Scenarios for a 25 yo finishing a PhD staying in Academia, but hope to invest her $100 K USD


Suppose 1: I am a 25 year old just about to finishing my PhD in pure mathematics, and have saved about $100 K USD so far in my life. I have saved all $100 K USD in an American Bank (actually Bank of America).

  • Actually all $100 K USD can be used for investment, because I have additional saving (like extra $50K USD for backup).

Suppose 2: You are senior and more intelligent in finance and investment issue.
You wanted to give me some serious advices.

What would you recommend me to do with this $100 K USD in the upcoming years? Say the next 10 or 20 years, and I am staying in USA.

i.e., Best secnario for a 25 yo finshing a PhD, focus a career in Academia but invest her $100 K USD at hand

Suppose 3: I would still focus most of my time doing research as I am applying my postdoc in pure mathematics. But I like to make the best enhancement for this $100 K USD. Are there some good ways to invest this money, while put my minimal attention on this investment, however I can still gain the most of profits/increase-ment out of it? (Much better than putting in a Bank.)

Note: I am currently living in US in the east coast near NYC, but I am not a US citizen (yet). I would be having about a $70K USD salary per year for upcoming years.

Thank you for the precious advices!

Edit: My question is different from Best way to start investing, for a young person just starting their career?, because I am working in Academia, so I wish to focus on my academic research/teaching, and have least distractions while stably investing. Also my starting background is different from the other post.

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New contributor

annie heart is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • Possible duplicate of Best way to start investing, for a young person just starting their career?

    – Money Ann
    1 hour ago

  • Edit: My question is different from, because I am working in Academia, so I wish to focus on my academic research/teaching, and have least distractions while stably investing. Also my starting background is different from the other post. Thank you!

    – annie heart
    1 hour ago

  • That is a really good set of resources to get your started though too, so have a look at those answers and resources they link to.

    – T. M.
    1 hour ago


Suppose 1: I am a 25 year old just about to finishing my PhD in pure mathematics, and have saved about $100 K USD so far in my life. I have saved all $100 K USD in an American Bank (actually Bank of America).

  • Actually all $100 K USD can be used for investment, because I have additional saving (like extra $50K USD for backup).

Suppose 2: You are senior and more intelligent in finance and investment issue.
You wanted to give me some serious advices.

What would you recommend me to do with this $100 K USD in the upcoming years? Say the next 10 or 20 years, and I am staying in USA.

i.e., Best secnario for a 25 yo finshing a PhD, focus a career in Academia but invest her $100 K USD at hand

Suppose 3: I would still focus most of my time doing research as I am applying my postdoc in pure mathematics. But I like to make the best enhancement for this $100 K USD. Are there some good ways to invest this money, while put my minimal attention on this investment, however I can still gain the most of profits/increase-ment out of it? (Much better than putting in a Bank.)

Note: I am currently living in US in the east coast near NYC, but I am not a US citizen (yet). I would be having about a $70K USD salary per year for upcoming years.

Thank you for the precious advices!

Edit: My question is different from Best way to start investing, for a young person just starting their career?, because I am working in Academia, so I wish to focus on my academic research/teaching, and have least distractions while stably investing. Also my starting background is different from the other post.

share|improve this question

New contributor

annie heart is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • Possible duplicate of Best way to start investing, for a young person just starting their career?

    – Money Ann
    1 hour ago

  • Edit: My question is different from, because I am working in Academia, so I wish to focus on my academic research/teaching, and have least distractions while stably investing. Also my starting background is different from the other post. Thank you!

    – annie heart
    1 hour ago

  • That is a really good set of resources to get your started though too, so have a look at those answers and resources they link to.

    – T. M.
    1 hour ago





Suppose 1: I am a 25 year old just about to finishing my PhD in pure mathematics, and have saved about $100 K USD so far in my life. I have saved all $100 K USD in an American Bank (actually Bank of America).

