perl file as below:

      #!/usr/bin/perl -w

      while(<STDIN>) {
      my $line = $_;
      s/==>.*<==/e[1;44m$&e[0m/gi; #tail multiples files name in blue background
      s/.*exception.*|at .*/e[0;31m$&e[0m/gi; #java errors & stacktraces in red
      s/info.*/e[1;32m$&e[0m/gi; #info replacement in green
      s/warning.*/e[1;33m$&e[0m/gi; #warning replacement in yellow
      print $line, "n";

      Use it as:

      tail -f *.log | perl
      tail -f *.log -f **/*.log | perl

      NOTE: you can use it on MobaXTerm too! Just download perl plug-in from MobaXTerm site.

      share|improve this answer


        tail -f /var/log/logname | source-highlight -f esc -s log

        share|improve this answer

        • 7

          source-highlight isn't a widely installed command, so you should at least give a link to the project site.

          – Gilles
          Mar 16 '11 at 22:45

        • Available in Fedora 19.

          – sjas
          Sep 29 '13 at 14:55

        • And Ubuntu 12.10.

          – sjas
          Sep 29 '13 at 15:10

        • It looks nice. Its a big package compared to others in this list (26MB). It supports a huge list of languages. It can be customized modifying the config files located at: /usr/share/source-highlight/*.lang (Ubuntu). If you need something simple, go with ccze or colortail.

          – lepe
          Jan 27 '14 at 3:46

        • looks like it depends on boost, which is around 462MB

          – ecsos
          May 29 '14 at 21:34


        One solution that works for coloring all sorts of text, not just logfiles, is a Python tool, 'colout'.

        pip install colout
        myprocess | colout REGEX_WITH_GROUPS color1,color2... [attr1,attr2...]

        Where any text in the output of 'myprocess' which matches group 1 of the regex will be colored with color1, group 2 with color2, etc.

        For example:

        tail -f /var/log/mylogfile | colout '^(w+ d+ [d:]+)|( .+()): (.+)$' white,black,cyan bold,bold,normal

        i.e. the first regex group (parens) matches the initial date in the logfile, the second group matches a python filename, line number and function name, and the third group matches the log message that comes after that. This looks like:

        logfile with colored formatting

        Note that lines or parts of lines which don't match any of my regex are still echoed, so this isn't like 'grep --color' - nothing is filtered out of the output.

        Obviously this is flexible enough that you can use it with any process, not just tailing logfiles. I usually just whip up a new regex on the fly any time I want to colorize something. For this reason, I prefer colout to any custom logfile-coloring tool, because I only need to learn one tool, regardless of what I'm coloring: logging, test output, syntax highlighting snippets of code in the terminal, etc.

        share|improve this answer

        • 1

          I haven’t seen a single answer that modified the source log file

          – Dani_l
          Dec 7 '17 at 15:38

        • @Dani_l Right you are! At the time I wrote this, I must have confused myself by flipping back and forth between this and a similar question, to which many of the answers were about how to configure logging such that the ANSI characters were written directly into the log file itself. I'll delete that complaint from my answer.

          – Jonathan Hartley
          Dec 7 '17 at 17:10


        Shameless plug: I wrote a tool called TxtStyle that does something similar as the options mentioned earlier. You can run it as follows:

        tail -f /var/log/syslog | txts --regex 'd+'

        You can also define named styles in the config file (~/.txts.conf) and use it like so:

        ifconfig | txts --name ifconfig

        (ifconfig style is defined out of the box)

        share|improve this answer


          I wrote a bash function that accepts up to three parameters and does a grep-like filter on a text file, and outputs text to the screen in color.

          I would also like to see a tail function that would do this, but haven't found one yet.

          This function can also be improved - I'd appreciate any help on how to make it better.

          function multigrep(){

          #THIS WORKS - Recreate this, using input parameters
          #sed -En '/(App)|(Spe)/p' ./flashlog.txt;

          filename="/Users/stevewarren/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/Logs/flashlog.txt";

          for element in "$@"
          #echo $element;


          #CREATE SED EXPRESSION - '/($1)|($2)|(...)/p'

          paramString="sed -En $paramString ./flashlog.txt"

          echo $paramString;
          echo "${txtbld}$(tput setaf 7)" > ./flashlog_output.txt;
          eval $paramString >> ./flashlog_output.txt;
          echo >> ./flashlog_output.txt;
          #cat ./flashlog_output.txt;

          cat ./flashlog_output.txt | while read LINE

          [[ $1 && ${1-x} ]] &&
          if grep -q $1 <<<$LINE; then
          echo "$(tput setaf 3)$LINE"

          [[ $2 && ${2-x} ]] &&
          if grep -q $2 <<<$LINE; then
          echo "$(tput setaf 7)$LINE"

          [[ $3 && ${3-x} ]] &&
          if grep -q $3 <<<$LINE; then
          echo "$(tput setaf 6)$LINE"


          share|improve this answer


            sure !

            I wrote long a go a function called "egrepi", based on the 8 color variables definitions.
            This works ONLY piped like a "tail -f" colored function.

            1. setColors

            first, the color variables function to be called at first:

            setColors ()
            set -a
            which printf >/dev/null 2>&1 && print=printf || print=print # Mandriva doesn't know about printf

            hide='eval tput civis'
            show='eval tput cnorm'
            CLS=$(tput clear)
            bel=$(tput bel)

            case ${UNAME} in
            # text / foreground
            N=$(${print} '33[1;30m')
            n=$(${print} '33[0;30m')
            R=$(${print} '33[1;31m')
            r=$(${print} '33[0;31m')
            G=$(${print} '33[1;32m')
            g=$(${print} '33[0;32m')
            Y=$(${print} '33[1;33m')
            y=$(${print} '33[0;33m')
            B=$(${print} '33[1;34m')
            b=$(${print} '33[0;34m')
            M=$(${print} '33[1;35m')
            m=$(${print} '33[0;35m')
            C=$(${print} '33[1;36m')
            c=$(${print} '33[0;36m')
            W=$(${print} '33[1;37m')
            w=$(${print} '33[0;37m')
            END=$(${print} '33[0m')

            # background
            RN=$(${print} '33[6;40m')
            Rn=$(${print} '33[40m')
            RR=$(${print} '33[6;41m')
            Rr=$(${print} '33[41m')
            RG=$(${print} '33[6;42m')
            Rg=$(${print} '33[42m')
            RY=$(${print} '33[6;43m')
            Ry=$(${print} '33[43m')
            RB=$(${print} '33[6;44m')
            Rb=$(${print} '33[44m')
            RM=$(${print} '33[6;45m')
            Rm=$(${print} '33[45m')
            RC=$(${print} '33[6;46m')
            Rc=$(${print} '33[46m')
            RW=$(${print} '33[6;47m')
            Rw=$(${print} '33[47m')

            HIGH=$(tput bold)
            SMUL=$(tput smul)
            RMUL=$(tput rmul)
            BLINK=$(tput blink)
            REVERSE=$(tput smso)
            REVERSO=$(tput rmso)
            # text / foreground
            n=$(tput setaf 0)
            r=$(tput setaf 1)
            g=$(tput setaf 2)
            y=$(tput setaf 3)
            b=$(tput setaf 4)
            m=$(tput setaf 5)
            c=$(tput setaf 6)
            w=$(tput setaf 7)
            N=$(tput setaf 8)
            R=$(tput setaf 9)
            G=$(tput setaf 10)
            Y=$(tput setaf 11)
            B=$(tput setaf 12)
            M=$(tput setaf 13)
            C=$(tput setaf 14)
            W=$(tput setaf 15)
            END=$(tput sgr0)

            HIGH=$(tput bold)
            SMUL=$(tput smul)
            RMUL=$(tput rmul)
            BLINK=$(tput blink)
            REVERSE=$(tput smso)
            REVERSO=$(tput rmso)

            # background
            Rn=$(tput setab 0)
            Rr=$(tput setab 1)
            Rg=$(tput setab 2)
            Ry=$(tput setab 3)
            Rb=$(tput setab 4)
            Rm=$(tput setab 5)
            Rc=$(tput setab 6)
            Rw=$(tput setab 7)
            RN=$(tput setab 8)
            RR=$(tput setab 9)
            RG=$(tput setab 10)
            RY=$(tput setab 11)
            RB=$(tput setab 12)
            RM=$(tput setab 13)
            RC=$(tput setab 14)
            RW=$(tput setab 15)



            COLORIZE='eval sed -e "s/{END}/${END}/g" -e "s/{HIGH}/${HIGH}/g" -e "s/{SMUL}/${SMUL}/g" -e "s/{RMUL}/${RMUL}/g" -e "s/{BLINK}/${BLINK}/g" -e "s/{REVERSE}/${REVERSE}/g" -e "s/{REVERSO}/${REVERSO}/g"'
            LOWS=' -e "s/{n}/${n}/g" -e "s/{r}/${r}/g" -e "s/{g}/${g}/g" -e "s/{y}/${y}/g" -e "s/{b}/${b}/g" -e "s/{m}/${m}/g" -e "s/{c}/${c}/g" -e "s/{w}/${w}/g"'
            HIGHS=' -e "s/{N}/${N}/g" -e "s/{R}/${R}/g" -e "s/{G}/${G}/g" -e "s/{Y}/${Y}/g" -e "s/{B}/${B}/g" -e "s/{M}/${M}/g" -e "s/{C}/${C}/g" -e "s/{W}/${W}/g"'
            REVLOWS=' -e "s/{Rn}/${Rn}/g" -e "s/{Rr}/${Rr}/g" -e "s/{Rg}/${Rg}/g" -e "s/{Ry}/${Ry}/g" -e "s/{Rb}/${Rb}/g" -e "s/{Rm}/${Rm}/g" -e "s/{Rc}/${Rc}/g" -e "s/{Rw}/${Rw}/g"'
            REVHIGHS=' -e "s/{RN}/${RN}/g" -e "s/{RR}/${RR}/g" -e "s/{RG}/${RG}/g" -e "s/{RY}/${RY}/g" -e "s/{RB}/${RB}/g" -e "s/{RM}/${RM}/g" -e "s/{RC}/${RC}/g" -e "s/{RW}/${RW}/g"'
            # COLORIZE Usage:
            # command |${COLORIZE} ${LOWS} ${HIGHS} ${REVLOWS} ${REVHIGHS}

            set +a

            2. egrepi

            and the egrepi function, effective and elegant: color cycling between 8 or more colors (your needs) AND tested under 3 different unix OS, with comments :

            # egrepi() egrep with 8 REVERSE cyclic colorations on regexps almost like egrep
            # egrepi
            # current script will work for KSH88, KSH93, bash 2+, zsh, under AIX / Linux / SunOS
            egrepi ()
            # colorList=wBcgymrN # KSH93 or bash 3+, not for AIX
            # set -A color # needed with older sh
            color[0]=$Rw; color[1]=$RB; color[2]=$Rc; color[3]=$Rg; color[4]=$Ry; color[5]=$Rm; color[6]=$Rr; color[7]=$RN; # this is the only one AIX solution
            unset argsToGrep argsSedColor argsPerlColor

            for arg in ${args}
            [ "${arg}" == "." ] && arg=\. # if you wanna grep "."
            # color=R${colorList:((${RANDOM: -1:1})):1} # bash RANDOMized colors
            # color=R${colorList:$i:1} && let i++ && ((i==8)) && i=0 # KSH93 or bash 3+, not for AIX
            # argsSedColor="${argsSedColor} -e s#${arg}#$n${!color}&${w}#gI" # AIX KSH88 do not recognise this fucking variable double expansion
            # argsSedColor="${argsSedColor} -e s#${arg}#$n${color[$i]}&${w}#gI" # AIX neither do include sed with Ignore case
            argsPerlColor="${argsPerlColor}${argsPerlColor:+,}s#${arg}#$n${color[$i]}$&${END}#gi" # So: gotta use perl
            let i+=1 && ((i==8)) && i=0 # AIX KSH88 do not recognise "let i++"
            # egrep -i "${argsToGrep}" | sed ${argsSedColor} | egrep -v "grep|sed" # AIX sed incompatibility with Ignore case
            # (($# > 0)) && (egrep -i "${argsToGrep}" | perl -p -e ${argsPerlColor}) || cat # this line colors & grep the words, will NOT act as "tail -f"
            (($# > 0)) && (perl -p -e ${argsPerlColor}) || cat # this line just colors the words

            3. Usage

            command | egrepi word1 .. wordN

            share|improve this answer


              You might also want to take a look at lwatch:

              tail -f /var/log/syslog | lwatch --input -

              share|improve this answer


                grc for sure!

                customize your collors with regex in the file: ~.grc/conf.tail (or whatever name you want)

                regexp=.*(select .*)$
                regexp=.*(update .*)$
                colours=unchanged,bold yellow
                regexp=.*(insert .*)$
                colours=unchanged,bold yellow
                colours=unchanged,reverse green
                colours=unchanged,underline green,underline magenta

                command line:

                grc -c conf.tail tail -f log/tomcat/catalina.out


                info for configuring grc:

                share|improve this answer


                  As for the color codes, I would use tput:

                  red=$( tput -Txterm setaf 1 )
                  norm=$( tput -Txterm sgr0 )
                  bold=$( tput -Txterm bold )

                  See for reference: man tput


                  tail -F myfile.log | sed "s/(.ERROR.*)/$red$bold1$norm/g"

                  share|improve this answer

                  • Great, thanks. Works like a charm with standard shell functions.

                    – vquintans
                    Jul 13 '18 at 8:56


                  Publishes some time ago Node Js utility - log-color-highlight

                  tail -f file | lch -red error warn -green success
                  lch -f file -red.bold error warn -underline.bgGreen success

                  share|improve this answer

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                    19 Answers




                    19 Answers











                    Try out multitail. This is an übergeneralization of tail -f. You can watch multiple files in separate windows, highlight lines based on their content, and more.

                    multitail -c /path/to/log

                    The colors are configurable. If the default color scheme doesn't work for you, write your own in the config file. For example, call multitail -cS amir_log /path/to/log with the following ~/.multitailrc:


                    Another solution, if you're on a server where it's inconvenient to install non-standard tools, is to combine tail -f with sed or awk to add color selection control sequences. This requires tail -f to flush its standard output without delay even when its standard output is a pipe, I don't know if all implementations do this.

                    tail -f /path/to/log | awk '
                    /INFO/ {print "33[32m" $0 "33[39m"}
                    /SEVERE/ {print "33[31m" $0 "33[39m"}

                    or with sed

                    tail -f /path/to/log | sed --unbuffered 
                    -e 's/(.*INFO.*)/o033[32m1o033[39m/'
                    -e 's/(.*SEVERE.*)/o033[31m1o033[39m/'

                    If your sed isn't GNU sed, replace o033 by a literal escape character.

                    Yet another possibility is to run tail -f in an Emacs shell buffer and use Emacs's syntax coloring abilities.

                    share|improve this answer

                    • how can you do this with sed? (sorry for being lazy and not figuring it out myself!) But would you please add a sed example as well.

                      – Ali
                      Nov 28 '11 at 16:41

                    • 4

                      @Ali Sed is less convenient because it doesn't have a syntax for the escape character, you need to have it literally in the script or use a shell quoting method to work it in. I recommend that you use awk.

                      – Gilles
                      Nov 28 '11 at 17:18

                    • 6

                      @Gilles In your tail -f with awk code, if a string doesn't have INFO and SEVERE, the string isn't be printed. How can I print the remain strings either? (The string doesn't need to be colored)

                      – Benjamin
                      Jun 29 '12 at 10:32

                    • 5

                      @Benjamin Add ; next before the closing braces to skip further processing, and a new processing line 1 {print} at the end (1 means always).

