How to mount an image file without root permission?


Can I mount a file system image without root permission? Normally I would do:

mount -o loop DISK_IMAGE FOLDER

Without using sudo or setting the suid on mount, is there any suitable way to do this?

I know I can use fusermount with some ISO images, but that is pretty limited, even for ISO images, some of my images cannot be mounted, but mount always works.

share|improve this question

  • 1

    If your mount binary doesn't require SUID permissions then you should be able to use fakeroot without problems.

    – sakisk
    Feb 18 '12 at 15:31

  • 4

    @faif fakeroot isn't going to help here: it pretends file ownership is different, but it can't give you permissions that you don't have, such as to call mount(2) when you aren't root.

    – Gilles
    Feb 20 '12 at 2:55

  • @faif Mount absolutely requires root permissions. The potential consequences otherwise would be pretty disastrous.

    – Shadur
    May 21 '13 at 20:28

  • related:…

    – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
    Oct 10 '18 at 14:19


Can I mount a file system image without root permission? Normally I would do:

mount -o loop DISK_IMAGE FOLDER

Without using sudo or setting the suid on mount, is there any suitable way to do this?

I know I can use fusermount with some ISO images, but that is pretty limited, even for ISO images, some of my images cannot be mounted, but mount always works.

share|improve this question

  • 1

    If your mount binary doesn't require SUID permissions then you should be able to use fakeroot without problems.

    – sakisk
    Feb 18 '12 at 15:31

  • 4

    @faif fakeroot isn't going to help here: it pretends file ownership is different, but it can't give you permissions that you don't have, such as to call mount(2) when you aren't root.

    – Gilles
    Feb 20 '12 at 2:55

  • @faif Mount absolutely requires root permissions. The potential consequences otherwise would be pretty disastrous.

    – Shadur
    May 21 '13 at 20:28

  • related:…

    – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
    Oct 10 '18 at 14:19





Can I mount a file system image without root permission? Normally I would do:

mount -o loop DISK_IMAGE FOLDER

Without using sudo or setting the suid on mount, is there any suitable way to do this?

I know I can use fusermount with some ISO images, but that is pretty limited, even for ISO images, some of my images cannot be mounted, but mount always works.

share|improve this question

Can I mount a file system image without root permission? Normally I would do:

mount -o loop DISK_IMAGE FOLDER

Without using sudo or setting the suid on mount, is there any suitable way to do this?

I know I can use fusermount with some ISO images, but that is pretty limited, even for ISO images, some of my images cannot be mounted, but mount always works.


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edited Jun 5 '18 at 10:32

Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功



asked Feb 18 '12 at 0:30




  • 1

    If your mount binary doesn't require SUID permissions then you should be able to use fakeroot without problems.

    – sakisk
    Feb 18 '12 at 15:31

  • 4

    @faif fakeroot isn't going to help here: it pretends file ownership is different, but it can't give you permissions that you don't have, such as to call mount(2) when you aren't root.

    – Gilles
    Feb 20 '12 at 2:55

  • @faif Mount absolutely requires root permissions. The potential consequences otherwise would be pretty disastrous.

    – Shadur
    May 21 '13 at 20:28

  • related:…

    – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
    Oct 10 '18 at 14:19

  • 1

    If your mount binary doesn't require SUID permissions then you should be able to use fakeroot without problems.

    – sakisk
    Feb 18 '12 at 15:31

  • 4

    @faif fakeroot isn't going to help here: it pretends file ownership is different, but it can't give you permissions that you don't have, such as to call mount(2) when you aren't root.

    – Gilles
    Feb 20 '12 at 2:55

  • @faif Mount absolutely requires root permissions. The potential consequences otherwise would be pretty disastrous.

    – Shadur
    May 21 '13 at 20:28

  • related:…

    – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
    Oct 10 '18 at 14:19



If your mount binary doesn't require SUID permissions then you should be able to use fakeroot without problems.

– sakisk
Feb 18 '12 at 15:31

If your mount binary doesn't require SUID permissions then you should be able to use fakeroot without problems.

– sakisk
Feb 18 '12 at 15:31



@faif fakeroot isn't going to help here: it pretends file ownership is different, but it can't give you permissions that you don't have, such as to call mount(2) when you aren't root.

– Gilles
Feb 20 '12 at 2:55

@faif fakeroot isn't going to help here: it pretends file ownership is different, but it can't give you permissions that you don't have, such as to call mount(2) when you aren't root.

– Gilles
Feb 20 '12 at 2:55

@faif Mount absolutely requires root permissions. The potential consequences otherwise would be pretty disastrous.

– Shadur
May 21 '13 at 20:28

@faif Mount absolutely requires root permissions. The potential consequences otherwise would be pretty disastrous.

– Shadur
May 21 '13 at 20:28


– Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
Oct 10 '18 at 14:19


– Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
Oct 10 '18 at 14:19

6 Answers





You can't mount anything that the administrator hasn't somehow given you permission to mount. Only root can call the mount system call. The reason for this is that there are many ways to escalate privileges through mounting, such as mounting something over a system location, making files appear to belong to another user and exploiting a program that relies on file ownership, creating setuid files, or exploiting bugs in filesystem drivers.

The mount command is setuid root. But it only lets you mount things that are mentioned in fstab.

The fusermount command is setuid root. It only lets you mount things through a FUSE driver, and restricts your abilities to provide files with arbitrary ownership or permissions that way (under most setups, all files on a FUSE mount belong to you).

Your best bet is to find a FUSE filesystem that's capable of reading your disk image. For ISO 9660 images, try both fuseiso and UMfuse's ISO 9660 support (available under Debian as the fuseiso9660 package).

share|improve this answer

  • +1 for explaining that sudo (although it has the SUID bit set) only allows one to mount fstab entries. From this it follows that (a) the SUID bit makes sense, as a regular user can mount fstab entries (and is allowed to perform the mount syscall) and (b) that it is the mount utility's restriction to only allow fstab entries to be mounted by non-root users.

    – David
    Feb 3 '16 at 9:30

  • If you are working with floppy disk images, you can also use mtools to just write data to the image. See:…

    – Giles Bathgate
    May 22 '16 at 12:04

  • @David, has this now changed? The only entries I have in my fstab are for the rootfs and boot. To mount USB drives I look at lsblk and mount accordingly. I have not had problems doing this.

    – sherrellbc
    Aug 5 '16 at 15:56


You can use the FUSE module guestmount to mount several types of disk images. It's part part of the guestfs ecosystem and won't require root permissions.

Take a look at the man page for further details.


1. For a typical Windows guest which has its main filesystem on the first partition:

guestmount -a windows.img -m /dev/sda1 --ro /mnt

2. For a typical Linux guest which has a /boot filesystem on the first partition, and the root filesystem on a logical volume:

guestmount -a linux.img -m /dev/VG/LV -m /dev/sda1:/boot --ro /mnt

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Annoyingly, running guestmount on Ubuntu now requires some root access to read kernel images:

    – Clément
    Jun 21 '18 at 3:38

  • @Clément I would like to understand why libguestfs needs the a kernel image to to its job...

    – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
    Oct 10 '18 at 14:10

  • 1

    @CiroSantilli新疆改造中心六四事件法轮功 because libguestfs avoids needing root by starting a minimal Linux system inside a qemu virtual machine (anybody can start a qemu virtual machine without being root). To boot that machine, it needs some kernel and initrd.

    – josch
    Jan 22 at 16:25


The Debian Wiki shows several ways of doing this. Here's one way. (This requires the udisks2 package.)


$ udisksctl loop-setup -r -f $PATH_TO_IMAGE
Mapped file $PATH_TO_IMAGE as /dev/loop0.

/dev/loop0 will be used for the following.

But if the udisksctl loop-setup command had returned /dev/loop1, then
/dev/loop1 would have been used for the following.

You might need to run if the loopback device (previously created) is not automatically mounted :

$ udisksctl mount -b /dev/loop0
Mounted /dev/loop0 at /media/$USER/$IMAGE_NAME

You can look at files on the disk

$ ls -l /media/$USER/$IMAGE_NAME/

You can unmount it when you're done

$ udisksctl unmount -b /dev/loop0
Unmounted /dev/loop0.

and if necessary :

$ udisksctl loop-delete -b /dev/loop0

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    udevil was more convenient option

    – Anwar
    Sep 8 '18 at 4:41

  • It worked on Ubuntu 16.04, but how? It seems to use loop devices which I'd expect to be sudo only. setsid or related shenanigans?

    – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
    Oct 10 '18 at 14:07


The way possible would be to add an /etc/fstab entry for the ISO with the 'user' parameter, like

/test.iso /mnt/iso auto defaults,user 0 1

But you usually need root access anyway to edit this file, so it's not very helpful.

share|improve this answer


    It is actually very easy to mount more or less whatever you want as a
    normal user without root privileges, provided the right entry has
    been created in /etc/fstab.

    Of course, modifications to /etc/fstab require root privileges. But
    a single entry can
    be used with much flexibility to (u)mount many different files on
    different mount points, without any further editing of /etc/fstab.

    Here are two very short (5 lines + comments) Bash scripts that will do the job:

    for mounting

    # usage: usmount device dir
    # author: babou 2013/05/17 on
    # Allows normal user to mount device $1 on mount point $2
    # Use /etc/fstab entry :
    # /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint auto users,noauto 0 0
    # and directory /tmp/UFS/
    # Both have to be created (as superuser for the /etc/fstab entry)
    rm -f /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
    ln -s `realpath -s $1` /tmp/UFS/drive
    ln -s `realpath -s $2` /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
    mount /tmp/UFS/drive || mount /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
    # The last statement should be a bit more subtle
    # Trying both is generally not useful.

    and for dismounting

    # usage: usumount device dir
    # author: babou 2013/05/17 on
    # Allows normal user to umount device $1 from mount point $2
    # Use /etc/fstab entry :
    # /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint auto users,noauto 0 0
    # and directory /tmp/UFS/
    # Both have to be created (as superuser for the /etc/fstab entry)
    rm -f /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
    ln -s `realpath -s $1` /tmp/UFS/drive
    ln -s `realpath -s $2` /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
    umount /tmp/UFS/drive || umount /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
    # One of the two umounts may fail because it is ambiguous
    # Actually both could fail, with careless mounting organization :-)

    The directory /tmp/UFS/ is created to isolate the links and avoid clashes. But the symlinks can be anywhere in user space, as long as they stay in the same place
    (same path). The /etc/fstab entry never changes either.

    Mounting is restricted for good security reasons. Making it
    more flexible may open doors for malicious software. I am not a
    security expert and I would recommend that you open doors no more than
    absolutely required ... using options to restrict what can be done
    with the file systems that can thus be mounted.
    If a knowledgeable contributor could comment further on security issues, it
    might be useful.

    Various options are available to restrict the use of file systems that are mounted, such as noexec which prevents execution of
    binaries, or nosuid, and thus contribute to security. Actually, these options are added as default options when the options user or users are used, which is necessarily the case in what we do below. Think twice before you override these defaults.

    Other options can be added for further protection. For example, the option owner in the /etc/fstab entry will let users deal only with files or devices they own. See man mount for a list of options:

    The use of this /etc/fstab entry can also be restricted through the ownership of the directory (or directories) containing the symlinks.


    This explanation was written before I realised I could simplify things to the two scripts above. I did not think of them right away partly because I have at hand a slightly more complex problem that they do not solve without some extra machinery. Thus my explanation may be a bit more intricate than it should, but I do not have the courage to rewrite it all from scratch.

    The basic idea is to create entries in /etc/fstab that include the
    option user or users so that a user can ask mount to do the
    mounting specified in that entry by giving as argument the file to be
    mounted or the mount point to use (but not both in my expérience).

    You also need a proper entry to umount (which is a slightly different problem - see below). The option user is usually better than users since it restricts permission to umount to the user who mounted the file system, while users will allow that to all. Unfortunately the option user does not always work, and may entail some other steps to be made to work. This is discussed in Option "user" work for mount, not for umount.

    First you add to /etc/fstab an entry such as:

    /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint  auto users,noauto, 0 0

    and use /tmp/UFS/drive as a symbolic link (or symlink) to whatever device or file
    you wish to mount,
    say a file containing the image of an ISO file system /home/johndoe/john-image-file.iso.

    You also define /tmp/UFS/mountpoint as a symlink to the mount point you wish to use, say /mnt/iso.

    You can then mount john-image-file.iso with the command :

    $ mount /tmp/UFS/drive

    This is sufficient on my Mageia Linux, since the use of loop devices
    has now been made implicit, and no longer requires using -o loop explicitly. I do not know how general that is today. See
    When mounting, when should I use a loop device?

    This mounting appears in tables and commands :

    $ df | tail -1
    /dev/loop0 5,1G 5,1G 0 100% /mnt/iso
    $ tail -1 /etc/mtab
    /dev/loop0 /mnt/iso udf ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,utf8 0 0
    $ mount | tail -1
    /home/johndoe/john-image-file.iso on /mnt/iso type udf (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,utf8)
    $ tail -1 /proc/mounts
    /dev/loop0 /mnt/iso udf ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,utf8 0 0
    $ tail -1 /proc/self/mountinfo
    46 22 7:0 / /mnt/iso rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime - udf /dev/loop0 ro,utf8
    $ tail -1 /proc/self/mountstats
    device /dev/loop0 mounted on /mnt/iso with fstype udf

    The mounting operation could work for any file or drive and requires only to
    make a symbolic link from /tmp/UFS/drive to that file or to the device for the drive. Of course, another name and location could be chosen for the symbolic link, as long as it never changes.

    Dismounting the file relies in the same way on appropriate use of symbolic links. In the case of a normal device corresponding to some harware drive,
    you just use the same links.

    However, files containing the image of a file system are mounted via a special kind of device called a loop device, automatically allocated when you mount the file.

    To dismount the file, you need to refer to the loop device, not the file.
    Hence you need in /etc/fstab an entry that matches both the loop device
    used in /etc/mtab, here /dev/loop0, and the mount point, here

    You cannot create such an entry in advance since the loop
    device may vary, as they are allocated dynamically. Note that it is also
    possible to use a fixed loop device, but it is inconvenient in other
    ways. See
    (this blog actually inspired the reply here).

    However, you can find the name of the loop device, here /dev/loop0, by asking the system, like we did above in several different ways. Then our standard /etc/fstab entry can be made to point to the right loop device via the symlink /tmp/UFS/drive, and to the mount point as done previously with /tmp/UFS/mountpoint. This done, the file may be dismounted with any of the following commands (provided there is no ambiguity with /etc/mtab, which is a different problem):

    $ umount /tmp/UFS/drive
    $ umount /dev/loop0
    $ umount /mnt/iso
    $ umount /tmp/UFS/mountpoint

    Since the two symlinks are needed only when the commands are issued,
    they can be changed dynamically. So our single /etc/fstab entry
    allows mounting any number of files, and umounting them in any
    order, without root privileges.

    Other references:

    • Mounting and modifying a loopback file without sudo/root, is it possible?


    share|improve this answer

    • When fstab entries point to symlinks, can't they be exploited to mount anything without root, by just creating symlinks? Indirectly, isn't it just elevating mount command for every normal user?, and so the security issues associated with it? Correct me if I'm wrong.

      – Bharat G
      Oct 18 '15 at 4:20

    • And recent versions of GNU/Linux distros (say debian jessie) will not provide a gui login when it detects an invalid entry in fstab. It falls back to console login session if the device or the mountpoint section of fstab doesn't point to a valid entry. The user has to login via console session and enter startx to explicitly start a display manager.

      – Bharat G
      Oct 18 '15 at 4:49


    Package libguestfs-tools-c have guestmount command so

    mkdir dvd    
    guestmount -a image.iso -r -i dvd

    df will show image.iso mounted


    to umount we have :

    guestunmount dvd

    share|improve this answer

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      6 Answers




      6 Answers











      You can't mount anything that the administrator hasn't somehow given you permission to mount. Only root can call the mount system call. The reason for this is that there are many ways to escalate privileges through mounting, such as mounting something over a system location, making files appear to belong to another user and exploiting a program that relies on file ownership, creating setuid files, or exploiting bugs in filesystem drivers.

      The mount command is setuid root. But it only lets you mount things that are mentioned in fstab.