  • Actually all $100 K USD can be used for investment, because I have additional saving (like extra $50K USD for backup).

Suppose 2: You are senior and more intelligent in finance and investment issue.
You wanted to give me some serious advices.

What would you recommend me to do with this $100 K USD in the upcoming years? Say the next 10 or 20 years, and I am staying in USA.

i.e., Best secnario for a 25 yo finshing a PhD, focus a career in Academia but invest her $100 K USD at hand

Suppose 3: I would still focus most of my time doing research as I am applying my postdoc in pure mathematics. But I like to make the best enhancement for this $100 K USD. Are there some good ways to invest this money, while put my minimal attention on this investment, however I can still gain the most of profits/increase-ment out of it? (Much better than putting in a Bank.)

Note: I am currently living in US in the east coast near NYC, but I am not a US citizen (yet). I would be having about a $70K USD salary per year for upcoming years.

Thank you for the precious advices!

Edit: My question is different from Best way to start investing, for a young person just starting their career?, because I am working in Academia, so I wish to focus on my academic research/teaching, and have least distractions while stably investing. Also my starting background is different from the other post.

share|improve this question

New contributor

annie heart is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Suppose 1: I am a 25 year old just about to finishing my PhD in pure mathematics, and have saved about $100 K USD so far in my life. I have saved all $100 K USD in an American Bank (actually Bank of America).

  • Actually all $100 K USD can be used for investment, because I have additional saving (like extra $50K USD for backup).

Suppose 2: You are senior and more intelligent in finance and investment issue.
You wanted to give me some serious advices.

What would you recommend me to do with this $100 K USD in the upcoming years? Say the next 10 or 20 years, and I am staying in USA.

i.e., Best secnario for a 25 yo finshing a PhD, focus a career in Academia but invest her $100 K USD at hand

Suppose 3: I would still focus most of my time doing research as I am applying my postdoc in pure mathematics. But I like to make the best enhancement for this $100 K USD. Are there some good ways to invest this money, while put my minimal attention on this investment, however I can still gain the most of profits/increase-ment out of it? (Much better than putting in a Bank.)

Note: I am currently living in US in the east coast near NYC, but I am not a US citizen (yet). I would be having about a $70K USD salary per year for upcoming years.

Thank you for the precious advices!

Edit: My question is different from Best way to start investing, for a young person just starting their career?, because I am working in Academia, so I wish to focus on my academic research/teaching, and have least distractions while stably investing. Also my starting background is different from the other post.

investing savings investment-strategies futures profitability

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New contributor

annie heart is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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New contributor

annie heart is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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edited 1 hour ago

Peter K.



New contributor

annie heart is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked 2 hours ago

annie heartannie heart



New contributor

annie heart is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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New contributor

annie heart is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

annie heart is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • Possible duplicate of Best way to start investing, for a young person just starting their career?

    – Money Ann
    1 hour ago

  • Edit: My question is different from, because I am working in Academia, so I wish to focus on my academic research/teaching, and have least distractions while stably investing. Also my starting background is different from the other post. Thank you!

    – annie heart
    1 hour ago

  • That is a really good set of resources to get your started though too, so have a look at those answers and resources they link to.

    – T. M.
    1 hour ago

  • Possible duplicate of Best way to start investing, for a young person just starting their career?

    – Money Ann
    1 hour ago

  • Edit: My question is different from, because I am working in Academia, so I wish to focus on my academic research/teaching, and have least distractions while stably investing. Also my starting background is different from the other post. Thank you!

    – annie heart
    1 hour ago

  • That is a really good set of resources to get your started though too, so have a look at those answers and resources they link to.

    – T. M.
    1 hour ago

Possible duplicate of Best way to start investing, for a young person just starting their career?

– Money Ann
1 hour ago

Possible duplicate of Best way to start investing, for a young person just starting their career?