                      – Gilles
                      Jun 29 '12 at 11:58

                    • 2

                      sed --unbuffered -e 's/(.*FATAL.*)/o033[1;31m1o033[0;39m/' -e 's/(.*ERROR.*)/o033[31m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*WARN.*)/o033[33m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*INFO.*)/o033[32m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*DEBUG.*)/o033[34m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*TRACE.*)/o033[30m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*[Ee]xception.*)/o033[1;39m1o033[0;39m/'

                      – DmitrySandalov
                      Sep 7 '18 at 15:07


                    Try out multitail. This is an übergeneralization of tail -f. You can watch multiple files in separate windows, highlight lines based on their content, and more.

                    multitail -c /path/to/log

                    The colors are configurable. If the default color scheme doesn't work for you, write your own in the config file. For example, call multitail -cS amir_log /path/to/log with the following ~/.multitailrc:


                    Another solution, if you're on a server where it's inconvenient to install non-standard tools, is to combine tail -f with sed or awk to add color selection control sequences. This requires tail -f to flush its standard output without delay even when its standard output is a pipe, I don't know if all implementations do this.

                    tail -f /path/to/log | awk '
                    /INFO/ {print "33[32m" $0 "33[39m"}
                    /SEVERE/ {print "33[31m" $0 "33[39m"}

                    or with sed

                    tail -f /path/to/log | sed --unbuffered 
                    -e 's/(.*INFO.*)/o033[32m1o033[39m/'
                    -e 's/(.*SEVERE.*)/o033[31m1o033[39m/'

                    If your sed isn't GNU sed, replace o033 by a literal escape character.

                    Yet another possibility is to run tail -f in an Emacs shell buffer and use Emacs's syntax coloring abilities.

                    share|improve this answer

                    • how can you do this with sed? (sorry for being lazy and not figuring it out myself!) But would you please add a sed example as well.

                      – Ali
                      Nov 28 '11 at 16:41

                    • 4

                      @Ali Sed is less convenient because it doesn't have a syntax for the escape character, you need to have it literally in the script or use a shell quoting method to work it in. I recommend that you use awk.

                      – Gilles
                      Nov 28 '11 at 17:18

                    • 6

                      @Gilles In your tail -f with awk code, if a string doesn't have INFO and SEVERE, the string isn't be printed. How can I print the remain strings either? (The string doesn't need to be colored)

                      – Benjamin
                      Jun 29 '12 at 10:32

                    • 5

                      @Benjamin Add ; next before the closing braces to skip further processing, and a new processing line 1 {print} at the end (1 means always).

                      – Gilles
                      Jun 29 '12 at 11:58

                    • 2

                      sed --unbuffered -e 's/(.*FATAL.*)/o033[1;31m1o033[0;39m/' -e 's/(.*ERROR.*)/o033[31m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*WARN.*)/o033[33m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*INFO.*)/o033[32m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*DEBUG.*)/o033[34m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*TRACE.*)/o033[30m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*[Ee]xception.*)/o033[1;39m1o033[0;39m/'

                      – DmitrySandalov
                      Sep 7 '18 at 15:07




                    Try out multitail. This is an übergeneralization of tail -f. You can watch multiple files in separate windows, highlight lines based on their content, and more.

                    multitail -c /path/to/log

                    The colors are configurable. If the default color scheme doesn't work for you, write your own in the config file. For example, call multitail -cS amir_log /path/to/log with the following ~/.multitailrc:


                    Another solution, if you're on a server where it's inconvenient to install non-standard tools, is to combine tail -f with sed or awk to add color selection control sequences. This requires tail -f to flush its standard output without delay even when its standard output is a pipe, I don't know if all implementations do this.

                    tail -f /path/to/log | awk '
                    /INFO/ {print "33[32m" $0 "33[39m"}
                    /SEVERE/ {print "33[31m" $0 "33[39m"}

                    or with sed

                    tail -f /path/to/log | sed --unbuffered 
                    -e 's/(.*INFO.*)/o033[32m1o033[39m/'
                    -e 's/(.*SEVERE.*)/o033[31m1o033[39m/'

                    If your sed isn't GNU sed, replace o033 by a literal escape character.

                    Yet another possibility is to run tail -f in an Emacs shell buffer and use Emacs's syntax coloring abilities.

                    share|improve this answer

                    Try out multitail. This is an übergeneralization of tail -f. You can watch multiple files in separate windows, highlight lines based on their content, and more.

                    multitail -c /path/to/log

                    The colors are configurable. If the default color scheme doesn't work for you, write your own in the config file. For example, call multitail -cS amir_log /path/to/log with the following ~/.multitailrc:


                    Another solution, if you're on a server where it's inconvenient to install non-standard tools, is to combine tail -f with sed or awk to add color selection control sequences. This requires tail -f to flush its standard output without delay even when its standard output is a pipe, I don't know if all implementations do this.

                    tail -f /path/to/log | awk '
                    /INFO/ {print "33[32m" $0 "33[39m"}
                    /SEVERE/ {print "33[31m" $0 "33[39m"}

                    or with sed

                    tail -f /path/to/log | sed --unbuffered 
                    -e 's/(.*INFO.*)/o033[32m1o033[39m/'
                    -e 's/(.*SEVERE.*)/o033[31m1o033[39m/'

                    If your sed isn't GNU sed, replace o033 by a literal escape character.

                    Yet another possibility is to run tail -f in an Emacs shell buffer and use Emacs's syntax coloring abilities.

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    edited Dec 7 '17 at 15:15

                    Ondra Žižka



                    answered Mar 1 '11 at 20:29




                    • how can you do this with sed? (sorry for being lazy and not figuring it out myself!) But would you please add a sed example as well.

                      – Ali
                      Nov 28 '11 at 16:41

                    • 4

                      @Ali Sed is less convenient because it doesn't have a syntax for the escape character, you need to have it literally in the script or use a shell quoting method to work it in. I recommend that you use awk.

                      – Gilles
                      Nov 28 '11 at 17:18

                    • 6

                      @Gilles In your tail -f with awk code, if a string doesn't have INFO and SEVERE, the string isn't be printed. How can I print the remain strings either? (The string doesn't need to be colored)

                      – Benjamin
                      Jun 29 '12 at 10:32

                    • 5

                      @Benjamin Add ; next before the closing braces to skip further processing, and a new processing line 1 {print} at the end (1 means always).

                      – Gilles
                      Jun 29 '12 at 11:58

                    • 2

                      sed --unbuffered -e 's/(.*FATAL.*)/o033[1;31m1o033[0;39m/' -e 's/(.*ERROR.*)/o033[31m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*WARN.*)/o033[33m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*INFO.*)/o033[32m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*DEBUG.*)/o033[34m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*TRACE.*)/o033[30m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*[Ee]xception.*)/o033[1;39m1o033[0;39m/'

                      – DmitrySandalov
                      Sep 7 '18 at 15:07

                    • how can you do this with sed? (sorry for being lazy and not figuring it out myself!) But would you please add a sed example as well.

                      – Ali
                      Nov 28 '11 at 16:41

                    • 4

                      @Ali Sed is less convenient because it doesn't have a syntax for the escape character, you need to have it literally in the script or use a shell quoting method to work it in. I recommend that you use awk.

                      – Gilles
                      Nov 28 '11 at 17:18

                    • 6

                      @Gilles In your tail -f with awk code, if a string doesn't have INFO and SEVERE, the string isn't be printed. How can I print the remain strings either? (The string doesn't need to be colored)

                      – Benjamin
                      Jun 29 '12 at 10:32

                    • 5

                      @Benjamin Add ; next before the closing braces to skip further processing, and a new processing line 1 {print} at the end (1 means always).

                      – Gilles
                      Jun 29 '12 at 11:58

                    • 2

                      sed --unbuffered -e 's/(.*FATAL.*)/o033[1;31m1o033[0;39m/' -e 's/(.*ERROR.*)/o033[31m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*WARN.*)/o033[33m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*INFO.*)/o033[32m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*DEBUG.*)/o033[34m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*TRACE.*)/o033[30m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*[Ee]xception.*)/o033[1;39m1o033[0;39m/'

                      – DmitrySandalov
                      Sep 7 '18 at 15:07

                    how can you do this with sed? (sorry for being lazy and not figuring it out myself!) But would you please add a sed example as well.

                    – Ali
                    Nov 28 '11 at 16:41

                    how can you do this with sed? (sorry for being lazy and not figuring it out myself!) But would you please add a sed example as well.

                    – Ali
                    Nov 28 '11 at 16:41



                    @Ali Sed is less convenient because it doesn't have a syntax for the escape character, you need to have it literally in the script or use a shell quoting method to work it in. I recommend that you use awk.

                    – Gilles
                    Nov 28 '11 at 17:18

                    @Ali Sed is less convenient because it doesn't have a syntax for the escape character, you need to have it literally in the script or use a shell quoting method to work it in. I recommend that you use awk.

                    – Gilles
                    Nov 28 '11 at 17:18



                    @Gilles In your tail -f with awk code, if a string doesn't have INFO and SEVERE, the string isn't be printed. How can I print the remain strings either? (The string doesn't need to be colored)

                    – Benjamin
                    Jun 29 '12 at 10:32

                    @Gilles In your tail -f with awk code, if a string doesn't have INFO and SEVERE, the string isn't be printed. How can I print the remain strings either? (The string doesn't need to be colored)

                    – Benjamin
                    Jun 29 '12 at 10:32



                    @Benjamin Add ; next before the closing braces to skip further processing, and a new processing line 1 {print} at the end (1 means always).

                    – Gilles
                    Jun 29 '12 at 11:58

                    @Benjamin Add ; next before the closing braces to skip further processing, and a new processing line 1 {print} at the end (1 means always).

                    – Gilles
                    Jun 29 '12 at 11:58



                    sed --unbuffered -e 's/(.*FATAL.*)/o033[1;31m1o033[0;39m/' -e 's/(.*ERROR.*)/o033[31m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*WARN.*)/o033[33m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*INFO.*)/o033[32m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*DEBUG.*)/o033[34m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*TRACE.*)/o033[30m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*[Ee]xception.*)/o033[1;39m1o033[0;39m/'

                    – DmitrySandalov
                    Sep 7 '18 at 15:07

                    sed --unbuffered -e 's/(.*FATAL.*)/o033[1;31m1o033[0;39m/' -e 's/(.*ERROR.*)/o033[31m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*WARN.*)/o033[33m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*INFO.*)/o033[32m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*DEBUG.*)/o033[34m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*TRACE.*)/o033[30m1o033[39m/' -e 's/(.*[Ee]xception.*)/o033[1;39m1o033[0;39m/'

                    – DmitrySandalov
                    Sep 7 '18 at 15:07


                    grc, the generic colouriser is pretty cool.

                    Just do

                    grc tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

                    and enjoy!

                    You’ll also find it on GitHub.

                    share|improve this answer

                    • 2

                      This is exactly what I needed: lightweight and simple. The coloring isn't exactly right for my log types (custom logs) but any coloring makes it easier for me to follow a log.

                      – rennat
                      Oct 21 '11 at 19:49

                    • For me 'grc' on Debian errors out with: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied. Also it depends on Python being installed so it's not relaly lightweight unless you already have it. I have found 'ccze' to work much better, ex. 'tail -f -n 50 /var/log/starbound-server.log | ccze -A'.

                      – Daniel Sokolowski
                      Dec 9 '13 at 3:56

                    • 1

                      grc default settings in Ubuntu didn't display nice for syslogs or mail.log. It is not easy to understand how to customize it.

                      – lepe
                      Jan 27 '14 at 3:34

                    • 1

                      I found it quicker and easier way to colorize than multitail. Just did a quick install via source on my CentOS system and upgraded my life. Will install on my other systems too.

                      – zeeshan
                      Jul 12 '14 at 9:51

                    • 3

                      This looks pretty terrible on nginx logs

                      – mpen
                      Sep 3 '14 at 2:34


                    grc, the generic colouriser is pretty cool.

                    Just do

                    grc tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

                    and enjoy!

                    You’ll also find it on GitHub.

                    share|improve this answer

                    • 2

                      This is exactly what I needed: lightweight and simple. The coloring isn't exactly right for my log types (custom logs) but any coloring makes it easier for me to follow a log.

                      – rennat
                      Oct 21 '11 at 19:49

                    • For me 'grc' on Debian errors out with: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied. Also it depends on Python being installed so it's not relaly lightweight unless you already have it. I have found 'ccze' to work much better, ex. 'tail -f -n 50 /var/log/starbound-server.log | ccze -A'.

                      – Daniel Sokolowski
                      Dec 9 '13 at 3:56

                    • 1

                      grc default settings in Ubuntu didn't display nice for syslogs or mail.log. It is not easy to understand how to customize it.

                      – lepe
                      Jan 27 '14 at 3:34

                    • 1

                      I found it quicker and easier way to colorize than multitail. Just did a quick install via source on my CentOS system and upgraded my life. Will install on my other systems too.

                      – zeeshan
                      Jul 12 '14 at 9:51

                    • 3

                      This looks pretty terrible on nginx logs

                      – mpen
                      Sep 3 '14 at 2:34




                    grc, the generic colouriser is pretty cool.

                    Just do

                    grc tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

                    and enjoy!

                    You’ll also find it on GitHub.

                    share|improve this answer

                    grc, the generic colouriser is pretty cool.

                    Just do

                    grc tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

                    and enjoy!

                    You’ll also find it on GitHub.

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    edited Dec 7 '17 at 14:12

                    Stephen Kitt



                    answered Oct 3 '11 at 14:57




                    • 2

                      This is exactly what I needed: lightweight and simple. The coloring isn't exactly right for my log types (custom logs) but any coloring makes it easier for me to follow a log.

                      – rennat
                      Oct 21 '11 at 19:49

                    • For me 'grc' on Debian errors out with: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied. Also it depends on Python being installed so it's not relaly lightweight unless you already have it. I have found 'ccze' to work much better, ex. 'tail -f -n 50 /var/log/starbound-server.log | ccze -A'.

                      – Daniel Sokolowski
                      Dec 9 '13 at 3:56

                    • 1

                      grc default settings in Ubuntu didn't display nice for syslogs or mail.log. It is not easy to understand how to customize it.

                      – lepe
                      Jan 27 '14 at 3:34

                    • 1

                      I found it quicker and easier way to colorize than multitail. Just did a quick install via source on my CentOS system and upgraded my life. Will install on my other systems too.

                      – zeeshan
                      Jul 12 '14 at 9:51

                    • 3

                      This looks pretty terrible on nginx logs

                      – mpen
                      Sep 3 '14 at 2:34

                    • 2

                      This is exactly what I needed: lightweight and simple. The coloring isn't exactly right for my log types (custom logs) but any coloring makes it easier for me to follow a log.

                      – rennat
                      Oct 21 '11 at 19:49

                    • For me 'grc' on Debian errors out with: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied. Also it depends on Python being installed so it's not relaly lightweight unless you already have it. I have found 'ccze' to work much better, ex. 'tail -f -n 50 /var/log/starbound-server.log | ccze -A'.

                      – Daniel Sokolowski
                      Dec 9 '13 at 3:56

                    • 1

                      grc default settings in Ubuntu didn't display nice for syslogs or mail.log. It is not easy to understand how to customize it.

                      – lepe
                      Jan 27 '14 at 3:34

                    • 1

                      I found it quicker and easier way to colorize than multitail. Just did a quick install via source on my CentOS system and upgraded my life. Will install on my other systems too.

                      – zeeshan
                      Jul 12 '14 at 9:51

                    • 3

                      This looks pretty terrible on nginx logs

                      – mpen
                      Sep 3 '14 at 2:34



                    This is exactly what I needed: lightweight and simple. The coloring isn't exactly right for my log types (custom logs) but any coloring makes it easier for me to follow a log.

                    – rennat
                    Oct 21 '11 at 19:49

                    This is exactly what I needed: lightweight and simple. The coloring isn't exactly right for my log types (custom logs) but any coloring makes it easier for me to follow a log.