      The fusermount command is setuid root. It only lets you mount things through a FUSE driver, and restricts your abilities to provide files with arbitrary ownership or permissions that way (under most setups, all files on a FUSE mount belong to you).

      Your best bet is to find a FUSE filesystem that's capable of reading your disk image. For ISO 9660 images, try both fuseiso and UMfuse's ISO 9660 support (available under Debian as the fuseiso9660 package).

      share|improve this answer

      • +1 for explaining that sudo (although it has the SUID bit set) only allows one to mount fstab entries. From this it follows that (a) the SUID bit makes sense, as a regular user can mount fstab entries (and is allowed to perform the mount syscall) and (b) that it is the mount utility's restriction to only allow fstab entries to be mounted by non-root users.

        – David
        Feb 3 '16 at 9:30

      • If you are working with floppy disk images, you can also use mtools to just write data to the image. See:…

        – Giles Bathgate
        May 22 '16 at 12:04

      • @David, has this now changed? The only entries I have in my fstab are for the rootfs and boot. To mount USB drives I look at lsblk and mount accordingly. I have not had problems doing this.

        – sherrellbc
        Aug 5 '16 at 15:56


      You can't mount anything that the administrator hasn't somehow given you permission to mount. Only root can call the mount system call. The reason for this is that there are many ways to escalate privileges through mounting, such as mounting something over a system location, making files appear to belong to another user and exploiting a program that relies on file ownership, creating setuid files, or exploiting bugs in filesystem drivers.

      The mount command is setuid root. But it only lets you mount things that are mentioned in fstab.

      The fusermount command is setuid root. It only lets you mount things through a FUSE driver, and restricts your abilities to provide files with arbitrary ownership or permissions that way (under most setups, all files on a FUSE mount belong to you).

      Your best bet is to find a FUSE filesystem that's capable of reading your disk image. For ISO 9660 images, try both fuseiso and UMfuse's ISO 9660 support (available under Debian as the fuseiso9660 package).

      share|improve this answer

      • +1 for explaining that sudo (although it has the SUID bit set) only allows one to mount fstab entries. From this it follows that (a) the SUID bit makes sense, as a regular user can mount fstab entries (and is allowed to perform the mount syscall) and (b) that it is the mount utility's restriction to only allow fstab entries to be mounted by non-root users.

        – David
        Feb 3 '16 at 9:30

      • If you are working with floppy disk images, you can also use mtools to just write data to the image. See:…

        – Giles Bathgate
        May 22 '16 at 12:04

      • @David, has this now changed? The only entries I have in my fstab are for the rootfs and boot. To mount USB drives I look at lsblk and mount accordingly. I have not had problems doing this.

        – sherrellbc
        Aug 5 '16 at 15:56




      You can't mount anything that the administrator hasn't somehow given you permission to mount. Only root can call the mount system call. The reason for this is that there are many ways to escalate privileges through mounting, such as mounting something over a system location, making files appear to belong to another user and exploiting a program that relies on file ownership, creating setuid files, or exploiting bugs in filesystem drivers.

      The mount command is setuid root. But it only lets you mount things that are mentioned in fstab.

      The fusermount command is setuid root. It only lets you mount things through a FUSE driver, and restricts your abilities to provide files with arbitrary ownership or permissions that way (under most setups, all files on a FUSE mount belong to you).

      Your best bet is to find a FUSE filesystem that's capable of reading your disk image. For ISO 9660 images, try both fuseiso and UMfuse's ISO 9660 support (available under Debian as the fuseiso9660 package).

      share|improve this answer

      You can't mount anything that the administrator hasn't somehow given you permission to mount. Only root can call the mount system call. The reason for this is that there are many ways to escalate privileges through mounting, such as mounting something over a system location, making files appear to belong to another user and exploiting a program that relies on file ownership, creating setuid files, or exploiting bugs in filesystem drivers.

      The mount command is setuid root. But it only lets you mount things that are mentioned in fstab.

      The fusermount command is setuid root. It only lets you mount things through a FUSE driver, and restricts your abilities to provide files with arbitrary ownership or permissions that way (under most setups, all files on a FUSE mount belong to you).

      Your best bet is to find a FUSE filesystem that's capable of reading your disk image. For ISO 9660 images, try both fuseiso and UMfuse's ISO 9660 support (available under Debian as the fuseiso9660 package).

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      answered Feb 20 '12 at 2:54




      • +1 for explaining that sudo (although it has the SUID bit set) only allows one to mount fstab entries. From this it follows that (a) the SUID bit makes sense, as a regular user can mount fstab entries (and is allowed to perform the mount syscall) and (b) that it is the mount utility's restriction to only allow fstab entries to be mounted by non-root users.

        – David
        Feb 3 '16 at 9:30

      • If you are working with floppy disk images, you can also use mtools to just write data to the image. See:…

        – Giles Bathgate
        May 22 '16 at 12:04

      • @David, has this now changed? The only entries I have in my fstab are for the rootfs and boot. To mount USB drives I look at lsblk and mount accordingly. I have not had problems doing this.

        – sherrellbc
        Aug 5 '16 at 15:56

      • +1 for explaining that sudo (although it has the SUID bit set) only allows one to mount fstab entries. From this it follows that (a) the SUID bit makes sense, as a regular user can mount fstab entries (and is allowed to perform the mount syscall) and (b) that it is the mount utility's restriction to only allow fstab entries to be mounted by non-root users.

        – David
        Feb 3 '16 at 9:30

      • If you are working with floppy disk images, you can also use mtools to just write data to the image. See:…

        – Giles Bathgate
        May 22 '16 at 12:04

      • @David, has this now changed? The only entries I have in my fstab are for the rootfs and boot. To mount USB drives I look at lsblk and mount accordingly. I have not had problems doing this.

        – sherrellbc
        Aug 5 '16 at 15:56

      +1 for explaining that sudo (although it has the SUID bit set) only allows one to mount fstab entries. From this it follows that (a) the SUID bit makes sense, as a regular user can mount fstab entries (and is allowed to perform the mount syscall) and (b) that it is the mount utility's restriction to only allow fstab entries to be mounted by non-root users.

      – David
      Feb 3 '16 at 9:30

      +1 for explaining that sudo (although it has the SUID bit set) only allows one to mount fstab entries. From this it follows that (a) the SUID bit makes sense, as a regular user can mount fstab entries (and is allowed to perform the mount syscall) and (b) that it is the mount utility's restriction to only allow fstab entries to be mounted by non-root users.

      – David
      Feb 3 '16 at 9:30

      If you are working with floppy disk images, you can also use mtools to just write data to the image. See:…

      – Giles Bathgate
      May 22 '16 at 12:04

      If you are working with floppy disk images, you can also use mtools to just write data to the image. See:…

      – Giles Bathgate
      May 22 '16 at 12:04

      @David, has this now changed? The only entries I have in my fstab are for the rootfs and boot. To mount USB drives I look at lsblk and mount accordingly. I have not had problems doing this.

      – sherrellbc
      Aug 5 '16 at 15:56

      @David, has this now changed? The only entries I have in my fstab are for the rootfs and boot. To mount USB drives I look at lsblk and mount accordingly. I have not had problems doing this.

      – sherrellbc
      Aug 5 '16 at 15:56


      You can use the FUSE module guestmount to mount several types of disk images. It's part part of the guestfs ecosystem and won't require root permissions.

      Take a look at the man page for further details.


      1. For a typical Windows guest which has its main filesystem on the first partition:

      guestmount -a windows.img -m /dev/sda1 --ro /mnt

      2. For a typical Linux guest which has a /boot filesystem on the first partition, and the root filesystem on a logical volume:

      guestmount -a linux.img -m /dev/VG/LV -m /dev/sda1:/boot --ro /mnt

      share|improve this answer

      • 1

        Annoyingly, running guestmount on Ubuntu now requires some root access to read kernel images:

        – Clément
        Jun 21 '18 at 3:38

      • @Clément I would like to understand why libguestfs needs the a kernel image to to its job...

        – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
        Oct 10 '18 at 14:10

      • 1

        @CiroSantilli新疆改造中心六四事件法轮功 because libguestfs avoids needing root by starting a minimal Linux system inside a qemu virtual machine (anybody can start a qemu virtual machine without being root). To boot that machine, it needs some kernel and initrd.