– Money Ann
1 hour ago

Edit: My question is different from, because I am working in Academia, so I wish to focus on my academic research/teaching, and have least distractions while stably investing. Also my starting background is different from the other post. Thank you!

– annie heart
1 hour ago

Edit: My question is different from, because I am working in Academia, so I wish to focus on my academic research/teaching, and have least distractions while stably investing. Also my starting background is different from the other post. Thank you!

– annie heart
1 hour ago

That is a really good set of resources to get your started though too, so have a look at those answers and resources they link to.

– T. M.
1 hour ago

That is a really good set of resources to get your started though too, so have a look at those answers and resources they link to.

– T. M.
1 hour ago

2 Answers





A proper answer to this would require knowing about your short and long term financial goals. Will you need this money to spend on something such as a house in the next 5-10 years? Do you plan to maximize your 403(b) contributions from your new salary or would your basic expenses be too high to manage that? Not knowing those, the best advice you can get is some options.

  1. A diversified low cost brokerage, ETF, or mutual fund account. You can target any mix from 100% low risk bonds and cash to 100% equities. The mix would depend on your desired return and tolerance for the risk you would assume by trying to target greater return, as well as the time horizon for when you would expect to need to spend some of the money. If you need some in a few years to buy a house or for a wedding that would dictate a very different investment mix than if you were quite sure that all of the money would be untouched for 10 years or more. You could target a return anywhere from 3% to 10% per year or more depending on the risk you could accept and your time horizon.

  2. Use the 100k as a sinking fund to cover your expenses as you maximize your contributions to your 403(b) plan at $19,000 as well as a Roth IRA contribution of $6,000 and increase as the limits rise. These plans are tax advantaged and maximizing them and making both Roth and regular pre-tax contributions will give you good tax advantages now and in the future as well.

  3. A combination of the two. Attempt to maximize your contributions and attempt not to spend anything from the sinking fund. If you are successful in not spending the sinking fund you will be well set up to reach your future financial goals.

  4. Use some of the 100k to purchase investment real estate. This is typically not a good option unless you put in the time to understand the risks and particulars of a given property.

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks, T.M., +1, for example, a goal can be how to safely do an investment and stably gain to earn $1M soon or in a few years, under my situation?

    – annie heart
    1 hour ago

  • That can be a goal, but what would you want to do with the money is usually a better goal. What would having the $1M do for you other than to be able to point at it on a piece of paper. What life goals do you have such as retirement, children's education, starting a business, etc? Figuring out how to achieve those with your financial resources is the name of the game. You're young though and goals can change, so leaving some flexibility is good.

    – T. M.
    1 hour ago


The question doesn't ask for long-term growth set against fluctuation and volatility but asks for something better than a bank.

Well, there are several internet banks that the current bank account can link-to that pay almost as much as a three-month Treasury Bill.

Also, there are Treasury Direct accounts that link to the current bank account with non-hedge-fund buy-and-hold investors probably going as long as two-year durations.

And there are long-term Treasury Bond ETF's near 3% dividend that can be held while also holding a sell-side Treasury Bond future. The investor is the hedge fund.

There is a leveraged and hedged Treasury open-end mutual fund that was previously a closed-end fund that is paying about 6% dividend. And there is a closed-end leveraged and hedged TIP fund paying about 4% dividend. These choices are volatile but very entertaining.

Then another step up is leveraged and hedged mortgage-REIT's that pay about 10% dividends.

But certainly suggest that one or two stocks with particularly good prospects be held at 20% or so total percentage of the portfolio. Or else hold a stock index at 20% of the portfolio.

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks, +1, for example, a goal can be how to safely do an investment and stably gain to earn $1M soon or in a few years, under my situation?

    – annie heart
    1 hour ago

  • An investor would be doing very good just to double a starting investment in ten years. For a ten-times gain in ten years, buy stocks during recessions and wait it out. Or buy stocks that seem to have particularly good prospects. Or keep adding to the starting investment while holding stock index funds.