                    – rennat
                    Oct 21 '11 at 19:49

                    For me 'grc' on Debian errors out with: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied. Also it depends on Python being installed so it's not relaly lightweight unless you already have it. I have found 'ccze' to work much better, ex. 'tail -f -n 50 /var/log/starbound-server.log | ccze -A'.

                    – Daniel Sokolowski
                    Dec 9 '13 at 3:56

                    For me 'grc' on Debian errors out with: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied. Also it depends on Python being installed so it's not relaly lightweight unless you already have it. I have found 'ccze' to work much better, ex. 'tail -f -n 50 /var/log/starbound-server.log | ccze -A'.

                    – Daniel Sokolowski
                    Dec 9 '13 at 3:56



                    grc default settings in Ubuntu didn't display nice for syslogs or mail.log. It is not easy to understand how to customize it.

                    – lepe
                    Jan 27 '14 at 3:34

                    grc default settings in Ubuntu didn't display nice for syslogs or mail.log. It is not easy to understand how to customize it.

                    – lepe
                    Jan 27 '14 at 3:34



                    I found it quicker and easier way to colorize than multitail. Just did a quick install via source on my CentOS system and upgraded my life. Will install on my other systems too.

                    – zeeshan
                    Jul 12 '14 at 9:51

                    I found it quicker and easier way to colorize than multitail. Just did a quick install via source on my CentOS system and upgraded my life. Will install on my other systems too.

                    – zeeshan
                    Jul 12 '14 at 9:51



                    This looks pretty terrible on nginx logs

                    – mpen
                    Sep 3 '14 at 2:34

                    This looks pretty terrible on nginx logs

                    – mpen
                    Sep 3 '14 at 2:34


                    Have you had a look at ccze? You have the possibility to customize the default colors of some keywords using the option -c or directly in your configuration file. If your screen is clearing after colorizing you must use option -A.


                    If you really would like to have the complete line colored in red, you could also have a try at the following:

                    $ tail -f myfile.log | perl -pe 's/.*SEVERE.*/e[1;31m$&e[0m/g'

                    e[1;31m will give you the red color. If you would like some yellow, use e[1;33m, and for green use e[1;32m. The e[0m restores the normal text color.

                    share|improve this answer

                    • 1

                      This doesn't work on Mac - I'm upvoting it because it works on Linux.

                      – Amir Afghani
                      Mar 1 '11 at 21:33

                    • Upvoting because while the perl/ansi trick might not, ccze does.

                      – Shadur
                      Nov 13 '11 at 16:02

                    • You can also make your terminal send an alert or "beep" by adding 07 to the end of the regex, like so: perl -pe 's/(ERROR)/33[31m$133[0m07/g;'. This works awesome if you are using tmux with set -g bell-action any, in which case if you have your log tailing in another window, that window name will alert whenever the regex finds a match.

                      – jonyamo
                      Nov 13 '12 at 4:15

                    • @AmirAfghani This is a linux/unix SE site, therefore I am not sure why you thought it would work on mac.

                      – BЈовић
                      Jun 4 '13 at 6:06

                    • 1

                      @BЈовић Mac is a Unix.

                      – Chris Down
                      Sep 12 '13 at 19:16


                    Have you had a look at ccze? You have the possibility to customize the default colors of some keywords using the option -c or directly in your configuration file. If your screen is clearing after colorizing you must use option -A.


                    If you really would like to have the complete line colored in red, you could also have a try at the following:

                    $ tail -f myfile.log | perl -pe 's/.*SEVERE.*/e[1;31m$&e[0m/g'

                    e[1;31m will give you the red color. If you would like some yellow, use e[1;33m, and for green use e[1;32m. The e[0m restores the normal text color.

                    share|improve this answer

                    • 1

                      This doesn't work on Mac - I'm upvoting it because it works on Linux.

                      – Amir Afghani
                      Mar 1 '11 at 21:33

                    • Upvoting because while the perl/ansi trick might not, ccze does.

                      – Shadur
                      Nov 13 '11 at 16:02

                    • You can also make your terminal send an alert or "beep" by adding 07 to the end of the regex, like so: perl -pe 's/(ERROR)/33[31m$133[0m07/g;'. This works awesome if you are using tmux with set -g bell-action any, in which case if you have your log tailing in another window, that window name will alert whenever the regex finds a match.

                      – jonyamo
                      Nov 13 '12 at 4:15

                    • @AmirAfghani This is a linux/unix SE site, therefore I am not sure why you thought it would work on mac.

                      – BЈовић
                      Jun 4 '13 at 6:06

                    • 1

                      @BЈовић Mac is a Unix.

                      – Chris Down
                      Sep 12 '13 at 19:16




                    Have you had a look at ccze? You have the possibility to customize the default colors of some keywords using the option -c or directly in your configuration file. If your screen is clearing after colorizing you must use option -A.


                    If you really would like to have the complete line colored in red, you could also have a try at the following:

                    $ tail -f myfile.log | perl -pe 's/.*SEVERE.*/e[1;31m$&e[0m/g'

                    e[1;31m will give you the red color. If you would like some yellow, use e[1;33m, and for green use e[1;32m. The e[0m restores the normal text color.

                    share|improve this answer

                    Have you had a look at ccze? You have the possibility to customize the default colors of some keywords using the option -c or directly in your configuration file. If your screen is clearing after colorizing you must use option -A.


                    If you really would like to have the complete line colored in red, you could also have a try at the following:

                    $ tail -f myfile.log | perl -pe 's/.*SEVERE.*/e[1;31m$&e[0m/g'

                    e[1;31m will give you the red color. If you would like some yellow, use e[1;33m, and for green use e[1;32m. The e[0m restores the normal text color.

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    edited Aug 6 '15 at 7:04

                    Daniel Sokolowski



                    answered Mar 1 '11 at 20:09




                    • 1

                      This doesn't work on Mac - I'm upvoting it because it works on Linux.

                      – Amir Afghani
                      Mar 1 '11 at 21:33

                    • Upvoting because while the perl/ansi trick might not, ccze does.

                      – Shadur
                      Nov 13 '11 at 16:02

                    • You can also make your terminal send an alert or "beep" by adding 07 to the end of the regex, like so: perl -pe 's/(ERROR)/33[31m$133[0m07/g;'. This works awesome if you are using tmux with set -g bell-action any, in which case if you have your log tailing in another window, that window name will alert whenever the regex finds a match.

                      – jonyamo
                      Nov 13 '12 at 4:15

                    • @AmirAfghani This is a linux/unix SE site, therefore I am not sure why you thought it would work on mac.

                      – BЈовић
                      Jun 4 '13 at 6:06

                    • 1

                      @BЈовић Mac is a Unix.

                      – Chris Down
                      Sep 12 '13 at 19:16

                    • 1

                      This doesn't work on Mac - I'm upvoting it because it works on Linux.

                      – Amir Afghani
                      Mar 1 '11 at 21:33

                    • Upvoting because while the perl/ansi trick might not, ccze does.

                      – Shadur
                      Nov 13 '11 at 16:02

                    • You can also make your terminal send an alert or "beep" by adding 07 to the end of the regex, like so: perl -pe 's/(ERROR)/33[31m$133[0m07/g;'. This works awesome if you are using tmux with set -g bell-action any, in which case if you have your log tailing in another window, that window name will alert whenever the regex finds a match.

                      – jonyamo
                      Nov 13 '12 at 4:15

                    • @AmirAfghani This is a linux/unix SE site, therefore I am not sure why you thought it would work on mac.

                      – BЈовић
                      Jun 4 '13 at 6:06

                    • 1

                      @BЈовић Mac is a Unix.

                      – Chris Down
                      Sep 12 '13 at 19:16



                    This doesn't work on Mac - I'm upvoting it because it works on Linux.

                    – Amir Afghani
                    Mar 1 '11 at 21:33

                    This doesn't work on Mac - I'm upvoting it because it works on Linux.

                    – Amir Afghani
                    Mar 1 '11 at 21:33

                    Upvoting because while the perl/ansi trick might not, ccze does.

                    – Shadur
                    Nov 13 '11 at 16:02

                    Upvoting because while the perl/ansi trick might not, ccze does.

                    – Shadur
                    Nov 13 '11 at 16:02

                    You can also make your terminal send an alert or "beep" by adding 07 to the end of the regex, like so: perl -pe 's/(ERROR)/33[31m$133[0m07/g;'. This works awesome if you are using tmux with set -g bell-action any, in which case if you have your log tailing in another window, that window name will alert whenever the regex finds a match.

                    – jonyamo
                    Nov 13 '12 at 4:15

                    You can also make your terminal send an alert or "beep" by adding 07 to the end of the regex, like so: perl -pe 's/(ERROR)/33[31m$133[0m07/g;'. This works awesome if you are using tmux with set -g bell-action any, in which case if you have your log tailing in another window, that window name will alert whenever the regex finds a match.

                    – jonyamo
                    Nov 13 '12 at 4:15

                    @AmirAfghani This is a linux/unix SE site, therefore I am not sure why you thought it would work on mac.

                    – BЈовић
                    Jun 4 '13 at 6:06

                    @AmirAfghani This is a linux/unix SE site, therefore I am not sure why you thought it would work on mac.

                    – BЈовић
                    Jun 4 '13 at 6:06



                    @BЈовић Mac is a Unix.

                    – Chris Down
                    Sep 12 '13 at 19:16

                    @BЈовић Mac is a Unix.

                    – Chris Down
                    Sep 12 '13 at 19:16


                    Have a look at lnav, the advanced log file viewer.


                    It can also pretty print various formats.





                    share|improve this answer


                      Have a look at lnav, the advanced log file viewer.


                      It can also pretty print various formats.





                      share|improve this answer




                        Have a look at lnav, the advanced log file viewer.


                        It can also pretty print various formats.





                        share|improve this answer

                        Have a look at lnav, the advanced log file viewer.


                        It can also pretty print various formats.





                        share|improve this answer

                        share|improve this answer

                        share|improve this answer

                        edited Jul 14 '15 at 23:31

                        answered Feb 24 '15 at 14:46





                            You can use rainbow, which colorizes lines based on regular expressions:

                            rainbow --red='SEVERE.*' --green='INFO.*' tail -f my-file.log

                            It also comes bundled with predefined configs, for example for Tomcat logs:

                            rainbow --config=tomcat tail -f my-file.log

                            share|improve this answer

                            • 1

                              I tried most of the other solutions offered to this question, but rainbow was the only one that worked equally well on sun, aix, linux, termux, darwin, and cygwin -- the 6(!) environments I use on a daily basis. All the others involved difficult non-portable build processes for at least some platforms.

                              – Stabledog
                              May 17 '17 at 15:15


                            You can use rainbow, which colorizes lines based on regular expressions:

                            rainbow --red='SEVERE.*' --green='INFO.*' tail -f my-file.log

                            It also comes bundled with predefined configs, for example for Tomcat logs:

                            rainbow --config=tomcat tail -f my-file.log

                            share|improve this answer

                            • 1

                              I tried most of the other solutions offered to this question, but rainbow was the only one that worked equally well on sun, aix, linux, termux, darwin, and cygwin -- the 6(!) environments I use on a daily basis. All the others involved difficult non-portable build processes for at least some platforms.

                              – Stabledog
                              May 17 '17 at 15:15




                            You can use rainbow, which colorizes lines based on regular expressions:

                            rainbow --red='SEVERE.*' --green='INFO.*' tail -f my-file.log

                            It also comes bundled with predefined configs, for example for Tomcat logs:

                            rainbow --config=tomcat tail -f my-file.log

                            share|improve this answer

                            You can use rainbow, which colorizes lines based on regular expressions:

                            rainbow --red='SEVERE.*' --green='INFO.*' tail -f my-file.log

                            It also comes bundled with predefined configs, for example for Tomcat logs:

                            rainbow --config=tomcat tail -f my-file.log

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            edited May 23 '17 at 10:32

                            answered Mar 2 '11 at 22:28




                            • 1

                              I tried most of the other solutions offered to this question, but rainbow was the only one that worked equally well on sun, aix, linux, termux, darwin, and cygwin -- the 6(!) environments I use on a daily basis. All the others involved difficult non-portable build processes for at least some platforms.

                              – Stabledog
                              May 17 '17 at 15:15

                            • 1

                              I tried most of the other solutions offered to this question, but rainbow was the only one that worked equally well on sun, aix, linux, termux, darwin, and cygwin -- the 6(!) environments I use on a daily basis. All the others involved difficult non-portable build processes for at least some platforms.

                              – Stabledog
                              May 17 '17 at 15:15



                            I tried most of the other solutions offered to this question, but rainbow was the only one that worked equally well on sun, aix, linux, termux, darwin, and cygwin -- the 6(!) environments I use on a daily basis. All the others involved difficult non-portable build processes for at least some platforms.

                            – Stabledog
                            May 17 '17 at 15:15

                            I tried most of the other solutions offered to this question, but rainbow was the only one that worked equally well on sun, aix, linux, termux, darwin, and cygwin -- the 6(!) environments I use on a daily basis. All the others involved difficult non-portable build processes for at least some platforms.

                            – Stabledog
                            May 17 '17 at 15:15


                            You can use colortail:

                            colortail -f /var/log/messages

                            share|improve this answer

                            • 2

                              +1 available at Ubuntu repositories. What I like of colortail compared to ccze is that you can customize freely your patterns using RegEx. Available colors: black, brightblack, white, brightwhite, magenta, brightmagenta, cyan, brightcyan, green,‌​brightgreen, yellow, brightyellow, red,brightred, blue, brightblue. Unfortunately there is no way to set bold or other colors like orange.

                              – lepe
                              Jan 27 '14 at 3:55

                            • I would like to correct one point about my previous comment: "bright"+color includes "bold" (some colors will actually look brighter as well)

                              – lepe
                              Jan 27 '14 at 4:25


                            You can use colortail:

                            colortail -f /var/log/messages

                            share|improve this answer

                            • 2

                              +1 available at Ubuntu repositories. What I like of colortail compared to ccze is that you can customize freely your patterns using RegEx. Available colors: black, brightblack, white, brightwhite, magenta, brightmagenta, cyan, brightcyan, green,‌​brightgreen, yellow, brightyellow, red,brightred, blue, brightblue. Unfortunately there is no way to set bold or other colors like orange.

                              – lepe
                              Jan 27 '14 at 3:55

                            • I would like to correct one point about my previous comment: "bright"+color includes "bold" (some colors will actually look brighter as well)

                              – lepe
                              Jan 27 '14 at 4:25




                            You can use colortail:

                            colortail -f /var/log/messages

                            share|improve this answer

                            You can use colortail:

                            colortail -f /var/log/messages

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            edited Apr 13 '15 at 11:28

                            Eliran Malka



                            answered Apr 26 '13 at 6:16

                            Kartik MKartik M



                            • 2

                              +1 available at Ubuntu repositories. What I like of colortail compared to ccze is that you can customize freely your patterns using RegEx. Available colors: black, brightblack, white, brightwhite, magenta, brightmagenta, cyan, brightcyan, green,‌​brightgreen, yellow, brightyellow, red,brightred, blue, brightblue. Unfortunately there is no way to set bold or other colors like orange.

                              – lepe
                              Jan 27 '14 at 3:55

                            • I would like to correct one point about my previous comment: "bright"+color includes "bold" (some colors will actually look brighter as well)

                              – lepe
                              Jan 27 '14 at 4:25

                            • 2

                              +1 available at Ubuntu repositories. What I like of colortail compared to ccze is that you can customize freely your patterns using RegEx. Available colors: black, brightblack, white, brightwhite, magenta, brightmagenta, cyan, brightcyan, green,‌​brightgreen, yellow, brightyellow, red,brightred, blue, brightblue. Unfortunately there is no way to set bold or other colors like orange.