        – josch
        Jan 22 at 16:25


      You can use the FUSE module guestmount to mount several types of disk images. It's part part of the guestfs ecosystem and won't require root permissions.

      Take a look at the man page for further details.


      1. For a typical Windows guest which has its main filesystem on the first partition:

      guestmount -a windows.img -m /dev/sda1 --ro /mnt

      2. For a typical Linux guest which has a /boot filesystem on the first partition, and the root filesystem on a logical volume:

      guestmount -a linux.img -m /dev/VG/LV -m /dev/sda1:/boot --ro /mnt

      share|improve this answer

      • 1

        Annoyingly, running guestmount on Ubuntu now requires some root access to read kernel images:

        – Clément
        Jun 21 '18 at 3:38

      • @Clément I would like to understand why libguestfs needs the a kernel image to to its job...

        – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
        Oct 10 '18 at 14:10

      • 1

        @CiroSantilli新疆改造中心六四事件法轮功 because libguestfs avoids needing root by starting a minimal Linux system inside a qemu virtual machine (anybody can start a qemu virtual machine without being root). To boot that machine, it needs some kernel and initrd.

        – josch
        Jan 22 at 16:25




      You can use the FUSE module guestmount to mount several types of disk images. It's part part of the guestfs ecosystem and won't require root permissions.

      Take a look at the man page for further details.


      1. For a typical Windows guest which has its main filesystem on the first partition:

      guestmount -a windows.img -m /dev/sda1 --ro /mnt

      2. For a typical Linux guest which has a /boot filesystem on the first partition, and the root filesystem on a logical volume:

      guestmount -a linux.img -m /dev/VG/LV -m /dev/sda1:/boot --ro /mnt

      share|improve this answer

      You can use the FUSE module guestmount to mount several types of disk images. It's part part of the guestfs ecosystem and won't require root permissions.

      Take a look at the man page for further details.


      1. For a typical Windows guest which has its main filesystem on the first partition:

      guestmount -a windows.img -m /dev/sda1 --ro /mnt

      2. For a typical Linux guest which has a /boot filesystem on the first partition, and the root filesystem on a logical volume:

      guestmount -a linux.img -m /dev/VG/LV -m /dev/sda1:/boot --ro /mnt

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited Feb 7 '13 at 8:02




      answered Feb 7 '13 at 3:27




      • 1

        Annoyingly, running guestmount on Ubuntu now requires some root access to read kernel images:

        – Clément
        Jun 21 '18 at 3:38

      • @Clément I would like to understand why libguestfs needs the a kernel image to to its job...

        – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
        Oct 10 '18 at 14:10

      • 1

        @CiroSantilli新疆改造中心六四事件法轮功 because libguestfs avoids needing root by starting a minimal Linux system inside a qemu virtual machine (anybody can start a qemu virtual machine without being root). To boot that machine, it needs some kernel and initrd.

        – josch
        Jan 22 at 16:25

      • 1

        Annoyingly, running guestmount on Ubuntu now requires some root access to read kernel images:

        – Clément
        Jun 21 '18 at 3:38

      • @Clément I would like to understand why libguestfs needs the a kernel image to to its job...

        – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
        Oct 10 '18 at 14:10

      • 1

        @CiroSantilli新疆改造中心六四事件法轮功 because libguestfs avoids needing root by starting a minimal Linux system inside a qemu virtual machine (anybody can start a qemu virtual machine without being root). To boot that machine, it needs some kernel and initrd.

        – josch
        Jan 22 at 16:25



      Annoyingly, running guestmount on Ubuntu now requires some root access to read kernel images:

      – Clément
      Jun 21 '18 at 3:38

      Annoyingly, running guestmount on Ubuntu now requires some root access to read kernel images:

      – Clément
      Jun 21 '18 at 3:38

      @Clément I would like to understand why libguestfs needs the a kernel image to to its job...

      – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
      Oct 10 '18 at 14:10

      @Clément I would like to understand why libguestfs needs the a kernel image to to its job...

      – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
      Oct 10 '18 at 14:10



      @CiroSantilli新疆改造中心六四事件法轮功 because libguestfs avoids needing root by starting a minimal Linux system inside a qemu virtual machine (anybody can start a qemu virtual machine without being root). To boot that machine, it needs some kernel and initrd.

      – josch
      Jan 22 at 16:25

      @CiroSantilli新疆改造中心六四事件法轮功 because libguestfs avoids needing root by starting a minimal Linux system inside a qemu virtual machine (anybody can start a qemu virtual machine without being root). To boot that machine, it needs some kernel and initrd.

      – josch
      Jan 22 at 16:25


      The Debian Wiki shows several ways of doing this. Here's one way. (This requires the udisks2 package.)


      $ udisksctl loop-setup -r -f $PATH_TO_IMAGE
      Mapped file $PATH_TO_IMAGE as /dev/loop0.

      /dev/loop0 will be used for the following.

      But if the udisksctl loop-setup command had returned /dev/loop1, then
      /dev/loop1 would have been used for the following.

      You might need to run if the loopback device (previously created) is not automatically mounted :

      $ udisksctl mount -b /dev/loop0
      Mounted /dev/loop0 at /media/$USER/$IMAGE_NAME

      You can look at files on the disk

      $ ls -l /media/$USER/$IMAGE_NAME/

      You can unmount it when you're done

      $ udisksctl unmount -b /dev/loop0
      Unmounted /dev/loop0.

      and if necessary :

      $ udisksctl loop-delete -b /dev/loop0

      share|improve this answer

      • 1

        udevil was more convenient option

        – Anwar
        Sep 8 '18 at 4:41

      • It worked on Ubuntu 16.04, but how? It seems to use loop devices which I'd expect to be sudo only. setsid or related shenanigans?

        – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
        Oct 10 '18 at 14:07


      The Debian Wiki shows several ways of doing this. Here's one way. (This requires the udisks2 package.)


      $ udisksctl loop-setup -r -f $PATH_TO_IMAGE
      Mapped file $PATH_TO_IMAGE as /dev/loop0.

      /dev/loop0 will be used for the following.

      But if the udisksctl loop-setup command had returned /dev/loop1, then
      /dev/loop1 would have been used for the following.

      You might need to run if the loopback device (previously created) is not automatically mounted :

      $ udisksctl mount -b /dev/loop0
      Mounted /dev/loop0 at /media/$USER/$IMAGE_NAME

      You can look at files on the disk

      $ ls -l /media/$USER/$IMAGE_NAME/

      You can unmount it when you're done

      $ udisksctl unmount -b /dev/loop0
      Unmounted /dev/loop0.

      and if necessary :

      $ udisksctl loop-delete -b /dev/loop0

      share|improve this answer

      • 1

        udevil was more convenient option

        – Anwar
        Sep 8 '18 at 4:41

      • It worked on Ubuntu 16.04, but how? It seems to use loop devices which I'd expect to be sudo only. setsid or related shenanigans?

        – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
        Oct 10 '18 at 14:07




      The Debian Wiki shows several ways of doing this. Here's one way. (This requires the udisks2 package.)


      $ udisksctl loop-setup -r -f $PATH_TO_IMAGE
      Mapped file $PATH_TO_IMAGE as /dev/loop0.

      /dev/loop0 will be used for the following.

      But if the udisksctl loop-setup command had returned /dev/loop1, then
      /dev/loop1 would have been used for the following.

      You might need to run if the loopback device (previously created) is not automatically mounted :

      $ udisksctl mount -b /dev/loop0
      Mounted /dev/loop0 at /media/$USER/$IMAGE_NAME

      You can look at files on the disk

      $ ls -l /media/$USER/$IMAGE_NAME/

      You can unmount it when you're done

      $ udisksctl unmount -b /dev/loop0
      Unmounted /dev/loop0.

      and if necessary :

      $ udisksctl loop-delete -b /dev/loop0

      share|improve this answer

      The Debian Wiki shows several ways of doing this. Here's one way. (This requires the udisks2 package.)


      $ udisksctl loop-setup -r -f $PATH_TO_IMAGE
      Mapped file $PATH_TO_IMAGE as /dev/loop0.

      /dev/loop0 will be used for the following.

      But if the udisksctl loop-setup command had returned /dev/loop1, then
      /dev/loop1 would have been used for the following.