    – S Spring
    49 mins ago

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2 Answers




2 Answers











A proper answer to this would require knowing about your short and long term financial goals. Will you need this money to spend on something such as a house in the next 5-10 years? Do you plan to maximize your 403(b) contributions from your new salary or would your basic expenses be too high to manage that? Not knowing those, the best advice you can get is some options.

  1. A diversified low cost brokerage, ETF, or mutual fund account. You can target any mix from 100% low risk bonds and cash to 100% equities. The mix would depend on your desired return and tolerance for the risk you would assume by trying to target greater return, as well as the time horizon for when you would expect to need to spend some of the money. If you need some in a few years to buy a house or for a wedding that would dictate a very different investment mix than if you were quite sure that all of the money would be untouched for 10 years or more. You could target a return anywhere from 3% to 10% per year or more depending on the risk you could accept and your time horizon.

  2. Use the 100k as a sinking fund to cover your expenses as you maximize your contributions to your 403(b) plan at $19,000 as well as a Roth IRA contribution of $6,000 and increase as the limits rise. These plans are tax advantaged and maximizing them and making both Roth and regular pre-tax contributions will give you good tax advantages now and in the future as well.

  3. A combination of the two. Attempt to maximize your contributions and attempt not to spend anything from the sinking fund. If you are successful in not spending the sinking fund you will be well set up to reach your future financial goals.

  4. Use some of the 100k to purchase investment real estate. This is typically not a good option unless you put in the time to understand the risks and particulars of a given property.

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks, T.M., +1, for example, a goal can be how to safely do an investment and stably gain to earn $1M soon or in a few years, under my situation?

    – annie heart
    1 hour ago

  • That can be a goal, but what would you want to do with the money is usually a better goal. What would having the $1M do for you other than to be able to point at it on a piece of paper. What life goals do you have such as retirement, children's education, starting a business, etc? Figuring out how to achieve those with your financial resources is the name of the game. You're young though and goals can change, so leaving some flexibility is good.

    – T. M.
    1 hour ago


A proper answer to this would require knowing about your short and long term financial goals. Will you need this money to spend on something such as a house in the next 5-10 years? Do you plan to maximize your 403(b) contributions from your new salary or would your basic expenses be too high to manage that? Not knowing those, the best advice you can get is some options.

  1. A diversified low cost brokerage, ETF, or mutual fund account. You can target any mix from 100% low risk bonds and cash to 100% equities. The mix would depend on your desired return and tolerance for the risk you would assume by trying to target greater return, as well as the time horizon for when you would expect to need to spend some of the money. If you need some in a few years to buy a house or for a wedding that would dictate a very different investment mix than if you were quite sure that all of the money would be untouched for 10 years or more. You could target a return anywhere from 3% to 10% per year or more depending on the risk you could accept and your time horizon.

  2. Use the 100k as a sinking fund to cover your expenses as you maximize your contributions to your 403(b) plan at $19,000 as well as a Roth IRA contribution of $6,000 and increase as the limits rise. These plans are tax advantaged and maximizing them and making both Roth and regular pre-tax contributions will give you good tax advantages now and in the future as well.

  3. A combination of the two. Attempt to maximize your contributions and attempt not to spend anything from the sinking fund. If you are successful in not spending the sinking fund you will be well set up to reach your future financial goals.

  4. Use some of the 100k to purchase investment real estate. This is typically not a good option unless you put in the time to understand the risks and particulars of a given property.

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks, T.M., +1, for example, a goal can be how to safely do an investment and stably gain to earn $1M soon or in a few years, under my situation?

    – annie heart
    1 hour ago

  • That can be a goal, but what would you want to do with the money is usually a better goal. What would having the $1M do for you other than to be able to point at it on a piece of paper. What life goals do you have such as retirement, children's education, starting a business, etc? Figuring out how to achieve those with your financial resources is the name of the game. You're young though and goals can change, so leaving some flexibility is good.