                              – lepe
                              Jan 27 '14 at 3:55

                            • I would like to correct one point about my previous comment: "bright"+color includes "bold" (some colors will actually look brighter as well)

                              – lepe
                              Jan 27 '14 at 4:25



                            +1 available at Ubuntu repositories. What I like of colortail compared to ccze is that you can customize freely your patterns using RegEx. Available colors: black, brightblack, white, brightwhite, magenta, brightmagenta, cyan, brightcyan, green,‌​brightgreen, yellow, brightyellow, red,brightred, blue, brightblue. Unfortunately there is no way to set bold or other colors like orange.

                            – lepe
                            Jan 27 '14 at 3:55

                            +1 available at Ubuntu repositories. What I like of colortail compared to ccze is that you can customize freely your patterns using RegEx. Available colors: black, brightblack, white, brightwhite, magenta, brightmagenta, cyan, brightcyan, green,‌​brightgreen, yellow, brightyellow, red,brightred, blue, brightblue. Unfortunately there is no way to set bold or other colors like orange.

                            – lepe
                            Jan 27 '14 at 3:55

                            I would like to correct one point about my previous comment: "bright"+color includes "bold" (some colors will actually look brighter as well)

                            – lepe
                            Jan 27 '14 at 4:25

                            I would like to correct one point about my previous comment: "bright"+color includes "bold" (some colors will actually look brighter as well)

                            – lepe
                            Jan 27 '14 at 4:25


                            Also note that if you just want to look for one matching regex, GNU grep with --color will work — just pipe your tail output through that.

                            share|improve this answer

                            • The OP only wanted to highlight the output, not filter it. Grep won't show non-matching lines...

                              – Coderer
                              Jun 30 '14 at 12:36

                            • 3

                              If you say grep  -A9999  -B9999 regex, it will show all lines unless you have 10,000 non-matching lines in a row.  Use something like GREP_COLORS="ms=31:sl=33:cx=32" grep -A9999 -B9999 SEVERE to show the word SEVERE in red, the rest of SEVERE lines in yellow, and all other (non-SEVERE) lines (up to 9999) in green.

                              – G-Man
                              Aug 7 '15 at 2:45

                            • You might need to pass --color=always to grep instead of just --color, depending on the order of your pipe, but yes, this works tail (GNU coreutils) 8.27 installed on my box.

                              – Hank Schultz
                              Jul 2 '18 at 15:26


                            Also note that if you just want to look for one matching regex, GNU grep with --color will work — just pipe your tail output through that.

                            share|improve this answer

                            • The OP only wanted to highlight the output, not filter it. Grep won't show non-matching lines...

                              – Coderer
                              Jun 30 '14 at 12:36

                            • 3

                              If you say grep  -A9999  -B9999 regex, it will show all lines unless you have 10,000 non-matching lines in a row.  Use something like GREP_COLORS="ms=31:sl=33:cx=32" grep -A9999 -B9999 SEVERE to show the word SEVERE in red, the rest of SEVERE lines in yellow, and all other (non-SEVERE) lines (up to 9999) in green.

                              – G-Man
                              Aug 7 '15 at 2:45

                            • You might need to pass --color=always to grep instead of just --color, depending on the order of your pipe, but yes, this works tail (GNU coreutils) 8.27 installed on my box.

                              – Hank Schultz
                              Jul 2 '18 at 15:26




                            Also note that if you just want to look for one matching regex, GNU grep with --color will work — just pipe your tail output through that.

                            share|improve this answer

                            Also note that if you just want to look for one matching regex, GNU grep with --color will work — just pipe your tail output through that.

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            answered Mar 16 '11 at 14:04




                            • The OP only wanted to highlight the output, not filter it. Grep won't show non-matching lines...

                              – Coderer
                              Jun 30 '14 at 12:36

                            • 3

                              If you say grep  -A9999  -B9999 regex, it will show all lines unless you have 10,000 non-matching lines in a row.  Use something like GREP_COLORS="ms=31:sl=33:cx=32" grep -A9999 -B9999 SEVERE to show the word SEVERE in red, the rest of SEVERE lines in yellow, and all other (non-SEVERE) lines (up to 9999) in green.

                              – G-Man
                              Aug 7 '15 at 2:45

                            • You might need to pass --color=always to grep instead of just --color, depending on the order of your pipe, but yes, this works tail (GNU coreutils) 8.27 installed on my box.

                              – Hank Schultz
                              Jul 2 '18 at 15:26

                            • The OP only wanted to highlight the output, not filter it. Grep won't show non-matching lines...

                              – Coderer
                              Jun 30 '14 at 12:36

                            • 3

                              If you say grep  -A9999  -B9999 regex, it will show all lines unless you have 10,000 non-matching lines in a row.  Use something like GREP_COLORS="ms=31:sl=33:cx=32" grep -A9999 -B9999 SEVERE to show the word SEVERE in red, the rest of SEVERE lines in yellow, and all other (non-SEVERE) lines (up to 9999) in green.

                              – G-Man
                              Aug 7 '15 at 2:45

                            • You might need to pass --color=always to grep instead of just --color, depending on the order of your pipe, but yes, this works tail (GNU coreutils) 8.27 installed on my box.

                              – Hank Schultz
                              Jul 2 '18 at 15:26

                            The OP only wanted to highlight the output, not filter it. Grep won't show non-matching lines...

                            – Coderer
                            Jun 30 '14 at 12:36

                            The OP only wanted to highlight the output, not filter it. Grep won't show non-matching lines...

                            – Coderer
                            Jun 30 '14 at 12:36



                            If you say grep  -A9999  -B9999 regex, it will show all lines unless you have 10,000 non-matching lines in a row.  Use something like GREP_COLORS="ms=31:sl=33:cx=32" grep -A9999 -B9999 SEVERE to show the word SEVERE in red, the rest of SEVERE lines in yellow, and all other (non-SEVERE) lines (up to 9999) in green.

                            – G-Man
                            Aug 7 '15 at 2:45

                            If you say grep  -A9999  -B9999 regex, it will show all lines unless you have 10,000 non-matching lines in a row.  Use something like GREP_COLORS="ms=31:sl=33:cx=32" grep -A9999 -B9999 SEVERE to show the word SEVERE in red, the rest of SEVERE lines in yellow, and all other (non-SEVERE) lines (up to 9999) in green.

                            – G-Man
                            Aug 7 '15 at 2:45

                            You might need to pass --color=always to grep instead of just --color, depending on the order of your pipe, but yes, this works tail (GNU coreutils) 8.27 installed on my box.

                            – Hank Schultz
                            Jul 2 '18 at 15:26

                            You might need to pass --color=always to grep instead of just --color, depending on the order of your pipe, but yes, this works tail (GNU coreutils) 8.27 installed on my box.

                            – Hank Schultz
                            Jul 2 '18 at 15:26


                            I quite like colorex. Simple, yet satisfying.

                            tail -f /var/log/syslog | colorex -G '[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}' -b $(hostname)

                            share|improve this answer

                            • 9

                              how is that simple?

                              – Eliran Malka
                              Apr 13 '15 at 10:40


                            I quite like colorex. Simple, yet satisfying.

                            tail -f /var/log/syslog | colorex -G '[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}' -b $(hostname)

                            share|improve this answer

                            • 9

                              how is that simple?

                              – Eliran Malka
                              Apr 13 '15 at 10:40




                            I quite like colorex. Simple, yet satisfying.

                            tail -f /var/log/syslog | colorex -G '[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}' -b $(hostname)

                            share|improve this answer

                            I quite like colorex. Simple, yet satisfying.

                            tail -f /var/log/syslog | colorex -G '[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}' -b $(hostname)

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            answered Dec 18 '12 at 17:52

                            Brian M. HuntBrian M. Hunt



                            • 9

                              how is that simple?

                              – Eliran Malka
                              Apr 13 '15 at 10:40

                            • 9

                              how is that simple?

                              – Eliran Malka
                              Apr 13 '15 at 10:40



                            how is that simple?

                            – Eliran Malka
                            Apr 13 '15 at 10:40

                            how is that simple?

                            – Eliran Malka
                            Apr 13 '15 at 10:40


                            To get colored output from standard commands like grep, you should set this alias in your .bashrc

                            # User specific aliases and functions
                            alias grep='grep --color=auto'

                            when you grep something in your file you see something like this, (but probably in red):

                            [root@linuxbox mydir]# grep "(INFO|SEVERE)" /var/log/logname
                            this entry is an INFO
                            SEVERE this entry is a warn!
                            this entry is an INFO
                            this entry is an INFO
                            SEVERE this entry is a warn!

                            if want to use tail or awk and want that the color survive to a pipe, then the alias is not enough and you should use the --color=always parameter, for example:

                            [root@linubox mydir]# grep --color=always "(INFO|SEVERE)" /var/log/logname | tail -f | awk '{ print $1 }'

                            If you want color text with awk the story is a little bit complex but more powerfull, for example:

                            [root@linubox mydir]# tail -f /var/log/messages | awk '{if ($5 ~ /INFO/) print "33[1;32m"$0"33[0m"; else if ($1 ~ /SEVERE/) print "33[1;31m"$0"33[0m"; else print $0}'
                            this entry is an INFO
                            SEVERE this entry is a warn!
                            this is another ENTRY
                            this entry is an INFO
                            this is another ENTRY
                            this entry is an INFO
                            SEVERE this entry is a warn!

                            with each line in its own color.

                            There are many other way to get colorized text from shell with other tools and they are well descripted by other members.

                            share|improve this answer


                              To get colored output from standard commands like grep, you should set this alias in your .bashrc

                              # User specific aliases and functions
                              alias grep='grep --color=auto'

                              when you grep something in your file you see something like this, (but probably in red):

                              [root@linuxbox mydir]# grep "(INFO|SEVERE)" /var/log/logname
                              this entry is an INFO
                              SEVERE this entry is a warn!
                              this entry is an INFO
                              this entry is an INFO
                              SEVERE this entry is a warn!

                              if want to use tail or awk and want that the color survive to a pipe, then the alias is not enough and you should use the --color=always parameter, for example:

                              [root@linubox mydir]# grep --color=always "(INFO|SEVERE)" /var/log/logname | tail -f | awk '{ print $1 }'

                              If you want color text with awk the story is a little bit complex but more powerfull, for example:

                              [root@linubox mydir]# tail -f /var/log/messages | awk '{if ($5 ~ /INFO/) print "33[1;32m"$0"33[0m"; else if ($1 ~ /SEVERE/) print "33[1;31m"$0"33[0m"; else print $0}'
                              this entry is an INFO
                              SEVERE this entry is a warn!
                              this is another ENTRY
                              this entry is an INFO
                              this is another ENTRY
                              this entry is an INFO
                              SEVERE this entry is a warn!

                              with each line in its own color.

                              There are many other way to get colorized text from shell with other tools and they are well descripted by other members.

                              share|improve this answer




                                To get colored output from standard commands like grep, you should set this alias in your .bashrc

                                # User specific aliases and functions
                                alias grep='grep --color=auto'

                                when you grep something in your file you see something like this, (but probably in red):

                                [root@linuxbox mydir]# grep "(INFO|SEVERE)" /var/log/logname
                                this entry is an INFO
                                SEVERE this entry is a warn!
                                this entry is an INFO
                                this entry is an INFO
                                SEVERE this entry is a warn!

                                if want to use tail or awk and want that the color survive to a pipe, then the alias is not enough and you should use the --color=always parameter, for example:

                                [root@linubox mydir]# grep --color=always "(INFO|SEVERE)" /var/log/logname | tail -f | awk '{ print $1 }'

                                If you want color text with awk the story is a little bit complex but more powerfull, for example:

                                [root@linubox mydir]# tail -f /var/log/messages | awk '{if ($5 ~ /INFO/) print "33[1;32m"$0"33[0m"; else if ($1 ~ /SEVERE/) print "33[1;31m"$0"33[0m"; else print $0}'
                                this entry is an INFO
                                SEVERE this entry is a warn!
                                this is another ENTRY
                                this entry is an INFO
                                this is another ENTRY
                                this entry is an INFO
                                SEVERE this entry is a warn!

                                with each line in its own color.

                                There are many other way to get colorized text from shell with other tools and they are well descripted by other members.

                                share|improve this answer

                                To get colored output from standard commands like grep, you should set this alias in your .bashrc

                                # User specific aliases and functions
                                alias grep='grep --color=auto'

                                when you grep something in your file you see something like this, (but probably in red):

                                [root@linuxbox mydir]# grep "(INFO|SEVERE)" /var/log/logname
                                this entry is an INFO
                                SEVERE this entry is a warn!
                                this entry is an INFO
                                this entry is an INFO
                                SEVERE this entry is a warn!

                                if want to use tail or awk and want that the color survive to a pipe, then the alias is not enough and you should use the --color=always parameter, for example:

                                [root@linubox mydir]# grep --color=always "(INFO|SEVERE)" /var/log/logname | tail -f | awk '{ print $1 }'

                                If you want color text with awk the story is a little bit complex but more powerfull, for example:

                                [root@linubox mydir]# tail -f /var/log/messages | awk '{if ($5 ~ /INFO/) print "33[1;32m"$0"33[0m"; else if ($1 ~ /SEVERE/) print "33[1;31m"$0"33[0m"; else print $0}'
                                this entry is an INFO
                                SEVERE this entry is a warn!
                                this is another ENTRY
                                this entry is an INFO
                                this is another ENTRY
                                this entry is an INFO
                                SEVERE this entry is a warn!

                                with each line in its own color.

                                There are many other way to get colorized text from shell with other tools and they are well descripted by other members.

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                answered Aug 3 '12 at 15:57





                                    Based on @uloBasEI answer, I've tried to use ... | perl ... | perl ..., but Linux pipe gets a bit crazy and is too slow. If I put all rules in only one perl command, it works fine.

                                    For example, create a perl file as below:

                                    #!/usr/bin/perl -w

                                    while(<STDIN>) {
                                    my $line = $_;
                                    s/==>.*<==/e[1;44m$&e[0m/gi; #tail multiples files name in blue background
                                    s/.*exception.*|at .*/e[0;31m$&e[0m/gi; #java errors & stacktraces in red
                                    s/info.*/e[1;32m$&e[0m/gi; #info replacement in green
                                    s/warning.*/e[1;33m$&e[0m/gi; #warning replacement in yellow
                                    print $line, "n";

                                    Use it as:

                                    tail -f *.log | perl
                                    tail -f *.log -f **/*.log | perl

                                    NOTE: you can use it on MobaXTerm too! Just download perl plug-in from MobaXTerm site.

                                    share|improve this answer


                                      Based on @uloBasEI answer, I've tried to use ... | perl ... | perl ..., but Linux pipe gets a bit crazy and is too slow. If I put all rules in only one perl command, it works fine.

                                      For example, create a perl file as below:

                                      #!/usr/bin/perl -w

                                      while(<STDIN>) {
                                      my $line = $_;
                                      s/==>.*<==/e[1;44m$&e[0m/gi; #tail multiples files name in blue background
                                      s/.*exception.*|at .*/e[0;31m$&e[0m/gi; #java errors & stacktraces in red
                                      s/info.*/e[1;32m$&e[0m/gi; #info replacement in green
                                      s/warning.*/e[1;33m$&e[0m/gi; #warning replacement in yellow
                                      print $line, "n";

                                      Use it as:

                                      tail -f *.log | perl
                                      tail -f *.log -f **/*.log | perl

                                      NOTE: you can use it on MobaXTerm too! Just download perl plug-in from MobaXTerm site.

                                      share|improve this answer




                                        Based on @uloBasEI answer, I've tried to use ... | perl ... | perl ..., but Linux pipe gets a bit crazy and is too slow. If I put all rules in only one perl command, it works fine.