      You might need to run if the loopback device (previously created) is not automatically mounted :

      $ udisksctl mount -b /dev/loop0
      Mounted /dev/loop0 at /media/$USER/$IMAGE_NAME

      You can look at files on the disk

      $ ls -l /media/$USER/$IMAGE_NAME/

      You can unmount it when you're done

      $ udisksctl unmount -b /dev/loop0
      Unmounted /dev/loop0.

      and if necessary :

      $ udisksctl loop-delete -b /dev/loop0

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited 1 min ago




      answered Dec 18 '17 at 2:49

      Nick ODellNick ODell



      • 1

        udevil was more convenient option

        – Anwar
        Sep 8 '18 at 4:41

      • It worked on Ubuntu 16.04, but how? It seems to use loop devices which I'd expect to be sudo only. setsid or related shenanigans?

        – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
        Oct 10 '18 at 14:07

      • 1

        udevil was more convenient option

        – Anwar
        Sep 8 '18 at 4:41

      • It worked on Ubuntu 16.04, but how? It seems to use loop devices which I'd expect to be sudo only. setsid or related shenanigans?

        – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
        Oct 10 '18 at 14:07



      udevil was more convenient option

      – Anwar
      Sep 8 '18 at 4:41

      udevil was more convenient option

      – Anwar
      Sep 8 '18 at 4:41

      It worked on Ubuntu 16.04, but how? It seems to use loop devices which I'd expect to be sudo only. setsid or related shenanigans?

      – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
      Oct 10 '18 at 14:07

      It worked on Ubuntu 16.04, but how? It seems to use loop devices which I'd expect to be sudo only. setsid or related shenanigans?

      – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功
      Oct 10 '18 at 14:07


      The way possible would be to add an /etc/fstab entry for the ISO with the 'user' parameter, like

      /test.iso /mnt/iso auto defaults,user 0 1

      But you usually need root access anyway to edit this file, so it's not very helpful.

      share|improve this answer


        The way possible would be to add an /etc/fstab entry for the ISO with the 'user' parameter, like

        /test.iso /mnt/iso auto defaults,user 0 1

        But you usually need root access anyway to edit this file, so it's not very helpful.

        share|improve this answer




          The way possible would be to add an /etc/fstab entry for the ISO with the 'user' parameter, like

          /test.iso /mnt/iso auto defaults,user 0 1

          But you usually need root access anyway to edit this file, so it's not very helpful.

          share|improve this answer

          The way possible would be to add an /etc/fstab entry for the ISO with the 'user' parameter, like

          /test.iso /mnt/iso auto defaults,user 0 1

          But you usually need root access anyway to edit this file, so it's not very helpful.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Feb 18 '12 at 0:51





              It is actually very easy to mount more or less whatever you want as a
              normal user without root privileges, provided the right entry has
              been created in /etc/fstab.

              Of course, modifications to /etc/fstab require root privileges. But
              a single entry can
              be used with much flexibility to (u)mount many different files on
              different mount points, without any further editing of /etc/fstab.

              Here are two very short (5 lines + comments) Bash scripts that will do the job:

              for mounting

              # usage: usmount device dir
              # author: babou 2013/05/17 on
              # Allows normal user to mount device $1 on mount point $2
              # Use /etc/fstab entry :
              # /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint auto users,noauto 0 0
              # and directory /tmp/UFS/
              # Both have to be created (as superuser for the /etc/fstab entry)
              rm -f /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              ln -s `realpath -s $1` /tmp/UFS/drive
              ln -s `realpath -s $2` /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              mount /tmp/UFS/drive || mount /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              # The last statement should be a bit more subtle
              # Trying both is generally not useful.

              and for dismounting

              # usage: usumount device dir
              # author: babou 2013/05/17 on
              # Allows normal user to umount device $1 from mount point $2
              # Use /etc/fstab entry :
              # /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint auto users,noauto 0 0
              # and directory /tmp/UFS/
              # Both have to be created (as superuser for the /etc/fstab entry)
              rm -f /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              ln -s `realpath -s $1` /tmp/UFS/drive
              ln -s `realpath -s $2` /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              umount /tmp/UFS/drive || umount /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              # One of the two umounts may fail because it is ambiguous
              # Actually both could fail, with careless mounting organization :-)

              The directory /tmp/UFS/ is created to isolate the links and avoid clashes. But the symlinks can be anywhere in user space, as long as they stay in the same place
              (same path). The /etc/fstab entry never changes either.

              VITAL WARNING:
              Mounting is restricted for good security reasons. Making it
              more flexible may open doors for malicious software. I am not a
              security expert and I would recommend that you open doors no more than
              absolutely required ... using options to restrict what can be done
              with the file systems that can thus be mounted.
              If a knowledgeable contributor could comment further on security issues, it
              might be useful.

              Various options are available to restrict the use of file systems that are mounted, such as noexec which prevents execution of
              binaries, or nosuid, and thus contribute to security. Actually, these options are added as default options when the options user or users are used, which is necessarily the case in what we do below. Think twice before you override these defaults.

              Other options can be added for further protection. For example, the option owner in the /etc/fstab entry will let users deal only with files or devices they own. See man mount for a list of options:

              The use of this /etc/fstab entry can also be restricted through the ownership of the directory (or directories) containing the symlinks.


              This explanation was written before I realised I could simplify things to the two scripts above. I did not think of them right away partly because I have at hand a slightly more complex problem that they do not solve without some extra machinery. Thus my explanation may be a bit more intricate than it should, but I do not have the courage to rewrite it all from scratch.

              The basic idea is to create entries in /etc/fstab that include the
              option user or users so that a user can ask mount to do the
              mounting specified in that entry by giving as argument the file to be
              mounted or the mount point to use (but not both in my expérience).

              You also need a proper entry to umount (which is a slightly different problem - see below). The option user is usually better than users since it restricts permission to umount to the user who mounted the file system, while users will allow that to all. Unfortunately the option user does not always work, and may entail some other steps to be made to work. This is discussed in Option "user" work for mount, not for umount.

              First you add to /etc/fstab an entry such as:

              /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint  auto users,noauto, 0 0

              and use /tmp/UFS/drive as a symbolic link (or symlink) to whatever device or file
              you wish to mount,
              say a file containing the image of an ISO file system /home/johndoe/john-image-file.iso.

              You also define /tmp/UFS/mountpoint as a symlink to the mount point you wish to use, say /mnt/iso.

              You can then mount john-image-file.iso with the command :

              $ mount /tmp/UFS/drive

              This is sufficient on my Mageia Linux, since the use of loop devices
              has now been made implicit, and no longer requires using -o loop explicitly. I do not know how general that is today. See
              When mounting, when should I use a loop device?

              This mounting appears in tables and commands :

              $ df | tail -1
              /dev/loop0 5,1G 5,1G 0 100% /mnt/iso
              $ tail -1 /etc/mtab
              /dev/loop0 /mnt/iso udf ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,utf8 0 0
              $ mount | tail -1
              /home/johndoe/john-image-file.iso on /mnt/iso type udf (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,utf8)
              $ tail -1 /proc/mounts
              /dev/loop0 /mnt/iso udf ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,utf8 0 0
              $ tail -1 /proc/self/mountinfo
              46 22 7:0 / /mnt/iso rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime - udf /dev/loop0 ro,utf8
              $ tail -1 /proc/self/mountstats
              device /dev/loop0 mounted on /mnt/iso with fstype udf

              The mounting operation could work for any file or drive and requires only to
              make a symbolic link from /tmp/UFS/drive to that file or to the device for the drive. Of course, another name and location could be chosen for the symbolic link, as long as it never changes.

              Dismounting the file relies in the same way on appropriate use of symbolic links. In the case of a normal device corresponding to some harware drive,
              you just use the same links.

              However, files containing the image of a file system are mounted via a special kind of device called a loop device, automatically allocated when you mount the file.

              To dismount the file, you need to refer to the loop device, not the file.
              Hence you need in /etc/fstab an entry that matches both the loop device
              used in /etc/mtab, here /dev/loop0, and the mount point, here

              You cannot create such an entry in advance since the loop
              device may vary, as they are allocated dynamically. Note that it is also
              possible to use a fixed loop device, but it is inconvenient in other
              ways. See
              (this blog actually inspired the reply here).