    – T. M.
    1 hour ago




A proper answer to this would require knowing about your short and long term financial goals. Will you need this money to spend on something such as a house in the next 5-10 years? Do you plan to maximize your 403(b) contributions from your new salary or would your basic expenses be too high to manage that? Not knowing those, the best advice you can get is some options.

  1. A diversified low cost brokerage, ETF, or mutual fund account. You can target any mix from 100% low risk bonds and cash to 100% equities. The mix would depend on your desired return and tolerance for the risk you would assume by trying to target greater return, as well as the time horizon for when you would expect to need to spend some of the money. If you need some in a few years to buy a house or for a wedding that would dictate a very different investment mix than if you were quite sure that all of the money would be untouched for 10 years or more. You could target a return anywhere from 3% to 10% per year or more depending on the risk you could accept and your time horizon.

  2. Use the 100k as a sinking fund to cover your expenses as you maximize your contributions to your 403(b) plan at $19,000 as well as a Roth IRA contribution of $6,000 and increase as the limits rise. These plans are tax advantaged and maximizing them and making both Roth and regular pre-tax contributions will give you good tax advantages now and in the future as well.

  3. A combination of the two. Attempt to maximize your contributions and attempt not to spend anything from the sinking fund. If you are successful in not spending the sinking fund you will be well set up to reach your future financial goals.

  4. Use some of the 100k to purchase investment real estate. This is typically not a good option unless you put in the time to understand the risks and particulars of a given property.

share|improve this answer

A proper answer to this would require knowing about your short and long term financial goals. Will you need this money to spend on something such as a house in the next 5-10 years? Do you plan to maximize your 403(b) contributions from your new salary or would your basic expenses be too high to manage that? Not knowing those, the best advice you can get is some options.

  1. A diversified low cost brokerage, ETF, or mutual fund account. You can target any mix from 100% low risk bonds and cash to 100% equities. The mix would depend on your desired return and tolerance for the risk you would assume by trying to target greater return, as well as the time horizon for when you would expect to need to spend some of the money. If you need some in a few years to buy a house or for a wedding that would dictate a very different investment mix than if you were quite sure that all of the money would be untouched for 10 years or more. You could target a return anywhere from 3% to 10% per year or more depending on the risk you could accept and your time horizon.

  2. Use the 100k as a sinking fund to cover your expenses as you maximize your contributions to your 403(b) plan at $19,000 as well as a Roth IRA contribution of $6,000 and increase as the limits rise. These plans are tax advantaged and maximizing them and making both Roth and regular pre-tax contributions will give you good tax advantages now and in the future as well.

  3. A combination of the two. Attempt to maximize your contributions and attempt not to spend anything from the sinking fund. If you are successful in not spending the sinking fund you will be well set up to reach your future financial goals.

  4. Use some of the 100k to purchase investment real estate. This is typically not a good option unless you put in the time to understand the risks and particulars of a given property.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered 2 hours ago

T. M.T. M.



  • Thanks, T.M., +1, for example, a goal can be how to safely do an investment and stably gain to earn $1M soon or in a few years, under my situation?

    – annie heart
    1 hour ago

  • That can be a goal, but what would you want to do with the money is usually a better goal. What would having the $1M do for you other than to be able to point at it on a piece of paper. What life goals do you have such as retirement, children's education, starting a business, etc? Figuring out how to achieve those with your financial resources is the name of the game. You're young though and goals can change, so leaving some flexibility is good.

    – T. M.
    1 hour ago

  • Thanks, T.M., +1, for example, a goal can be how to safely do an investment and stably gain to earn $1M soon or in a few years, under my situation?