                                        For example, create a perl file as below:

                                        #!/usr/bin/perl -w

                                        while(<STDIN>) {
                                        my $line = $_;
                                        s/==>.*<==/e[1;44m$&e[0m/gi; #tail multiples files name in blue background
                                        s/.*exception.*|at .*/e[0;31m$&e[0m/gi; #java errors & stacktraces in red
                                        s/info.*/e[1;32m$&e[0m/gi; #info replacement in green
                                        s/warning.*/e[1;33m$&e[0m/gi; #warning replacement in yellow
                                        print $line, "n";

                                        Use it as:

                                        tail -f *.log | perl
                                        tail -f *.log -f **/*.log | perl

                                        NOTE: you can use it on MobaXTerm too! Just download perl plug-in from MobaXTerm site.

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        Based on @uloBasEI answer, I've tried to use ... | perl ... | perl ..., but Linux pipe gets a bit crazy and is too slow. If I put all rules in only one perl command, it works fine.

                                        For example, create a perl file as below:

                                        #!/usr/bin/perl -w

                                        while(<STDIN>) {
                                        my $line = $_;
                                        s/==>.*<==/e[1;44m$&e[0m/gi; #tail multiples files name in blue background
                                        s/.*exception.*|at .*/e[0;31m$&e[0m/gi; #java errors & stacktraces in red
                                        s/info.*/e[1;32m$&e[0m/gi; #info replacement in green
                                        s/warning.*/e[1;33m$&e[0m/gi; #warning replacement in yellow
                                        print $line, "n";

                                        Use it as:

                                        tail -f *.log | perl
                                        tail -f *.log -f **/*.log | perl

                                        NOTE: you can use it on MobaXTerm too! Just download perl plug-in from MobaXTerm site.

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        edited Jul 10 '14 at 13:41




                                        answered Jul 10 '14 at 13:08





                                            tail -f /var/log/logname | source-highlight -f esc -s log

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            • 7

                                              source-highlight isn't a widely installed command, so you should at least give a link to the project site.

                                              – Gilles
                                              Mar 16 '11 at 22:45

                                            • Available in Fedora 19.

                                              – sjas
                                              Sep 29 '13 at 14:55

                                            • And Ubuntu 12.10.

                                              – sjas
                                              Sep 29 '13 at 15:10

                                            • It looks nice. Its a big package compared to others in this list (26MB). It supports a huge list of languages. It can be customized modifying the config files located at: /usr/share/source-highlight/*.lang (Ubuntu). If you need something simple, go with ccze or colortail.

                                              – lepe
                                              Jan 27 '14 at 3:46

                                            • looks like it depends on boost, which is around 462MB

                                              – ecsos
                                              May 29 '14 at 21:34


                                            tail -f /var/log/logname | source-highlight -f esc -s log

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            • 7

                                              source-highlight isn't a widely installed command, so you should at least give a link to the project site.

                                              – Gilles
                                              Mar 16 '11 at 22:45

                                            • Available in Fedora 19.

                                              – sjas
                                              Sep 29 '13 at 14:55

                                            • And Ubuntu 12.10.

                                              – sjas
                                              Sep 29 '13 at 15:10

                                            • It looks nice. Its a big package compared to others in this list (26MB). It supports a huge list of languages. It can be customized modifying the config files located at: /usr/share/source-highlight/*.lang (Ubuntu). If you need something simple, go with ccze or colortail.

                                              – lepe
                                              Jan 27 '14 at 3:46

                                            • looks like it depends on boost, which is around 462MB

                                              – ecsos
                                              May 29 '14 at 21:34




                                            tail -f /var/log/logname | source-highlight -f esc -s log

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            tail -f /var/log/logname | source-highlight -f esc -s log

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            answered Mar 16 '11 at 11:56


                                            • 7

                                              source-highlight isn't a widely installed command, so you should at least give a link to the project site.

                                              – Gilles
                                              Mar 16 '11 at 22:45

                                            • Available in Fedora 19.

                                              – sjas
                                              Sep 29 '13 at 14:55

                                            • And Ubuntu 12.10.

                                              – sjas
                                              Sep 29 '13 at 15:10

                                            • It looks nice. Its a big package compared to others in this list (26MB). It supports a huge list of languages. It can be customized modifying the config files located at: /usr/share/source-highlight/*.lang (Ubuntu). If you need something simple, go with ccze or colortail.

                                              – lepe
                                              Jan 27 '14 at 3:46

                                            • looks like it depends on boost, which is around 462MB

                                              – ecsos
                                              May 29 '14 at 21:34

                                            • 7

                                              source-highlight isn't a widely installed command, so you should at least give a link to the project site.

                                              – Gilles
                                              Mar 16 '11 at 22:45

                                            • Available in Fedora 19.

                                              – sjas
                                              Sep 29 '13 at 14:55

                                            • And Ubuntu 12.10.

                                              – sjas
                                              Sep 29 '13 at 15:10

                                            • It looks nice. Its a big package compared to others in this list (26MB). It supports a huge list of languages. It can be customized modifying the config files located at: /usr/share/source-highlight/*.lang (Ubuntu). If you need something simple, go with ccze or colortail.

                                              – lepe
                                              Jan 27 '14 at 3:46

                                            • looks like it depends on boost, which is around 462MB

                                              – ecsos
                                              May 29 '14 at 21:34



                                            source-highlight isn't a widely installed command, so you should at least give a link to the project site.

                                            – Gilles
                                            Mar 16 '11 at 22:45

                                            source-highlight isn't a widely installed command, so you should at least give a link to the project site.

                                            – Gilles
                                            Mar 16 '11 at 22:45

                                            Available in Fedora 19.

                                            – sjas
                                            Sep 29 '13 at 14:55

                                            Available in Fedora 19.

                                            – sjas
                                            Sep 29 '13 at 14:55

                                            And Ubuntu 12.10.

                                            – sjas
                                            Sep 29 '13 at 15:10

                                            And Ubuntu 12.10.

                                            – sjas
                                            Sep 29 '13 at 15:10

                                            It looks nice. Its a big package compared to others in this list (26MB). It supports a huge list of languages. It can be customized modifying the config files located at: /usr/share/source-highlight/*.lang (Ubuntu). If you need something simple, go with ccze or colortail.

                                            – lepe
                                            Jan 27 '14 at 3:46

                                            It looks nice. Its a big package compared to others in this list (26MB). It supports a huge list of languages. It can be customized modifying the config files located at: /usr/share/source-highlight/*.lang (Ubuntu). If you need something simple, go with ccze or colortail.

                                            – lepe
                                            Jan 27 '14 at 3:46

                                            looks like it depends on boost, which is around 462MB

                                            – ecsos
                                            May 29 '14 at 21:34

                                            looks like it depends on boost, which is around 462MB

                                            – ecsos
                                            May 29 '14 at 21:34


                                            One solution that works for coloring all sorts of text, not just logfiles, is a Python tool, 'colout'.

                                            pip install colout
                                            myprocess | colout REGEX_WITH_GROUPS color1,color2... [attr1,attr2...]

                                            Where any text in the output of 'myprocess' which matches group 1 of the regex will be colored with color1, group 2 with color2, etc.

                                            For example:

                                            tail -f /var/log/mylogfile | colout '^(w+ d+ [d:]+)|( .+()): (.+)$' white,black,cyan bold,bold,normal

                                            i.e. the first regex group (parens) matches the initial date in the logfile, the second group matches a python filename, line number and function name, and the third group matches the log message that comes after that. This looks like:

                                            logfile with colored formatting

                                            Note that lines or parts of lines which don't match any of my regex are still echoed, so this isn't like 'grep --color' - nothing is filtered out of the output.

                                            Obviously this is flexible enough that you can use it with any process, not just tailing logfiles. I usually just whip up a new regex on the fly any time I want to colorize something. For this reason, I prefer colout to any custom logfile-coloring tool, because I only need to learn one tool, regardless of what I'm coloring: logging, test output, syntax highlighting snippets of code in the terminal, etc.

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            • 1

                                              I haven’t seen a single answer that modified the source log file

                                              – Dani_l
                                              Dec 7 '17 at 15:38

                                            • @Dani_l Right you are! At the time I wrote this, I must have confused myself by flipping back and forth between this and a similar question, to which many of the answers were about how to configure logging such that the ANSI characters were written directly into the log file itself. I'll delete that complaint from my answer.

                                              – Jonathan Hartley
                                              Dec 7 '17 at 17:10


                                            One solution that works for coloring all sorts of text, not just logfiles, is a Python tool, 'colout'.

                                            pip install colout
                                            myprocess | colout REGEX_WITH_GROUPS color1,color2... [attr1,attr2...]

                                            Where any text in the output of 'myprocess' which matches group 1 of the regex will be colored with color1, group 2 with color2, etc.

                                            For example:

                                            tail -f /var/log/mylogfile | colout '^(w+ d+ [d:]+)|( .+()): (.+)$' white,black,cyan bold,bold,normal

                                            i.e. the first regex group (parens) matches the initial date in the logfile, the second group matches a python filename, line number and function name, and the third group matches the log message that comes after that. This looks like:

                                            logfile with colored formatting

                                            Note that lines or parts of lines which don't match any of my regex are still echoed, so this isn't like 'grep --color' - nothing is filtered out of the output.

                                            Obviously this is flexible enough that you can use it with any process, not just tailing logfiles. I usually just whip up a new regex on the fly any time I want to colorize something. For this reason, I prefer colout to any custom logfile-coloring tool, because I only need to learn one tool, regardless of what I'm coloring: logging, test output, syntax highlighting snippets of code in the terminal, etc.

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            • 1

                                              I haven’t seen a single answer that modified the source log file

                                              – Dani_l
                                              Dec 7 '17 at 15:38

                                            • @Dani_l Right you are! At the time I wrote this, I must have confused myself by flipping back and forth between this and a similar question, to which many of the answers were about how to configure logging such that the ANSI characters were written directly into the log file itself. I'll delete that complaint from my answer.

                                              – Jonathan Hartley
                                              Dec 7 '17 at 17:10




                                            One solution that works for coloring all sorts of text, not just logfiles, is a Python tool, 'colout'.

                                            pip install colout
                                            myprocess | colout REGEX_WITH_GROUPS color1,color2... [attr1,attr2...]

                                            Where any text in the output of 'myprocess' which matches group 1 of the regex will be colored with color1, group 2 with color2, etc.

                                            For example:

                                            tail -f /var/log/mylogfile | colout '^(w+ d+ [d:]+)|( .+()): (.+)$' white,black,cyan bold,bold,normal

                                            i.e. the first regex group (parens) matches the initial date in the logfile, the second group matches a python filename, line number and function name, and the third group matches the log message that comes after that. This looks like:

                                            logfile with colored formatting

                                            Note that lines or parts of lines which don't match any of my regex are still echoed, so this isn't like 'grep --color' - nothing is filtered out of the output.

                                            Obviously this is flexible enough that you can use it with any process, not just tailing logfiles. I usually just whip up a new regex on the fly any time I want to colorize something. For this reason, I prefer colout to any custom logfile-coloring tool, because I only need to learn one tool, regardless of what I'm coloring: logging, test output, syntax highlighting snippets of code in the terminal, etc.

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            One solution that works for coloring all sorts of text, not just logfiles, is a Python tool, 'colout'.

                                            pip install colout
                                            myprocess | colout REGEX_WITH_GROUPS color1,color2... [attr1,attr2...]

                                            Where any text in the output of 'myprocess' which matches group 1 of the regex will be colored with color1, group 2 with color2, etc.

                                            For example:

                                            tail -f /var/log/mylogfile | colout '^(w+ d+ [d:]+)|( .+()): (.+)$' white,black,cyan bold,bold,normal

                                            i.e. the first regex group (parens) matches the initial date in the logfile, the second group matches a python filename, line number and function name, and the third group matches the log message that comes after that. This looks like:

                                            logfile with colored formatting

                                            Note that lines or parts of lines which don't match any of my regex are still echoed, so this isn't like 'grep --color' - nothing is filtered out of the output.

                                            Obviously this is flexible enough that you can use it with any process, not just tailing logfiles. I usually just whip up a new regex on the fly any time I want to colorize something. For this reason, I prefer colout to any custom logfile-coloring tool, because I only need to learn one tool, regardless of what I'm coloring: logging, test output, syntax highlighting snippets of code in the terminal, etc.

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            edited Dec 7 '17 at 17:12

                                            answered Aug 19 '15 at 10:44

                                            Jonathan HartleyJonathan Hartley



                                            • 1

                                              I haven’t seen a single answer that modified the source log file

                                              – Dani_l
                                              Dec 7 '17 at 15:38

                                            • @Dani_l Right you are! At the time I wrote this, I must have confused myself by flipping back and forth between this and a similar question, to which many of the answers were about how to configure logging such that the ANSI characters were written directly into the log file itself. I'll delete that complaint from my answer.

                                              – Jonathan Hartley
                                              Dec 7 '17 at 17:10

                                            • 1

                                              I haven’t seen a single answer that modified the source log file

                                              – Dani_l
                                              Dec 7 '17 at 15:38

                                            • @Dani_l Right you are! At the time I wrote this, I must have confused myself by flipping back and forth between this and a similar question, to which many of the answers were about how to configure logging such that the ANSI characters were written directly into the log file itself. I'll delete that complaint from my answer.

                                              – Jonathan Hartley
                                              Dec 7 '17 at 17:10



                                            I haven’t seen a single answer that modified the source log file

                                            – Dani_l
                                            Dec 7 '17 at 15:38

                                            I haven’t seen a single answer that modified the source log file

                                            – Dani_l
                                            Dec 7 '17 at 15:38

                                            @Dani_l Right you are! At the time I wrote this, I must have confused myself by flipping back and forth between this and a similar question, to which many of the answers were about how to configure logging such that the ANSI characters were written directly into the log file itself. I'll delete that complaint from my answer.

                                            – Jonathan Hartley
                                            Dec 7 '17 at 17:10

                                            @Dani_l Right you are! At the time I wrote this, I must have confused myself by flipping back and forth between this and a similar question, to which many of the answers were about how to configure logging such that the ANSI characters were written directly into the log file itself. I'll delete that complaint from my answer.

                                            – Jonathan Hartley
                                            Dec 7 '17 at 17:10


                                            Shameless plug: I wrote a tool called TxtStyle that does something similar as the options mentioned earlier. You can run it as follows:

                                            tail -f /var/log/syslog | txts --regex 'd+'

                                            You can also define named styles in the config file (~/.txts.conf) and use it like so:

                                            ifconfig | txts --name ifconfig

                                            (ifconfig style is defined out of the box)

                                            share|improve this answer


                                              Shameless plug: I wrote a tool called TxtStyle that does something similar as the options mentioned earlier. You can run it as follows:

                                              tail -f /var/log/syslog | txts --regex 'd+'

                                              You can also define named styles in the config file (~/.txts.conf) and use it like so:

                                              ifconfig | txts --name ifconfig

                                              (ifconfig style is defined out of the box)

                                              share|improve this answer




                                                Shameless plug: I wrote a tool called TxtStyle that does something similar as the options mentioned earlier. You can run it as follows:

                                                tail -f /var/log/syslog | txts --regex 'd+'

                                                You can also define named styles in the config file (~/.txts.conf) and use it like so:

                                                ifconfig | txts --name ifconfig

                                                (ifconfig style is defined out of the box)

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                Shameless plug: I wrote a tool called TxtStyle that does something similar as the options mentioned earlier. You can run it as follows:

                                                tail -f /var/log/syslog | txts --regex 'd+'

                                                You can also define named styles in the config file (~/.txts.conf) and use it like so:

                                                ifconfig | txts --name ifconfig

                                                (ifconfig style is defined out of the box)

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                answered Feb 4 '13 at 20:51





                                                    I wrote a bash function that accepts up to three parameters and does a grep-like filter on a text file, and outputs text to the screen in color.

                                                    I would also like to see a tail function that would do this, but haven't found one yet.

                                                    This function can also be improved - I'd appreciate any help on how to make it better.