              However, you can find the name of the loop device, here /dev/loop0, by asking the system, like we did above in several different ways. Then our standard /etc/fstab entry can be made to point to the right loop device via the symlink /tmp/UFS/drive, and to the mount point as done previously with /tmp/UFS/mountpoint. This done, the file may be dismounted with any of the following commands (provided there is no ambiguity with /etc/mtab, which is a different problem):

              $ umount /tmp/UFS/drive
              $ umount /dev/loop0
              $ umount /mnt/iso
              $ umount /tmp/UFS/mountpoint

              Since the two symlinks are needed only when the commands are issued,
              they can be changed dynamically. So our single /etc/fstab entry
              allows mounting any number of files, and umounting them in any
              order, without root privileges.

              Other references:

              • Mounting and modifying a loopback file without sudo/root, is it possible?


              share|improve this answer

              • When fstab entries point to symlinks, can't they be exploited to mount anything without root, by just creating symlinks? Indirectly, isn't it just elevating mount command for every normal user?, and so the security issues associated with it? Correct me if I'm wrong.

                – Bharat G
                Oct 18 '15 at 4:20

              • And recent versions of GNU/Linux distros (say debian jessie) will not provide a gui login when it detects an invalid entry in fstab. It falls back to console login session if the device or the mountpoint section of fstab doesn't point to a valid entry. The user has to login via console session and enter startx to explicitly start a display manager.

                – Bharat G
                Oct 18 '15 at 4:49


              It is actually very easy to mount more or less whatever you want as a
              normal user without root privileges, provided the right entry has
              been created in /etc/fstab.

              Of course, modifications to /etc/fstab require root privileges. But
              a single entry can
              be used with much flexibility to (u)mount many different files on
              different mount points, without any further editing of /etc/fstab.

              Here are two very short (5 lines + comments) Bash scripts that will do the job:

              for mounting

              # usage: usmount device dir
              # author: babou 2013/05/17 on
              # Allows normal user to mount device $1 on mount point $2
              # Use /etc/fstab entry :
              # /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint auto users,noauto 0 0
              # and directory /tmp/UFS/
              # Both have to be created (as superuser for the /etc/fstab entry)
              rm -f /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              ln -s `realpath -s $1` /tmp/UFS/drive
              ln -s `realpath -s $2` /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              mount /tmp/UFS/drive || mount /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              # The last statement should be a bit more subtle
              # Trying both is generally not useful.

              and for dismounting

              # usage: usumount device dir
              # author: babou 2013/05/17 on
              # Allows normal user to umount device $1 from mount point $2
              # Use /etc/fstab entry :
              # /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint auto users,noauto 0 0
              # and directory /tmp/UFS/
              # Both have to be created (as superuser for the /etc/fstab entry)
              rm -f /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              ln -s `realpath -s $1` /tmp/UFS/drive
              ln -s `realpath -s $2` /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              umount /tmp/UFS/drive || umount /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              # One of the two umounts may fail because it is ambiguous
              # Actually both could fail, with careless mounting organization :-)

              The directory /tmp/UFS/ is created to isolate the links and avoid clashes. But the symlinks can be anywhere in user space, as long as they stay in the same place
              (same path). The /etc/fstab entry never changes either.

              VITAL WARNING:
              Mounting is restricted for good security reasons. Making it
              more flexible may open doors for malicious software. I am not a
              security expert and I would recommend that you open doors no more than
              absolutely required ... using options to restrict what can be done
              with the file systems that can thus be mounted.
              If a knowledgeable contributor could comment further on security issues, it
              might be useful.

              Various options are available to restrict the use of file systems that are mounted, such as noexec which prevents execution of
              binaries, or nosuid, and thus contribute to security. Actually, these options are added as default options when the options user or users are used, which is necessarily the case in what we do below. Think twice before you override these defaults.

              Other options can be added for further protection. For example, the option owner in the /etc/fstab entry will let users deal only with files or devices they own. See man mount for a list of options:

              The use of this /etc/fstab entry can also be restricted through the ownership of the directory (or directories) containing the symlinks.


              This explanation was written before I realised I could simplify things to the two scripts above. I did not think of them right away partly because I have at hand a slightly more complex problem that they do not solve without some extra machinery. Thus my explanation may be a bit more intricate than it should, but I do not have the courage to rewrite it all from scratch.

              The basic idea is to create entries in /etc/fstab that include the
              option user or users so that a user can ask mount to do the
              mounting specified in that entry by giving as argument the file to be
              mounted or the mount point to use (but not both in my expérience).

              You also need a proper entry to umount (which is a slightly different problem - see below). The option user is usually better than users since it restricts permission to umount to the user who mounted the file system, while users will allow that to all. Unfortunately the option user does not always work, and may entail some other steps to be made to work. This is discussed in Option "user" work for mount, not for umount.

              First you add to /etc/fstab an entry such as:

              /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint  auto users,noauto, 0 0

              and use /tmp/UFS/drive as a symbolic link (or symlink) to whatever device or file
              you wish to mount,
              say a file containing the image of an ISO file system /home/johndoe/john-image-file.iso.

              You also define /tmp/UFS/mountpoint as a symlink to the mount point you wish to use, say /mnt/iso.

              You can then mount john-image-file.iso with the command :

              $ mount /tmp/UFS/drive

              This is sufficient on my Mageia Linux, since the use of loop devices
              has now been made implicit, and no longer requires using -o loop explicitly. I do not know how general that is today. See
              When mounting, when should I use a loop device?

              This mounting appears in tables and commands :

              $ df | tail -1
              /dev/loop0 5,1G 5,1G 0 100% /mnt/iso
              $ tail -1 /etc/mtab
              /dev/loop0 /mnt/iso udf ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,utf8 0 0
              $ mount | tail -1
              /home/johndoe/john-image-file.iso on /mnt/iso type udf (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,utf8)
              $ tail -1 /proc/mounts
              /dev/loop0 /mnt/iso udf ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,utf8 0 0
              $ tail -1 /proc/self/mountinfo
              46 22 7:0 / /mnt/iso rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime - udf /dev/loop0 ro,utf8
              $ tail -1 /proc/self/mountstats
              device /dev/loop0 mounted on /mnt/iso with fstype udf

              The mounting operation could work for any file or drive and requires only to
              make a symbolic link from /tmp/UFS/drive to that file or to the device for the drive. Of course, another name and location could be chosen for the symbolic link, as long as it never changes.

              Dismounting the file relies in the same way on appropriate use of symbolic links. In the case of a normal device corresponding to some harware drive,
              you just use the same links.

              However, files containing the image of a file system are mounted via a special kind of device called a loop device, automatically allocated when you mount the file.

              To dismount the file, you need to refer to the loop device, not the file.
              Hence you need in /etc/fstab an entry that matches both the loop device
              used in /etc/mtab, here /dev/loop0, and the mount point, here

              You cannot create such an entry in advance since the loop
              device may vary, as they are allocated dynamically. Note that it is also
              possible to use a fixed loop device, but it is inconvenient in other
              ways. See
              (this blog actually inspired the reply here).

              However, you can find the name of the loop device, here /dev/loop0, by asking the system, like we did above in several different ways. Then our standard /etc/fstab entry can be made to point to the right loop device via the symlink /tmp/UFS/drive, and to the mount point as done previously with /tmp/UFS/mountpoint. This done, the file may be dismounted with any of the following commands (provided there is no ambiguity with /etc/mtab, which is a different problem):

              $ umount /tmp/UFS/drive
              $ umount /dev/loop0
              $ umount /mnt/iso
              $ umount /tmp/UFS/mountpoint

              Since the two symlinks are needed only when the commands are issued,
              they can be changed dynamically. So our single /etc/fstab entry
              allows mounting any number of files, and umounting them in any
              order, without root privileges.

              Other references:

              • Mounting and modifying a loopback file without sudo/root, is it possible?


              share|improve this answer

              • When fstab entries point to symlinks, can't they be exploited to mount anything without root, by just creating symlinks? Indirectly, isn't it just elevating mount command for every normal user?, and so the security issues associated with it? Correct me if I'm wrong.

                – Bharat G
                Oct 18 '15 at 4:20

              • And recent versions of GNU/Linux distros (say debian jessie) will not provide a gui login when it detects an invalid entry in fstab. It falls back to console login session if the device or the mountpoint section of fstab doesn't point to a valid entry. The user has to login via console session and enter startx to explicitly start a display manager.