    – annie heart
    1 hour ago

  • That can be a goal, but what would you want to do with the money is usually a better goal. What would having the $1M do for you other than to be able to point at it on a piece of paper. What life goals do you have such as retirement, children's education, starting a business, etc? Figuring out how to achieve those with your financial resources is the name of the game. You're young though and goals can change, so leaving some flexibility is good.

    – T. M.
    1 hour ago

Thanks, T.M., +1, for example, a goal can be how to safely do an investment and stably gain to earn $1M soon or in a few years, under my situation?

– annie heart
1 hour ago

Thanks, T.M., +1, for example, a goal can be how to safely do an investment and stably gain to earn $1M soon or in a few years, under my situation?

– annie heart
1 hour ago

That can be a goal, but what would you want to do with the money is usually a better goal. What would having the $1M do for you other than to be able to point at it on a piece of paper. What life goals do you have such as retirement, children's education, starting a business, etc? Figuring out how to achieve those with your financial resources is the name of the game. You're young though and goals can change, so leaving some flexibility is good.

– T. M.
1 hour ago

That can be a goal, but what would you want to do with the money is usually a better goal. What would having the $1M do for you other than to be able to point at it on a piece of paper. What life goals do you have such as retirement, children's education, starting a business, etc? Figuring out how to achieve those with your financial resources is the name of the game. You're young though and goals can change, so leaving some flexibility is good.

– T. M.
1 hour ago


The question doesn't ask for long-term growth set against fluctuation and volatility but asks for something better than a bank.

Well, there are several internet banks that the current bank account can link-to that pay almost as much as a three-month Treasury Bill.

Also, there are Treasury Direct accounts that link to the current bank account with non-hedge-fund buy-and-hold investors probably going as long as two-year durations.

And there are long-term Treasury Bond ETF's near 3% dividend that can be held while also holding a sell-side Treasury Bond future. The investor is the hedge fund.

There is a leveraged and hedged Treasury open-end mutual fund that was previously a closed-end fund that is paying about 6% dividend. And there is a closed-end leveraged and hedged TIP fund paying about 4% dividend. These choices are volatile but very entertaining.

Then another step up is leveraged and hedged mortgage-REIT's that pay about 10% dividends.

But certainly suggest that one or two stocks with particularly good prospects be held at 20% or so total percentage of the portfolio. Or else hold a stock index at 20% of the portfolio.

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks, +1, for example, a goal can be how to safely do an investment and stably gain to earn $1M soon or in a few years, under my situation?

    – annie heart
    1 hour ago

  • An investor would be doing very good just to double a starting investment in ten years. For a ten-times gain in ten years, buy stocks during recessions and wait it out. Or buy stocks that seem to have particularly good prospects. Or keep adding to the starting investment while holding stock index funds.

    – S Spring
    49 mins ago


The question doesn't ask for long-term growth set against fluctuation and volatility but asks for something better than a bank.

Well, there are several internet banks that the current bank account can link-to that pay almost as much as a three-month Treasury Bill.

Also, there are Treasury Direct accounts that link to the current bank account with non-hedge-fund buy-and-hold investors probably going as long as two-year durations.

And there are long-term Treasury Bond ETF's near 3% dividend that can be held while also holding a sell-side Treasury Bond future. The investor is the hedge fund.

There is a leveraged and hedged Treasury open-end mutual fund that was previously a closed-end fund that is paying about 6% dividend. And there is a closed-end leveraged and hedged TIP fund paying about 4% dividend. These choices are volatile but very entertaining.

Then another step up is leveraged and hedged mortgage-REIT's that pay about 10% dividends.

But certainly suggest that one or two stocks with particularly good prospects be held at 20% or so total percentage of the portfolio. Or else hold a stock index at 20% of the portfolio.

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks, +1, for example, a goal can be how to safely do an investment and stably gain to earn $1M soon or in a few years, under my situation?

    – annie heart
    1 hour ago

  • An investor would be doing very good just to double a starting investment in ten years. For a ten-times gain in ten years, buy stocks during recessions and wait it out. Or buy stocks that seem to have particularly good prospects. Or keep adding to the starting investment while holding stock index funds.