                                                    function multigrep(){

                                                    #THIS WORKS - Recreate this, using input parameters
                                                    #sed -En '/(App)|(Spe)/p' ./flashlog.txt;

                                                    filename="/Users/stevewarren/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/Logs/flashlog.txt";

                                                    for element in "$@"
                                                    #echo $element;

                                                    #TRIM FINAL | OFF PARAMSTRING

                                                    #CREATE SED EXPRESSION - '/($1)|($2)|(...)/p'

                                                    #CREATE SED FUNCTION, CALL ON FILE
                                                    paramString="sed -En $paramString ./flashlog.txt"

                                                    echo $paramString;
                                                    echo "${txtbld}$(tput setaf 7)" > ./flashlog_output.txt;
                                                    eval $paramString >> ./flashlog_output.txt;
                                                    echo >> ./flashlog_output.txt;
                                                    #cat ./flashlog_output.txt;

                                                    cat ./flashlog_output.txt | while read LINE

                                                    [[ $1 && ${1-x} ]] &&
                                                    if grep -q $1 <<<$LINE; then
                                                    echo "$(tput setaf 3)$LINE"

                                                    [[ $2 && ${2-x} ]] &&
                                                    if grep -q $2 <<<$LINE; then
                                                    echo "$(tput setaf 7)$LINE"

                                                    [[ $3 && ${3-x} ]] &&
                                                    if grep -q $3 <<<$LINE; then
                                                    echo "$(tput setaf 6)$LINE"


                                                    share|improve this answer


                                                      I wrote a bash function that accepts up to three parameters and does a grep-like filter on a text file, and outputs text to the screen in color.

                                                      I would also like to see a tail function that would do this, but haven't found one yet.

                                                      This function can also be improved - I'd appreciate any help on how to make it better.

                                                      function multigrep(){

                                                      #THIS WORKS - Recreate this, using input parameters
                                                      #sed -En '/(App)|(Spe)/p' ./flashlog.txt;

                                                      filename="/Users/stevewarren/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/Logs/flashlog.txt";

                                                      for element in "$@"
                                                      #echo $element;

                                                      #TRIM FINAL | OFF PARAMSTRING

                                                      #CREATE SED EXPRESSION - '/($1)|($2)|(...)/p'

                                                      #CREATE SED FUNCTION, CALL ON FILE
                                                      paramString="sed -En $paramString ./flashlog.txt"

                                                      echo $paramString;
                                                      echo "${txtbld}$(tput setaf 7)" > ./flashlog_output.txt;
                                                      eval $paramString >> ./flashlog_output.txt;
                                                      echo >> ./flashlog_output.txt;
                                                      #cat ./flashlog_output.txt;

                                                      cat ./flashlog_output.txt | while read LINE

                                                      [[ $1 && ${1-x} ]] &&
                                                      if grep -q $1 <<<$LINE; then
                                                      echo "$(tput setaf 3)$LINE"

                                                      [[ $2 && ${2-x} ]] &&
                                                      if grep -q $2 <<<$LINE; then
                                                      echo "$(tput setaf 7)$LINE"

                                                      [[ $3 && ${3-x} ]] &&
                                                      if grep -q $3 <<<$LINE; then
                                                      echo "$(tput setaf 6)$LINE"


                                                      share|improve this answer




                                                        I wrote a bash function that accepts up to three parameters and does a grep-like filter on a text file, and outputs text to the screen in color.

                                                        I would also like to see a tail function that would do this, but haven't found one yet.

                                                        This function can also be improved - I'd appreciate any help on how to make it better.

                                                        function multigrep(){

                                                        #THIS WORKS - Recreate this, using input parameters
                                                        #sed -En '/(App)|(Spe)/p' ./flashlog.txt;

                                                        filename="/Users/stevewarren/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/Logs/flashlog.txt";

                                                        for element in "$@"
                                                        #echo $element;

                                                        #TRIM FINAL | OFF PARAMSTRING

                                                        #CREATE SED EXPRESSION - '/($1)|($2)|(...)/p'

                                                        #CREATE SED FUNCTION, CALL ON FILE
                                                        paramString="sed -En $paramString ./flashlog.txt"

                                                        echo $paramString;
                                                        echo "${txtbld}$(tput setaf 7)" > ./flashlog_output.txt;
                                                        eval $paramString >> ./flashlog_output.txt;
                                                        echo >> ./flashlog_output.txt;
                                                        #cat ./flashlog_output.txt;

                                                        cat ./flashlog_output.txt | while read LINE

                                                        [[ $1 && ${1-x} ]] &&
                                                        if grep -q $1 <<<$LINE; then
                                                        echo "$(tput setaf 3)$LINE"

                                                        [[ $2 && ${2-x} ]] &&
                                                        if grep -q $2 <<<$LINE; then
                                                        echo "$(tput setaf 7)$LINE"

                                                        [[ $3 && ${3-x} ]] &&
                                                        if grep -q $3 <<<$LINE; then
                                                        echo "$(tput setaf 6)$LINE"


                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                        I wrote a bash function that accepts up to three parameters and does a grep-like filter on a text file, and outputs text to the screen in color.

                                                        I would also like to see a tail function that would do this, but haven't found one yet.

                                                        This function can also be improved - I'd appreciate any help on how to make it better.

                                                        function multigrep(){

                                                        #THIS WORKS - Recreate this, using input parameters
                                                        #sed -En '/(App)|(Spe)/p' ./flashlog.txt;

                                                        filename="/Users/stevewarren/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/Logs/flashlog.txt";

                                                        for element in "$@"
                                                        #echo $element;

                                                        #TRIM FINAL | OFF PARAMSTRING

                                                        #CREATE SED EXPRESSION - '/($1)|($2)|(...)/p'

                                                        #CREATE SED FUNCTION, CALL ON FILE
                                                        paramString="sed -En $paramString ./flashlog.txt"

                                                        echo $paramString;
                                                        echo "${txtbld}$(tput setaf 7)" > ./flashlog_output.txt;
                                                        eval $paramString >> ./flashlog_output.txt;
                                                        echo >> ./flashlog_output.txt;
                                                        #cat ./flashlog_output.txt;

                                                        cat ./flashlog_output.txt | while read LINE

                                                        [[ $1 && ${1-x} ]] &&
                                                        if grep -q $1 <<<$LINE; then
                                                        echo "$(tput setaf 3)$LINE"

                                                        [[ $2 && ${2-x} ]] &&
                                                        if grep -q $2 <<<$LINE; then
                                                        echo "$(tput setaf 7)$LINE"

                                                        [[ $3 && ${3-x} ]] &&
                                                        if grep -q $3 <<<$LINE; then
                                                        echo "$(tput setaf 6)$LINE"


                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                        answered Mar 4 '13 at 20:43

                                                        Steve WarrenSteve Warren




                                                            sure !

                                                            I wrote long a go a function called "egrepi", based on the 8 color variables definitions.
                                                            This works ONLY piped like a "tail -f" colored function.

                                                            1. setColors

                                                            first, the color variables function to be called at first:

                                                            setColors ()
                                                            set -a
                                                            which printf >/dev/null 2>&1 && print=printf || print=print # Mandriva doesn't know about printf

                                                            hide='eval tput civis'
                                                            show='eval tput cnorm'
                                                            CLS=$(tput clear)
                                                            bel=$(tput bel)

                                                            case ${UNAME} in
                                                            # text / foreground
                                                            N=$(${print} '33[1;30m')
                                                            n=$(${print} '33[0;30m')
                                                            R=$(${print} '33[1;31m')
                                                            r=$(${print} '33[0;31m')
                                                            G=$(${print} '33[1;32m')
                                                            g=$(${print} '33[0;32m')
                                                            Y=$(${print} '33[1;33m')
                                                            y=$(${print} '33[0;33m')
                                                            B=$(${print} '33[1;34m')
                                                            b=$(${print} '33[0;34m')
                                                            M=$(${print} '33[1;35m')
                                                            m=$(${print} '33[0;35m')
                                                            C=$(${print} '33[1;36m')
                                                            c=$(${print} '33[0;36m')
                                                            W=$(${print} '33[1;37m')
                                                            w=$(${print} '33[0;37m')
                                                            END=$(${print} '33[0m')

                                                            # background
                                                            RN=$(${print} '33[6;40m')
                                                            Rn=$(${print} '33[40m')
                                                            RR=$(${print} '33[6;41m')
                                                            Rr=$(${print} '33[41m')
                                                            RG=$(${print} '33[6;42m')
                                                            Rg=$(${print} '33[42m')
                                                            RY=$(${print} '33[6;43m')
                                                            Ry=$(${print} '33[43m')
                                                            RB=$(${print} '33[6;44m')
                                                            Rb=$(${print} '33[44m')
                                                            RM=$(${print} '33[6;45m')
                                                            Rm=$(${print} '33[45m')
                                                            RC=$(${print} '33[6;46m')
                                                            Rc=$(${print} '33[46m')
                                                            RW=$(${print} '33[6;47m')
                                                            Rw=$(${print} '33[47m')

                                                            HIGH=$(tput bold)
                                                            SMUL=$(tput smul)
                                                            RMUL=$(tput rmul)
                                                            BLINK=$(tput blink)
                                                            REVERSE=$(tput smso)
                                                            REVERSO=$(tput rmso)
                                                            # text / foreground
                                                            n=$(tput setaf 0)
                                                            r=$(tput setaf 1)
                                                            g=$(tput setaf 2)
                                                            y=$(tput setaf 3)
                                                            b=$(tput setaf 4)
                                                            m=$(tput setaf 5)
                                                            c=$(tput setaf 6)
                                                            w=$(tput setaf 7)
                                                            N=$(tput setaf 8)
                                                            R=$(tput setaf 9)
                                                            G=$(tput setaf 10)
                                                            Y=$(tput setaf 11)
                                                            B=$(tput setaf 12)
                                                            M=$(tput setaf 13)
                                                            C=$(tput setaf 14)
                                                            W=$(tput setaf 15)
                                                            END=$(tput sgr0)

                                                            HIGH=$(tput bold)
                                                            SMUL=$(tput smul)
                                                            RMUL=$(tput rmul)
                                                            BLINK=$(tput blink)
                                                            REVERSE=$(tput smso)
                                                            REVERSO=$(tput rmso)

                                                            # background
                                                            Rn=$(tput setab 0)
                                                            Rr=$(tput setab 1)
                                                            Rg=$(tput setab 2)
                                                            Ry=$(tput setab 3)
                                                            Rb=$(tput setab 4)
                                                            Rm=$(tput setab 5)
                                                            Rc=$(tput setab 6)
                                                            Rw=$(tput setab 7)
                                                            RN=$(tput setab 8)
                                                            RR=$(tput setab 9)
                                                            RG=$(tput setab 10)
                                                            RY=$(tput setab 11)
                                                            RB=$(tput setab 12)
                                                            RM=$(tput setab 13)
                                                            RC=$(tput setab 14)
                                                            RW=$(tput setab 15)



                                                            COLORIZE='eval sed -e "s/{END}/${END}/g" -e "s/{HIGH}/${HIGH}/g" -e "s/{SMUL}/${SMUL}/g" -e "s/{RMUL}/${RMUL}/g" -e "s/{BLINK}/${BLINK}/g" -e "s/{REVERSE}/${REVERSE}/g" -e "s/{REVERSO}/${REVERSO}/g"'
                                                            LOWS=' -e "s/{n}/${n}/g" -e "s/{r}/${r}/g" -e "s/{g}/${g}/g" -e "s/{y}/${y}/g" -e "s/{b}/${b}/g" -e "s/{m}/${m}/g" -e "s/{c}/${c}/g" -e "s/{w}/${w}/g"'
                                                            HIGHS=' -e "s/{N}/${N}/g" -e "s/{R}/${R}/g" -e "s/{G}/${G}/g" -e "s/{Y}/${Y}/g" -e "s/{B}/${B}/g" -e "s/{M}/${M}/g" -e "s/{C}/${C}/g" -e "s/{W}/${W}/g"'
                                                            REVLOWS=' -e "s/{Rn}/${Rn}/g" -e "s/{Rr}/${Rr}/g" -e "s/{Rg}/${Rg}/g" -e "s/{Ry}/${Ry}/g" -e "s/{Rb}/${Rb}/g" -e "s/{Rm}/${Rm}/g" -e "s/{Rc}/${Rc}/g" -e "s/{Rw}/${Rw}/g"'
                                                            REVHIGHS=' -e "s/{RN}/${RN}/g" -e "s/{RR}/${RR}/g" -e "s/{RG}/${RG}/g" -e "s/{RY}/${RY}/g" -e "s/{RB}/${RB}/g" -e "s/{RM}/${RM}/g" -e "s/{RC}/${RC}/g" -e "s/{RW}/${RW}/g"'
                                                            # COLORIZE Usage:
                                                            # command |${COLORIZE} ${LOWS} ${HIGHS} ${REVLOWS} ${REVHIGHS}

                                                            set +a

                                                            2. egrepi

                                                            and the egrepi function, effective and elegant: color cycling between 8 or more colors (your needs) AND tested under 3 different unix OS, with comments :

                                                            # egrepi() egrep with 8 REVERSE cyclic colorations on regexps almost like egrep
                                                            # egrepi
                                                            # current script will work for KSH88, KSH93, bash 2+, zsh, under AIX / Linux / SunOS
                                                            egrepi ()
                                                            # colorList=wBcgymrN # KSH93 or bash 3+, not for AIX
                                                            # set -A color # needed with older sh
                                                            color[0]=$Rw; color[1]=$RB; color[2]=$Rc; color[3]=$Rg; color[4]=$Ry; color[5]=$Rm; color[6]=$Rr; color[7]=$RN; # this is the only one AIX solution
                                                            unset argsToGrep argsSedColor argsPerlColor

                                                            for arg in ${args}
                                                            [ "${arg}" == "." ] && arg=\. # if you wanna grep "."
                                                            # color=R${colorList:((${RANDOM: -1:1})):1} # bash RANDOMized colors
                                                            # color=R${colorList:$i:1} && let i++ && ((i==8)) && i=0 # KSH93 or bash 3+, not for AIX
                                                            # argsSedColor="${argsSedColor} -e s#${arg}#$n${!color}&${w}#gI" # AIX KSH88 do not recognise this fucking variable double expansion
                                                            # argsSedColor="${argsSedColor} -e s#${arg}#$n${color[$i]}&${w}#gI" # AIX neither do include sed with Ignore case
                                                            argsPerlColor="${argsPerlColor}${argsPerlColor:+,}s#${arg}#$n${color[$i]}$&${END}#gi" # So: gotta use perl
                                                            let i+=1 && ((i==8)) && i=0 # AIX KSH88 do not recognise "let i++"
                                                            # egrep -i "${argsToGrep}" | sed ${argsSedColor} | egrep -v "grep|sed" # AIX sed incompatibility with Ignore case
                                                            # (($# > 0)) && (egrep -i "${argsToGrep}" | perl -p -e ${argsPerlColor}) || cat # this line colors & grep the words, will NOT act as "tail -f"
                                                            (($# > 0)) && (perl -p -e ${argsPerlColor}) || cat # this line just colors the words

                                                            3. Usage

                                                            command | egrepi word1 .. wordN

                                                            share|improve this answer


                                                              sure !

                                                              I wrote long a go a function called "egrepi", based on the 8 color variables definitions.
                                                              This works ONLY piped like a "tail -f" colored function.