                – Bharat G
                Oct 18 '15 at 4:49




              It is actually very easy to mount more or less whatever you want as a
              normal user without root privileges, provided the right entry has
              been created in /etc/fstab.

              Of course, modifications to /etc/fstab require root privileges. But
              a single entry can
              be used with much flexibility to (u)mount many different files on
              different mount points, without any further editing of /etc/fstab.

              Here are two very short (5 lines + comments) Bash scripts that will do the job:

              for mounting

              # usage: usmount device dir
              # author: babou 2013/05/17 on
              # Allows normal user to mount device $1 on mount point $2
              # Use /etc/fstab entry :
              # /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint auto users,noauto 0 0
              # and directory /tmp/UFS/
              # Both have to be created (as superuser for the /etc/fstab entry)
              rm -f /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              ln -s `realpath -s $1` /tmp/UFS/drive
              ln -s `realpath -s $2` /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              mount /tmp/UFS/drive || mount /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              # The last statement should be a bit more subtle
              # Trying both is generally not useful.

              and for dismounting

              # usage: usumount device dir
              # author: babou 2013/05/17 on
              # Allows normal user to umount device $1 from mount point $2
              # Use /etc/fstab entry :
              # /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint auto users,noauto 0 0
              # and directory /tmp/UFS/
              # Both have to be created (as superuser for the /etc/fstab entry)
              rm -f /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              ln -s `realpath -s $1` /tmp/UFS/drive
              ln -s `realpath -s $2` /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              umount /tmp/UFS/drive || umount /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              # One of the two umounts may fail because it is ambiguous
              # Actually both could fail, with careless mounting organization :-)

              The directory /tmp/UFS/ is created to isolate the links and avoid clashes. But the symlinks can be anywhere in user space, as long as they stay in the same place
              (same path). The /etc/fstab entry never changes either.

              VITAL WARNING:
              Mounting is restricted for good security reasons. Making it
              more flexible may open doors for malicious software. I am not a
              security expert and I would recommend that you open doors no more than
              absolutely required ... using options to restrict what can be done
              with the file systems that can thus be mounted.
              If a knowledgeable contributor could comment further on security issues, it
              might be useful.

              Various options are available to restrict the use of file systems that are mounted, such as noexec which prevents execution of
              binaries, or nosuid, and thus contribute to security. Actually, these options are added as default options when the options user or users are used, which is necessarily the case in what we do below. Think twice before you override these defaults.

              Other options can be added for further protection. For example, the option owner in the /etc/fstab entry will let users deal only with files or devices they own. See man mount for a list of options:

              The use of this /etc/fstab entry can also be restricted through the ownership of the directory (or directories) containing the symlinks.


              This explanation was written before I realised I could simplify things to the two scripts above. I did not think of them right away partly because I have at hand a slightly more complex problem that they do not solve without some extra machinery. Thus my explanation may be a bit more intricate than it should, but I do not have the courage to rewrite it all from scratch.

              The basic idea is to create entries in /etc/fstab that include the
              option user or users so that a user can ask mount to do the
              mounting specified in that entry by giving as argument the file to be
              mounted or the mount point to use (but not both in my expérience).

              You also need a proper entry to umount (which is a slightly different problem - see below). The option user is usually better than users since it restricts permission to umount to the user who mounted the file system, while users will allow that to all. Unfortunately the option user does not always work, and may entail some other steps to be made to work. This is discussed in Option "user" work for mount, not for umount.

              First you add to /etc/fstab an entry such as:

              /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint  auto users,noauto, 0 0

              and use /tmp/UFS/drive as a symbolic link (or symlink) to whatever device or file
              you wish to mount,
              say a file containing the image of an ISO file system /home/johndoe/john-image-file.iso.

              You also define /tmp/UFS/mountpoint as a symlink to the mount point you wish to use, say /mnt/iso.

              You can then mount john-image-file.iso with the command :

              $ mount /tmp/UFS/drive

              This is sufficient on my Mageia Linux, since the use of loop devices
              has now been made implicit, and no longer requires using -o loop explicitly. I do not know how general that is today. See
              When mounting, when should I use a loop device?

              This mounting appears in tables and commands :

              $ df | tail -1
              /dev/loop0 5,1G 5,1G 0 100% /mnt/iso
              $ tail -1 /etc/mtab
              /dev/loop0 /mnt/iso udf ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,utf8 0 0
              $ mount | tail -1
              /home/johndoe/john-image-file.iso on /mnt/iso type udf (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,utf8)
              $ tail -1 /proc/mounts
              /dev/loop0 /mnt/iso udf ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,utf8 0 0
              $ tail -1 /proc/self/mountinfo
              46 22 7:0 / /mnt/iso rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime - udf /dev/loop0 ro,utf8
              $ tail -1 /proc/self/mountstats
              device /dev/loop0 mounted on /mnt/iso with fstype udf

              The mounting operation could work for any file or drive and requires only to
              make a symbolic link from /tmp/UFS/drive to that file or to the device for the drive. Of course, another name and location could be chosen for the symbolic link, as long as it never changes.

              Dismounting the file relies in the same way on appropriate use of symbolic links. In the case of a normal device corresponding to some harware drive,
              you just use the same links.

              However, files containing the image of a file system are mounted via a special kind of device called a loop device, automatically allocated when you mount the file.

              To dismount the file, you need to refer to the loop device, not the file.
              Hence you need in /etc/fstab an entry that matches both the loop device
              used in /etc/mtab, here /dev/loop0, and the mount point, here

              You cannot create such an entry in advance since the loop
              device may vary, as they are allocated dynamically. Note that it is also
              possible to use a fixed loop device, but it is inconvenient in other
              ways. See
              (this blog actually inspired the reply here).

              However, you can find the name of the loop device, here /dev/loop0, by asking the system, like we did above in several different ways. Then our standard /etc/fstab entry can be made to point to the right loop device via the symlink /tmp/UFS/drive, and to the mount point as done previously with /tmp/UFS/mountpoint. This done, the file may be dismounted with any of the following commands (provided there is no ambiguity with /etc/mtab, which is a different problem):

              $ umount /tmp/UFS/drive
              $ umount /dev/loop0
              $ umount /mnt/iso
              $ umount /tmp/UFS/mountpoint

              Since the two symlinks are needed only when the commands are issued,
              they can be changed dynamically. So our single /etc/fstab entry
              allows mounting any number of files, and umounting them in any
              order, without root privileges.

              Other references:

              • Mounting and modifying a loopback file without sudo/root, is it possible?


              share|improve this answer

              It is actually very easy to mount more or less whatever you want as a
              normal user without root privileges, provided the right entry has
              been created in /etc/fstab.

              Of course, modifications to /etc/fstab require root privileges. But
              a single entry can
              be used with much flexibility to (u)mount many different files on
              different mount points, without any further editing of /etc/fstab.

              Here are two very short (5 lines + comments) Bash scripts that will do the job:

              for mounting

              # usage: usmount device dir
              # author: babou 2013/05/17 on
              # Allows normal user to mount device $1 on mount point $2
              # Use /etc/fstab entry :
              # /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint auto users,noauto 0 0
              # and directory /tmp/UFS/
              # Both have to be created (as superuser for the /etc/fstab entry)
              rm -f /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              ln -s `realpath -s $1` /tmp/UFS/drive
              ln -s `realpath -s $2` /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              mount /tmp/UFS/drive || mount /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              # The last statement should be a bit more subtle
              # Trying both is generally not useful.

              and for dismounting

              # usage: usumount device dir
              # author: babou 2013/05/17 on
              # Allows normal user to umount device $1 from mount point $2
              # Use /etc/fstab entry :
              # /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint auto users,noauto 0 0
              # and directory /tmp/UFS/
              # Both have to be created (as superuser for the /etc/fstab entry)
              rm -f /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              ln -s `realpath -s $1` /tmp/UFS/drive
              ln -s `realpath -s $2` /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              umount /tmp/UFS/drive || umount /tmp/UFS/mountpoint
              # One of the two umounts may fail because it is ambiguous
              # Actually both could fail, with careless mounting organization :-)

              The directory /tmp/UFS/ is created to isolate the links and avoid clashes. But the symlinks can be anywhere in user space, as long as they stay in the same place
              (same path). The /etc/fstab entry never changes either.