    – S Spring
    49 mins ago




The question doesn't ask for long-term growth set against fluctuation and volatility but asks for something better than a bank.

Well, there are several internet banks that the current bank account can link-to that pay almost as much as a three-month Treasury Bill.

Also, there are Treasury Direct accounts that link to the current bank account with non-hedge-fund buy-and-hold investors probably going as long as two-year durations.

And there are long-term Treasury Bond ETF's near 3% dividend that can be held while also holding a sell-side Treasury Bond future. The investor is the hedge fund.

There is a leveraged and hedged Treasury open-end mutual fund that was previously a closed-end fund that is paying about 6% dividend. And there is a closed-end leveraged and hedged TIP fund paying about 4% dividend. These choices are volatile but very entertaining.

Then another step up is leveraged and hedged mortgage-REIT's that pay about 10% dividends.

But certainly suggest that one or two stocks with particularly good prospects be held at 20% or so total percentage of the portfolio. Or else hold a stock index at 20% of the portfolio.

share|improve this answer

The question doesn't ask for long-term growth set against fluctuation and volatility but asks for something better than a bank.

Well, there are several internet banks that the current bank account can link-to that pay almost as much as a three-month Treasury Bill.

Also, there are Treasury Direct accounts that link to the current bank account with non-hedge-fund buy-and-hold investors probably going as long as two-year durations.

And there are long-term Treasury Bond ETF's near 3% dividend that can be held while also holding a sell-side Treasury Bond future. The investor is the hedge fund.

There is a leveraged and hedged Treasury open-end mutual fund that was previously a closed-end fund that is paying about 6% dividend. And there is a closed-end leveraged and hedged TIP fund paying about 4% dividend. These choices are volatile but very entertaining.

Then another step up is leveraged and hedged mortgage-REIT's that pay about 10% dividends.

But certainly suggest that one or two stocks with particularly good prospects be held at 20% or so total percentage of the portfolio. Or else hold a stock index at 20% of the portfolio.

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edited 1 hour ago

answered 2 hours ago

S SpringS Spring



  • Thanks, +1, for example, a goal can be how to safely do an investment and stably gain to earn $1M soon or in a few years, under my situation?

    – annie heart
    1 hour ago

  • An investor would be doing very good just to double a starting investment in ten years. For a ten-times gain in ten years, buy stocks during recessions and wait it out. Or buy stocks that seem to have particularly good prospects. Or keep adding to the starting investment while holding stock index funds.

    – S Spring
    49 mins ago

  • Thanks, +1, for example, a goal can be how to safely do an investment and stably gain to earn $1M soon or in a few years, under my situation?

    – annie heart
    1 hour ago

  • An investor would be doing very good just to double a starting investment in ten years. For a ten-times gain in ten years, buy stocks during recessions and wait it out. Or buy stocks that seem to have particularly good prospects. Or keep adding to the starting investment while holding stock index funds.

    – S Spring
    49 mins ago

Thanks, +1, for example, a goal can be how to safely do an investment and stably gain to earn $1M soon or in a few years, under my situation?

– annie heart
1 hour ago

Thanks, +1, for example, a goal can be how to safely do an investment and stably gain to earn $1M soon or in a few years, under my situation?

– annie heart
1 hour ago

An investor would be doing very good just to double a starting investment in ten years. For a ten-times gain in ten years, buy stocks during recessions and wait it out. Or buy stocks that seem to have particularly good prospects. Or keep adding to the starting investment while holding stock index funds.

– S Spring
49 mins ago

An investor would be doing very good just to double a starting investment in ten years. For a ten-times gain in ten years, buy stocks during recessions and wait it out. Or buy stocks that seem to have particularly good prospects. Or keep adding to the starting investment while holding stock index funds.

– S Spring
49 mins ago

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