                                                              1. setColors

                                                              first, the color variables function to be called at first:

                                                              setColors ()
                                                              set -a
                                                              which printf >/dev/null 2>&1 && print=printf || print=print # Mandriva doesn't know about printf

                                                              hide='eval tput civis'
                                                              show='eval tput cnorm'
                                                              CLS=$(tput clear)
                                                              bel=$(tput bel)

                                                              case ${UNAME} in
                                                              # text / foreground
                                                              N=$(${print} '33[1;30m')
                                                              n=$(${print} '33[0;30m')
                                                              R=$(${print} '33[1;31m')
                                                              r=$(${print} '33[0;31m')
                                                              G=$(${print} '33[1;32m')
                                                              g=$(${print} '33[0;32m')
                                                              Y=$(${print} '33[1;33m')
                                                              y=$(${print} '33[0;33m')
                                                              B=$(${print} '33[1;34m')
                                                              b=$(${print} '33[0;34m')
                                                              M=$(${print} '33[1;35m')
                                                              m=$(${print} '33[0;35m')
                                                              C=$(${print} '33[1;36m')
                                                              c=$(${print} '33[0;36m')
                                                              W=$(${print} '33[1;37m')
                                                              w=$(${print} '33[0;37m')
                                                              END=$(${print} '33[0m')

                                                              # background
                                                              RN=$(${print} '33[6;40m')
                                                              Rn=$(${print} '33[40m')
                                                              RR=$(${print} '33[6;41m')
                                                              Rr=$(${print} '33[41m')
                                                              RG=$(${print} '33[6;42m')
                                                              Rg=$(${print} '33[42m')
                                                              RY=$(${print} '33[6;43m')
                                                              Ry=$(${print} '33[43m')
                                                              RB=$(${print} '33[6;44m')
                                                              Rb=$(${print} '33[44m')
                                                              RM=$(${print} '33[6;45m')
                                                              Rm=$(${print} '33[45m')
                                                              RC=$(${print} '33[6;46m')
                                                              Rc=$(${print} '33[46m')
                                                              RW=$(${print} '33[6;47m')
                                                              Rw=$(${print} '33[47m')

                                                              HIGH=$(tput bold)
                                                              SMUL=$(tput smul)
                                                              RMUL=$(tput rmul)
                                                              BLINK=$(tput blink)
                                                              REVERSE=$(tput smso)
                                                              REVERSO=$(tput rmso)
                                                              # text / foreground
                                                              n=$(tput setaf 0)
                                                              r=$(tput setaf 1)
                                                              g=$(tput setaf 2)
                                                              y=$(tput setaf 3)
                                                              b=$(tput setaf 4)
                                                              m=$(tput setaf 5)
                                                              c=$(tput setaf 6)
                                                              w=$(tput setaf 7)
                                                              N=$(tput setaf 8)
                                                              R=$(tput setaf 9)
                                                              G=$(tput setaf 10)
                                                              Y=$(tput setaf 11)
                                                              B=$(tput setaf 12)
                                                              M=$(tput setaf 13)
                                                              C=$(tput setaf 14)
                                                              W=$(tput setaf 15)
                                                              END=$(tput sgr0)

                                                              HIGH=$(tput bold)
                                                              SMUL=$(tput smul)
                                                              RMUL=$(tput rmul)
                                                              BLINK=$(tput blink)
                                                              REVERSE=$(tput smso)
                                                              REVERSO=$(tput rmso)

                                                              # background
                                                              Rn=$(tput setab 0)
                                                              Rr=$(tput setab 1)
                                                              Rg=$(tput setab 2)
                                                              Ry=$(tput setab 3)
                                                              Rb=$(tput setab 4)
                                                              Rm=$(tput setab 5)
                                                              Rc=$(tput setab 6)
                                                              Rw=$(tput setab 7)
                                                              RN=$(tput setab 8)
                                                              RR=$(tput setab 9)
                                                              RG=$(tput setab 10)
                                                              RY=$(tput setab 11)
                                                              RB=$(tput setab 12)
                                                              RM=$(tput setab 13)
                                                              RC=$(tput setab 14)
                                                              RW=$(tput setab 15)



                                                              COLORIZE='eval sed -e "s/{END}/${END}/g" -e "s/{HIGH}/${HIGH}/g" -e "s/{SMUL}/${SMUL}/g" -e "s/{RMUL}/${RMUL}/g" -e "s/{BLINK}/${BLINK}/g" -e "s/{REVERSE}/${REVERSE}/g" -e "s/{REVERSO}/${REVERSO}/g"'
                                                              LOWS=' -e "s/{n}/${n}/g" -e "s/{r}/${r}/g" -e "s/{g}/${g}/g" -e "s/{y}/${y}/g" -e "s/{b}/${b}/g" -e "s/{m}/${m}/g" -e "s/{c}/${c}/g" -e "s/{w}/${w}/g"'
                                                              HIGHS=' -e "s/{N}/${N}/g" -e "s/{R}/${R}/g" -e "s/{G}/${G}/g" -e "s/{Y}/${Y}/g" -e "s/{B}/${B}/g" -e "s/{M}/${M}/g" -e "s/{C}/${C}/g" -e "s/{W}/${W}/g"'
                                                              REVLOWS=' -e "s/{Rn}/${Rn}/g" -e "s/{Rr}/${Rr}/g" -e "s/{Rg}/${Rg}/g" -e "s/{Ry}/${Ry}/g" -e "s/{Rb}/${Rb}/g" -e "s/{Rm}/${Rm}/g" -e "s/{Rc}/${Rc}/g" -e "s/{Rw}/${Rw}/g"'
                                                              REVHIGHS=' -e "s/{RN}/${RN}/g" -e "s/{RR}/${RR}/g" -e "s/{RG}/${RG}/g" -e "s/{RY}/${RY}/g" -e "s/{RB}/${RB}/g" -e "s/{RM}/${RM}/g" -e "s/{RC}/${RC}/g" -e "s/{RW}/${RW}/g"'
                                                              # COLORIZE Usage:
                                                              # command |${COLORIZE} ${LOWS} ${HIGHS} ${REVLOWS} ${REVHIGHS}

                                                              set +a

                                                              2. egrepi

                                                              and the egrepi function, effective and elegant: color cycling between 8 or more colors (your needs) AND tested under 3 different unix OS, with comments :

                                                              # egrepi() egrep with 8 REVERSE cyclic colorations on regexps almost like egrep
                                                              # egrepi
                                                              # current script will work for KSH88, KSH93, bash 2+, zsh, under AIX / Linux / SunOS
                                                              egrepi ()
                                                              # colorList=wBcgymrN # KSH93 or bash 3+, not for AIX
                                                              # set -A color # needed with older sh
                                                              color[0]=$Rw; color[1]=$RB; color[2]=$Rc; color[3]=$Rg; color[4]=$Ry; color[5]=$Rm; color[6]=$Rr; color[7]=$RN; # this is the only one AIX solution
                                                              unset argsToGrep argsSedColor argsPerlColor

                                                              for arg in ${args}
                                                              [ "${arg}" == "." ] && arg=\. # if you wanna grep "."
                                                              # color=R${colorList:((${RANDOM: -1:1})):1} # bash RANDOMized colors
                                                              # color=R${colorList:$i:1} && let i++ && ((i==8)) && i=0 # KSH93 or bash 3+, not for AIX
                                                              # argsSedColor="${argsSedColor} -e s#${arg}#$n${!color}&${w}#gI" # AIX KSH88 do not recognise this fucking variable double expansion
                                                              # argsSedColor="${argsSedColor} -e s#${arg}#$n${color[$i]}&${w}#gI" # AIX neither do include sed with Ignore case
                                                              argsPerlColor="${argsPerlColor}${argsPerlColor:+,}s#${arg}#$n${color[$i]}$&${END}#gi" # So: gotta use perl
                                                              let i+=1 && ((i==8)) && i=0 # AIX KSH88 do not recognise "let i++"
                                                              # egrep -i "${argsToGrep}" | sed ${argsSedColor} | egrep -v "grep|sed" # AIX sed incompatibility with Ignore case
                                                              # (($# > 0)) && (egrep -i "${argsToGrep}" | perl -p -e ${argsPerlColor}) || cat # this line colors & grep the words, will NOT act as "tail -f"
                                                              (($# > 0)) && (perl -p -e ${argsPerlColor}) || cat # this line just colors the words

                                                              3. Usage

                                                              command | egrepi word1 .. wordN

                                                              share|improve this answer




                                                                sure !

                                                                I wrote long a go a function called "egrepi", based on the 8 color variables definitions.
                                                                This works ONLY piped like a "tail -f" colored function.

                                                                1. setColors

                                                                first, the color variables function to be called at first:

                                                                setColors ()
                                                                set -a
                                                                which printf >/dev/null 2>&1 && print=printf || print=print # Mandriva doesn't know about printf

                                                                hide='eval tput civis'
                                                                show='eval tput cnorm'
                                                                CLS=$(tput clear)
                                                                bel=$(tput bel)

                                                                case ${UNAME} in
                                                                # text / foreground
                                                                N=$(${print} '33[1;30m')
                                                                n=$(${print} '33[0;30m')
                                                                R=$(${print} '33[1;31m')
                                                                r=$(${print} '33[0;31m')
                                                                G=$(${print} '33[1;32m')
                                                                g=$(${print} '33[0;32m')
                                                                Y=$(${print} '33[1;33m')
                                                                y=$(${print} '33[0;33m')
                                                                B=$(${print} '33[1;34m')
                                                                b=$(${print} '33[0;34m')
                                                                M=$(${print} '33[1;35m')
                                                                m=$(${print} '33[0;35m')
                                                                C=$(${print} '33[1;36m')
                                                                c=$(${print} '33[0;36m')
                                                                W=$(${print} '33[1;37m')
                                                                w=$(${print} '33[0;37m')
                                                                END=$(${print} '33[0m')

                                                                # background
                                                                RN=$(${print} '33[6;40m')
                                                                Rn=$(${print} '33[40m')
                                                                RR=$(${print} '33[6;41m')
                                                                Rr=$(${print} '33[41m')
                                                                RG=$(${print} '33[6;42m')
                                                                Rg=$(${print} '33[42m')
                                                                RY=$(${print} '33[6;43m')
                                                                Ry=$(${print} '33[43m')
                                                                RB=$(${print} '33[6;44m')
                                                                Rb=$(${print} '33[44m')
                                                                RM=$(${print} '33[6;45m')
                                                                Rm=$(${print} '33[45m')
                                                                RC=$(${print} '33[6;46m')
                                                                Rc=$(${print} '33[46m')
                                                                RW=$(${print} '33[6;47m')
                                                                Rw=$(${print} '33[47m')

                                                                HIGH=$(tput bold)
                                                                SMUL=$(tput smul)
                                                                RMUL=$(tput rmul)
                                                                BLINK=$(tput blink)
                                                                REVERSE=$(tput smso)
                                                                REVERSO=$(tput rmso)
                                                                # text / foreground
                                                                n=$(tput setaf 0)
                                                                r=$(tput setaf 1)
                                                                g=$(tput setaf 2)
                                                                y=$(tput setaf 3)
                                                                b=$(tput setaf 4)
                                                                m=$(tput setaf 5)
                                                                c=$(tput setaf 6)
                                                                w=$(tput setaf 7)
                                                                N=$(tput setaf 8)
                                                                R=$(tput setaf 9)
                                                                G=$(tput setaf 10)
                                                                Y=$(tput setaf 11)
                                                                B=$(tput setaf 12)
                                                                M=$(tput setaf 13)
                                                                C=$(tput setaf 14)
                                                                W=$(tput setaf 15)
                                                                END=$(tput sgr0)

                                                                HIGH=$(tput bold)
                                                                SMUL=$(tput smul)
                                                                RMUL=$(tput rmul)
                                                                BLINK=$(tput blink)
                                                                REVERSE=$(tput smso)
                                                                REVERSO=$(tput rmso)

                                                                # background
                                                                Rn=$(tput setab 0)
                                                                Rr=$(tput setab 1)
                                                                Rg=$(tput setab 2)
                                                                Ry=$(tput setab 3)
                                                                Rb=$(tput setab 4)
                                                                Rm=$(tput setab 5)
                                                                Rc=$(tput setab 6)
                                                                Rw=$(tput setab 7)
                                                                RN=$(tput setab 8)
                                                                RR=$(tput setab 9)
                                                                RG=$(tput setab 10)
                                                                RY=$(tput setab 11)
                                                                RB=$(tput setab 12)
                                                                RM=$(tput setab 13)
                                                                RC=$(tput setab 14)
                                                                RW=$(tput setab 15)



                                                                COLORIZE='eval sed -e "s/{END}/${END}/g" -e "s/{HIGH}/${HIGH}/g" -e "s/{SMUL}/${SMUL}/g" -e "s/{RMUL}/${RMUL}/g" -e "s/{BLINK}/${BLINK}/g" -e "s/{REVERSE}/${REVERSE}/g" -e "s/{REVERSO}/${REVERSO}/g"'
                                                                LOWS=' -e "s/{n}/${n}/g" -e "s/{r}/${r}/g" -e "s/{g}/${g}/g" -e "s/{y}/${y}/g" -e "s/{b}/${b}/g" -e "s/{m}/${m}/g" -e "s/{c}/${c}/g" -e "s/{w}/${w}/g"'
                                                                HIGHS=' -e "s/{N}/${N}/g" -e "s/{R}/${R}/g" -e "s/{G}/${G}/g" -e "s/{Y}/${Y}/g" -e "s/{B}/${B}/g" -e "s/{M}/${M}/g" -e "s/{C}/${C}/g" -e "s/{W}/${W}/g"'
                                                                REVLOWS=' -e "s/{Rn}/${Rn}/g" -e "s/{Rr}/${Rr}/g" -e "s/{Rg}/${Rg}/g" -e "s/{Ry}/${Ry}/g" -e "s/{Rb}/${Rb}/g" -e "s/{Rm}/${Rm}/g" -e "s/{Rc}/${Rc}/g" -e "s/{Rw}/${Rw}/g"'
                                                                REVHIGHS=' -e "s/{RN}/${RN}/g" -e "s/{RR}/${RR}/g" -e "s/{RG}/${RG}/g" -e "s/{RY}/${RY}/g" -e "s/{RB}/${RB}/g" -e "s/{RM}/${RM}/g" -e "s/{RC}/${RC}/g" -e "s/{RW}/${RW}/g"'
                                                                # COLORIZE Usage:
                                                                # command |${COLORIZE} ${LOWS} ${HIGHS} ${REVLOWS} ${REVHIGHS}

                                                                set +a

                                                                2. egrepi

                                                                and the egrepi function, effective and elegant: color cycling between 8 or more colors (your needs) AND tested under 3 different unix OS, with comments :

                                                                # egrepi() egrep with 8 REVERSE cyclic colorations on regexps almost like egrep
                                                                # egrepi
                                                                # current script will work for KSH88, KSH93, bash 2+, zsh, under AIX / Linux / SunOS
                                                                egrepi ()
                                                                # colorList=wBcgymrN # KSH93 or bash 3+, not for AIX
                                                                # set -A color # needed with older sh
                                                                color[0]=$Rw; color[1]=$RB; color[2]=$Rc; color[3]=$Rg; color[4]=$Ry; color[5]=$Rm; color[6]=$Rr; color[7]=$RN; # this is the only one AIX solution
                                                                unset argsToGrep argsSedColor argsPerlColor

                                                                for arg in ${args}
                                                                [ "${arg}" == "." ] && arg=\. # if you wanna grep "."
                                                                # color=R${colorList:((${RANDOM: -1:1})):1} # bash RANDOMized colors
                                                                # color=R${colorList:$i:1} && let i++ && ((i==8)) && i=0 # KSH93 or bash 3+, not for AIX
                                                                # argsSedColor="${argsSedColor} -e s#${arg}#$n${!color}&${w}#gI" # AIX KSH88 do not recognise this fucking variable double expansion
                                                                # argsSedColor="${argsSedColor} -e s#${arg}#$n${color[$i]}&${w}#gI" # AIX neither do include sed with Ignore case
                                                                argsPerlColor="${argsPerlColor}${argsPerlColor:+,}s#${arg}#$n${color[$i]}$&${END}#gi" # So: gotta use perl
                                                                let i+=1 && ((i==8)) && i=0 # AIX KSH88 do not recognise "let i++"
                                                                # egrep -i "${argsToGrep}" | sed ${argsSedColor} | egrep -v "grep|sed" # AIX sed incompatibility with Ignore case
                                                                # (($# > 0)) && (egrep -i "${argsToGrep}" | perl -p -e ${argsPerlColor}) || cat # this line colors & grep the words, will NOT act as "tail -f"
                                                                (($# > 0)) && (perl -p -e ${argsPerlColor}) || cat # this line just colors the words

                                                                3. Usage

                                                                command | egrepi word1 .. wordN

                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                sure !