              VITAL WARNING:
              Mounting is restricted for good security reasons. Making it
              more flexible may open doors for malicious software. I am not a
              security expert and I would recommend that you open doors no more than
              absolutely required ... using options to restrict what can be done
              with the file systems that can thus be mounted.
              If a knowledgeable contributor could comment further on security issues, it
              might be useful.

              Various options are available to restrict the use of file systems that are mounted, such as noexec which prevents execution of
              binaries, or nosuid, and thus contribute to security. Actually, these options are added as default options when the options user or users are used, which is necessarily the case in what we do below. Think twice before you override these defaults.

              Other options can be added for further protection. For example, the option owner in the /etc/fstab entry will let users deal only with files or devices they own. See man mount for a list of options:

              The use of this /etc/fstab entry can also be restricted through the ownership of the directory (or directories) containing the symlinks.


              This explanation was written before I realised I could simplify things to the two scripts above. I did not think of them right away partly because I have at hand a slightly more complex problem that they do not solve without some extra machinery. Thus my explanation may be a bit more intricate than it should, but I do not have the courage to rewrite it all from scratch.

              The basic idea is to create entries in /etc/fstab that include the
              option user or users so that a user can ask mount to do the
              mounting specified in that entry by giving as argument the file to be
              mounted or the mount point to use (but not both in my expérience).

              You also need a proper entry to umount (which is a slightly different problem - see below). The option user is usually better than users since it restricts permission to umount to the user who mounted the file system, while users will allow that to all. Unfortunately the option user does not always work, and may entail some other steps to be made to work. This is discussed in Option "user" work for mount, not for umount.

              First you add to /etc/fstab an entry such as:

              /tmp/UFS/drive /tmp/UFS/mountpoint  auto users,noauto, 0 0

              and use /tmp/UFS/drive as a symbolic link (or symlink) to whatever device or file
              you wish to mount,
              say a file containing the image of an ISO file system /home/johndoe/john-image-file.iso.

              You also define /tmp/UFS/mountpoint as a symlink to the mount point you wish to use, say /mnt/iso.

              You can then mount john-image-file.iso with the command :

              $ mount /tmp/UFS/drive

              This is sufficient on my Mageia Linux, since the use of loop devices
              has now been made implicit, and no longer requires using -o loop explicitly. I do not know how general that is today. See
              When mounting, when should I use a loop device?

              This mounting appears in tables and commands :

              $ df | tail -1
              /dev/loop0 5,1G 5,1G 0 100% /mnt/iso
              $ tail -1 /etc/mtab
              /dev/loop0 /mnt/iso udf ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,utf8 0 0
              $ mount | tail -1
              /home/johndoe/john-image-file.iso on /mnt/iso type udf (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,utf8)
              $ tail -1 /proc/mounts
              /dev/loop0 /mnt/iso udf ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,utf8 0 0
              $ tail -1 /proc/self/mountinfo
              46 22 7:0 / /mnt/iso rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime - udf /dev/loop0 ro,utf8
              $ tail -1 /proc/self/mountstats
              device /dev/loop0 mounted on /mnt/iso with fstype udf

              The mounting operation could work for any file or drive and requires only to
              make a symbolic link from /tmp/UFS/drive to that file or to the device for the drive. Of course, another name and location could be chosen for the symbolic link, as long as it never changes.

              Dismounting the file relies in the same way on appropriate use of symbolic links. In the case of a normal device corresponding to some harware drive,
              you just use the same links.

              However, files containing the image of a file system are mounted via a special kind of device called a loop device, automatically allocated when you mount the file.

              To dismount the file, you need to refer to the loop device, not the file.
              Hence you need in /etc/fstab an entry that matches both the loop device
              used in /etc/mtab, here /dev/loop0, and the mount point, here

              You cannot create such an entry in advance since the loop
              device may vary, as they are allocated dynamically. Note that it is also
              possible to use a fixed loop device, but it is inconvenient in other
              ways. See
              (this blog actually inspired the reply here).

              However, you can find the name of the loop device, here /dev/loop0, by asking the system, like we did above in several different ways. Then our standard /etc/fstab entry can be made to point to the right loop device via the symlink /tmp/UFS/drive, and to the mount point as done previously with /tmp/UFS/mountpoint. This done, the file may be dismounted with any of the following commands (provided there is no ambiguity with /etc/mtab, which is a different problem):

              $ umount /tmp/UFS/drive
              $ umount /dev/loop0
              $ umount /mnt/iso
              $ umount /tmp/UFS/mountpoint

              Since the two symlinks are needed only when the commands are issued,
              they can be changed dynamically. So our single /etc/fstab entry
              allows mounting any number of files, and umounting them in any
              order, without root privileges.

              Other references:

              • Mounting and modifying a loopback file without sudo/root, is it possible?


              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Apr 13 '17 at 12:36

              community wiki

              14 revs

              • When fstab entries point to symlinks, can't they be exploited to mount anything without root, by just creating symlinks? Indirectly, isn't it just elevating mount command for every normal user?, and so the security issues associated with it? Correct me if I'm wrong.

                – Bharat G
                Oct 18 '15 at 4:20

              • And recent versions of GNU/Linux distros (say debian jessie) will not provide a gui login when it detects an invalid entry in fstab. It falls back to console login session if the device or the mountpoint section of fstab doesn't point to a valid entry. The user has to login via console session and enter startx to explicitly start a display manager.

                – Bharat G
                Oct 18 '15 at 4:49

              • When fstab entries point to symlinks, can't they be exploited to mount anything without root, by just creating symlinks? Indirectly, isn't it just elevating mount command for every normal user?, and so the security issues associated with it? Correct me if I'm wrong.

                – Bharat G
                Oct 18 '15 at 4:20

              • And recent versions of GNU/Linux distros (say debian jessie) will not provide a gui login when it detects an invalid entry in fstab. It falls back to console login session if the device or the mountpoint section of fstab doesn't point to a valid entry. The user has to login via console session and enter startx to explicitly start a display manager.

                – Bharat G
                Oct 18 '15 at 4:49

              When fstab entries point to symlinks, can't they be exploited to mount anything without root, by just creating symlinks? Indirectly, isn't it just elevating mount command for every normal user?, and so the security issues associated with it? Correct me if I'm wrong.

              – Bharat G
              Oct 18 '15 at 4:20

              When fstab entries point to symlinks, can't they be exploited to mount anything without root, by just creating symlinks? Indirectly, isn't it just elevating mount command for every normal user?, and so the security issues associated with it? Correct me if I'm wrong.

              – Bharat G
              Oct 18 '15 at 4:20

              And recent versions of GNU/Linux distros (say debian jessie) will not provide a gui login when it detects an invalid entry in fstab. It falls back to console login session if the device or the mountpoint section of fstab doesn't point to a valid entry. The user has to login via console session and enter startx to explicitly start a display manager.

              – Bharat G
              Oct 18 '15 at 4:49

              And recent versions of GNU/Linux distros (say debian jessie) will not provide a gui login when it detects an invalid entry in fstab. It falls back to console login session if the device or the mountpoint section of fstab doesn't point to a valid entry. The user has to login via console session and enter startx to explicitly start a display manager.

              – Bharat G
              Oct 18 '15 at 4:49


              Package libguestfs-tools-c have guestmount command so

              mkdir dvd    
              guestmount -a image.iso -r -i dvd

              df will show image.iso mounted


              to umount we have :

              guestunmount dvd

              share|improve this answer


                Package libguestfs-tools-c have guestmount command so

                mkdir dvd    
                guestmount -a image.iso -r -i dvd

                df will show image.iso mounted


                to umount we have :

                guestunmount dvd

                share|improve this answer




                  Package libguestfs-tools-c have guestmount command so

                  mkdir dvd    
                  guestmount -a image.iso -r -i dvd

                  df will show image.iso mounted


                  to umount we have :

                  guestunmount dvd

                  share|improve this answer

                  Package libguestfs-tools-c have guestmount command so

                  mkdir dvd    
                  guestmount -a image.iso -r -i dvd

                  df will show image.iso mounted


                  to umount we have :

                  guestunmount dvd

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered Dec 19 '16 at 0:18




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