                                                                I wrote long a go a function called "egrepi", based on the 8 color variables definitions.
                                                                This works ONLY piped like a "tail -f" colored function.

                                                                1. setColors

                                                                first, the color variables function to be called at first:

                                                                setColors ()
                                                                set -a
                                                                which printf >/dev/null 2>&1 && print=printf || print=print # Mandriva doesn't know about printf

                                                                hide='eval tput civis'
                                                                show='eval tput cnorm'
                                                                CLS=$(tput clear)
                                                                bel=$(tput bel)

                                                                case ${UNAME} in
                                                                # text / foreground
                                                                N=$(${print} '33[1;30m')
                                                                n=$(${print} '33[0;30m')
                                                                R=$(${print} '33[1;31m')
                                                                r=$(${print} '33[0;31m')
                                                                G=$(${print} '33[1;32m')
                                                                g=$(${print} '33[0;32m')
                                                                Y=$(${print} '33[1;33m')
                                                                y=$(${print} '33[0;33m')
                                                                B=$(${print} '33[1;34m')
                                                                b=$(${print} '33[0;34m')
                                                                M=$(${print} '33[1;35m')
                                                                m=$(${print} '33[0;35m')
                                                                C=$(${print} '33[1;36m')
                                                                c=$(${print} '33[0;36m')
                                                                W=$(${print} '33[1;37m')
                                                                w=$(${print} '33[0;37m')
                                                                END=$(${print} '33[0m')

                                                                # background
                                                                RN=$(${print} '33[6;40m')
                                                                Rn=$(${print} '33[40m')
                                                                RR=$(${print} '33[6;41m')
                                                                Rr=$(${print} '33[41m')
                                                                RG=$(${print} '33[6;42m')
                                                                Rg=$(${print} '33[42m')
                                                                RY=$(${print} '33[6;43m')
                                                                Ry=$(${print} '33[43m')
                                                                RB=$(${print} '33[6;44m')
                                                                Rb=$(${print} '33[44m')
                                                                RM=$(${print} '33[6;45m')
                                                                Rm=$(${print} '33[45m')
                                                                RC=$(${print} '33[6;46m')
                                                                Rc=$(${print} '33[46m')
                                                                RW=$(${print} '33[6;47m')
                                                                Rw=$(${print} '33[47m')

                                                                HIGH=$(tput bold)
                                                                SMUL=$(tput smul)
                                                                RMUL=$(tput rmul)
                                                                BLINK=$(tput blink)
                                                                REVERSE=$(tput smso)
                                                                REVERSO=$(tput rmso)
                                                                # text / foreground
                                                                n=$(tput setaf 0)
                                                                r=$(tput setaf 1)
                                                                g=$(tput setaf 2)
                                                                y=$(tput setaf 3)
                                                                b=$(tput setaf 4)
                                                                m=$(tput setaf 5)
                                                                c=$(tput setaf 6)
                                                                w=$(tput setaf 7)
                                                                N=$(tput setaf 8)
                                                                R=$(tput setaf 9)
                                                                G=$(tput setaf 10)
                                                                Y=$(tput setaf 11)
                                                                B=$(tput setaf 12)
                                                                M=$(tput setaf 13)
                                                                C=$(tput setaf 14)
                                                                W=$(tput setaf 15)
                                                                END=$(tput sgr0)

                                                                HIGH=$(tput bold)
                                                                SMUL=$(tput smul)
                                                                RMUL=$(tput rmul)
                                                                BLINK=$(tput blink)
                                                                REVERSE=$(tput smso)
                                                                REVERSO=$(tput rmso)

                                                                # background
                                                                Rn=$(tput setab 0)
                                                                Rr=$(tput setab 1)
                                                                Rg=$(tput setab 2)
                                                                Ry=$(tput setab 3)
                                                                Rb=$(tput setab 4)
                                                                Rm=$(tput setab 5)
                                                                Rc=$(tput setab 6)
                                                                Rw=$(tput setab 7)
                                                                RN=$(tput setab 8)
                                                                RR=$(tput setab 9)
                                                                RG=$(tput setab 10)
                                                                RY=$(tput setab 11)
                                                                RB=$(tput setab 12)
                                                                RM=$(tput setab 13)
                                                                RC=$(tput setab 14)
                                                                RW=$(tput setab 15)



                                                                COLORIZE='eval sed -e "s/{END}/${END}/g" -e "s/{HIGH}/${HIGH}/g" -e "s/{SMUL}/${SMUL}/g" -e "s/{RMUL}/${RMUL}/g" -e "s/{BLINK}/${BLINK}/g" -e "s/{REVERSE}/${REVERSE}/g" -e "s/{REVERSO}/${REVERSO}/g"'
                                                                LOWS=' -e "s/{n}/${n}/g" -e "s/{r}/${r}/g" -e "s/{g}/${g}/g" -e "s/{y}/${y}/g" -e "s/{b}/${b}/g" -e "s/{m}/${m}/g" -e "s/{c}/${c}/g" -e "s/{w}/${w}/g"'
                                                                HIGHS=' -e "s/{N}/${N}/g" -e "s/{R}/${R}/g" -e "s/{G}/${G}/g" -e "s/{Y}/${Y}/g" -e "s/{B}/${B}/g" -e "s/{M}/${M}/g" -e "s/{C}/${C}/g" -e "s/{W}/${W}/g"'
                                                                REVLOWS=' -e "s/{Rn}/${Rn}/g" -e "s/{Rr}/${Rr}/g" -e "s/{Rg}/${Rg}/g" -e "s/{Ry}/${Ry}/g" -e "s/{Rb}/${Rb}/g" -e "s/{Rm}/${Rm}/g" -e "s/{Rc}/${Rc}/g" -e "s/{Rw}/${Rw}/g"'
                                                                REVHIGHS=' -e "s/{RN}/${RN}/g" -e "s/{RR}/${RR}/g" -e "s/{RG}/${RG}/g" -e "s/{RY}/${RY}/g" -e "s/{RB}/${RB}/g" -e "s/{RM}/${RM}/g" -e "s/{RC}/${RC}/g" -e "s/{RW}/${RW}/g"'
                                                                # COLORIZE Usage:
                                                                # command |${COLORIZE} ${LOWS} ${HIGHS} ${REVLOWS} ${REVHIGHS}

                                                                set +a

                                                                2. egrepi

                                                                and the egrepi function, effective and elegant: color cycling between 8 or more colors (your needs) AND tested under 3 different unix OS, with comments :

                                                                # egrepi() egrep with 8 REVERSE cyclic colorations on regexps almost like egrep
                                                                # egrepi
                                                                # current script will work for KSH88, KSH93, bash 2+, zsh, under AIX / Linux / SunOS
                                                                egrepi ()
                                                                # colorList=wBcgymrN # KSH93 or bash 3+, not for AIX
                                                                # set -A color # needed with older sh
                                                                color[0]=$Rw; color[1]=$RB; color[2]=$Rc; color[3]=$Rg; color[4]=$Ry; color[5]=$Rm; color[6]=$Rr; color[7]=$RN; # this is the only one AIX solution
                                                                unset argsToGrep argsSedColor argsPerlColor

                                                                for arg in ${args}
                                                                [ "${arg}" == "." ] && arg=\. # if you wanna grep "."
                                                                # color=R${colorList:((${RANDOM: -1:1})):1} # bash RANDOMized colors
                                                                # color=R${colorList:$i:1} && let i++ && ((i==8)) && i=0 # KSH93 or bash 3+, not for AIX
                                                                # argsSedColor="${argsSedColor} -e s#${arg}#$n${!color}&${w}#gI" # AIX KSH88 do not recognise this fucking variable double expansion
                                                                # argsSedColor="${argsSedColor} -e s#${arg}#$n${color[$i]}&${w}#gI" # AIX neither do include sed with Ignore case
                                                                argsPerlColor="${argsPerlColor}${argsPerlColor:+,}s#${arg}#$n${color[$i]}$&${END}#gi" # So: gotta use perl
                                                                let i+=1 && ((i==8)) && i=0 # AIX KSH88 do not recognise "let i++"
                                                                # egrep -i "${argsToGrep}" | sed ${argsSedColor} | egrep -v "grep|sed" # AIX sed incompatibility with Ignore case
                                                                # (($# > 0)) && (egrep -i "${argsToGrep}" | perl -p -e ${argsPerlColor}) || cat # this line colors & grep the words, will NOT act as "tail -f"
                                                                (($# > 0)) && (perl -p -e ${argsPerlColor}) || cat # this line just colors the words

                                                                3. Usage

                                                                command | egrepi word1 .. wordN

                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                edited Apr 6 '13 at 22:37

                                                                answered Apr 6 '13 at 22:02





                                                                    You might also want to take a look at lwatch:

                                                                    tail -f /var/log/syslog | lwatch --input -

                                                                    share|improve this answer


                                                                      You might also want to take a look at lwatch:

                                                                      tail -f /var/log/syslog | lwatch --input -

                                                                      share|improve this answer




                                                                        You might also want to take a look at lwatch:

                                                                        tail -f /var/log/syslog | lwatch --input -

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        You might also want to take a look at lwatch:

                                                                        tail -f /var/log/syslog | lwatch --input -

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        answered Jun 17 '15 at 20:52

                                                                        Michael KruppMichael Krupp




                                                                            grc for sure!

                                                                            customize your collors with regex in the file: ~.grc/conf.tail (or whatever name you want)

                                                                            regexp=.*(select .*)$
                                                                            regexp=.*(update .*)$
                                                                            colours=unchanged,bold yellow
                                                                            regexp=.*(insert .*)$
                                                                            colours=unchanged,bold yellow
                                                                            colours=unchanged,reverse green
                                                                            colours=unchanged,underline green,underline magenta

                                                                            command line:

                                                                            grc -c conf.tail tail -f log/tomcat/catalina.out


                                                                            info for configuring grc:

                                                                            share|improve this answer


                                                                              grc for sure!

                                                                              customize your collors with regex in the file: ~.grc/conf.tail (or whatever name you want)

                                                                              regexp=.*(select .*)$
                                                                              regexp=.*(update .*)$
                                                                              colours=unchanged,bold yellow
                                                                              regexp=.*(insert .*)$
                                                                              colours=unchanged,bold yellow
                                                                              colours=unchanged,reverse green
                                                                              colours=unchanged,underline green,underline magenta

                                                                              command line:

                                                                              grc -c conf.tail tail -f log/tomcat/catalina.out


                                                                              info for configuring grc:

                                                                              share|improve this answer




                                                                                grc for sure!

                                                                                customize your collors with regex in the file: ~.grc/conf.tail (or whatever name you want)

                                                                                regexp=.*(select .*)$
                                                                                regexp=.*(update .*)$
                                                                                colours=unchanged,bold yellow
                                                                                regexp=.*(insert .*)$
                                                                                colours=unchanged,bold yellow
                                                                                colours=unchanged,reverse green
                                                                                colours=unchanged,underline green,underline magenta

                                                                                command line:

                                                                                grc -c conf.tail tail -f log/tomcat/catalina.out


                                                                                info for configuring grc:

                                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                                grc for sure!

                                                                                customize your collors with regex in the file: ~.grc/conf.tail (or whatever name you want)

                                                                                regexp=.*(select .*)$
                                                                                regexp=.*(update .*)$
                                                                                colours=unchanged,bold yellow
                                                                                regexp=.*(insert .*)$
                                                                                colours=unchanged,bold yellow
                                                                                colours=unchanged,reverse green
                                                                                colours=unchanged,underline green,underline magenta

                                                                                command line:

                                                                                grc -c conf.tail tail -f log/tomcat/catalina.out


                                                                                info for configuring grc:

                                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                                answered Nov 1 '16 at 22:27





                                                                                    As for the color codes, I would use tput:

                                                                                    red=$( tput -Txterm setaf 1 )
                                                                                    norm=$( tput -Txterm sgr0 )
                                                                                    bold=$( tput -Txterm bold )

                                                                                    See for reference: man tput


                                                                                    tail -F myfile.log | sed "s/(.ERROR.*)/$red$bold1$norm/g"

                                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                                    • Great, thanks. Works like a charm with standard shell functions.

                                                                                      – vquintans
                                                                                      Jul 13 '18 at 8:56


                                                                                    As for the color codes, I would use tput:

                                                                                    red=$( tput -Txterm setaf 1 )
                                                                                    norm=$( tput -Txterm sgr0 )
                                                                                    bold=$( tput -Txterm bold )

                                                                                    See for reference: man tput


                                                                                    tail -F myfile.log | sed "s/(.ERROR.*)/$red$bold1$norm/g"

                                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                                    • Great, thanks. Works like a charm with standard shell functions.

                                                                                      – vquintans
                                                                                      Jul 13 '18 at 8:56




                                                                                    As for the color codes, I would use tput:

                                                                                    red=$( tput -Txterm setaf 1 )
                                                                                    norm=$( tput -Txterm sgr0 )
                                                                                    bold=$( tput -Txterm bold )

                                                                                    See for reference: man tput


                                                                                    tail -F myfile.log | sed "s/(.ERROR.*)/$red$bold1$norm/g"

                                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                                    As for the color codes, I would use tput:

                                                                                    red=$( tput -Txterm setaf 1 )
                                                                                    norm=$( tput -Txterm sgr0 )
                                                                                    bold=$( tput -Txterm bold )

                                                                                    See for reference: man tput


                                                                                    tail -F myfile.log | sed "s/(.ERROR.*)/$red$bold1$norm/g"

                                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                                    edited Jul 13 '18 at 10:05




                                                                                    answered Jun 2 '16 at 9:12

                                                                                    Fabien BouleauFabien Bouleau



                                                                                    • Great, thanks. Works like a charm with standard shell functions.

                                                                                      – vquintans
                                                                                      Jul 13 '18 at 8:56

                                                                                    • Great, thanks. Works like a charm with standard shell functions.

                                                                                      – vquintans
                                                                                      Jul 13 '18 at 8:56

                                                                                    Great, thanks. Works like a charm with standard shell functions.

                                                                                    – vquintans
                                                                                    Jul 13 '18 at 8:56

                                                                                    Great, thanks. Works like a charm with standard shell functions.

                                                                                    – vquintans
                                                                                    Jul 13 '18 at 8:56


                                                                                    Publishes some time ago Node Js utility - log-color-highlight

                                                                                    tail -f file | lch -red error warn -green success
                                                                                    lch -f file -red.bold error warn -underline.bgGreen success

                                                                                    share|improve this answer


                                                                                      Publishes some time ago Node Js utility - log-color-highlight

                                                                                      tail -f file | lch -red error warn -green success
                                                                                      lch -f file -red.bold error warn -underline.bgGreen success

                                                                                      share|improve this answer




                                                                                        Publishes some time ago Node Js utility - log-color-highlight

                                                                                        tail -f file | lch -red error warn -green success
                                                                                        lch -f file -red.bold error warn -underline.bgGreen success

                                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                                        Publishes some time ago Node Js utility - log-color-highlight

                                                                                        tail -f file | lch -red error warn -green success
                                                                                        lch -f file -red.bold error warn -underline.bgGreen success

                                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                                        edited Jan 6 '17 at 20:38




                                                                                        answered Aug 19 '15 at 10:27




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