How to sync two folders with command line tools?


Having migrated to Linux from Windows, I would like to find an alternative software to Winmerge or rather learn command line tools to compare and sync two folders on Linux. I would be grateful if you could tell me how to do the following tasks on the command line... (I have studied diff and rsync, but I still need some help.)

We have two folders: "/home/user/A" and "/home/user/B"

Folder A is the place where regular files and folders are saved and folder B is a backup folder that serves as a complete mirror of folder A. (Nothing is directly saved or modified by the user in folder B.)

My questions are:

  • How to list files that exist only in folder B? (E.g. the ones deleted from folder A since the last synchronization.)

  • How to copy files that exist in only folder B back into folder A?

  • How to list files that exist in both folders but have different timestamps or sizes? (The ones that have been modified in folder A since last synronization. I would like to avoid using checksums, because there are tens of thousands of files and it'd make the process too slow.)

  • How to make an exact copy of folder A into folder B? I mean, copy everything from folder A into folder B that exists only in folder A and delete everything from folder B that exists only in folder B, but without touching the files that are the same in both folders.

share|improve this question

  • Why not use a proper backup program for this? Duplicity is one example.

    – Qudit
    May 16 '15 at 21:57


Having migrated to Linux from Windows, I would like to find an alternative software to Winmerge or rather learn command line tools to compare and sync two folders on Linux. I would be grateful if you could tell me how to do the following tasks on the command line... (I have studied diff and rsync, but I still need some help.)

We have two folders: "/home/user/A" and "/home/user/B"

Folder A is the place where regular files and folders are saved and folder B is a backup folder that serves as a complete mirror of folder A. (Nothing is directly saved or modified by the user in folder B.)

My questions are:

  • How to list files that exist only in folder B? (E.g. the ones deleted from folder A since the last synchronization.)

  • How to copy files that exist in only folder B back into folder A?

  • How to list files that exist in both folders but have different timestamps or sizes? (The ones that have been modified in folder A since last synronization. I would like to avoid using checksums, because there are tens of thousands of files and it'd make the process too slow.)

  • How to make an exact copy of folder A into folder B? I mean, copy everything from folder A into folder B that exists only in folder A and delete everything from folder B that exists only in folder B, but without touching the files that are the same in both folders.

share|improve this question

  • Why not use a proper backup program for this? Duplicity is one example.

    – Qudit
    May 16 '15 at 21:57





Having migrated to Linux from Windows, I would like to find an alternative software to Winmerge or rather learn command line tools to compare and sync two folders on Linux. I would be grateful if you could tell me how to do the following tasks on the command line... (I have studied diff and rsync, but I still need some help.)

We have two folders: "/home/user/A" and "/home/user/B"

Folder A is the place where regular files and folders are saved and folder B is a backup folder that serves as a complete mirror of folder A. (Nothing is directly saved or modified by the user in folder B.)

My questions are:

  • How to list files that exist only in folder B? (E.g. the ones deleted from folder A since the last synchronization.)

  • How to copy files that exist in only folder B back into folder A?

  • How to list files that exist in both folders but have different timestamps or sizes? (The ones that have been modified in folder A since last synronization. I would like to avoid using checksums, because there are tens of thousands of files and it'd make the process too slow.)

  • How to make an exact copy of folder A into folder B? I mean, copy everything from folder A into folder B that exists only in folder A and delete everything from folder B that exists only in folder B, but without touching the files that are the same in both folders.

share|improve this question

Having migrated to Linux from Windows, I would like to find an alternative software to Winmerge or rather learn command line tools to compare and sync two folders on Linux. I would be grateful if you could tell me how to do the following tasks on the command line... (I have studied diff and rsync, but I still need some help.)

We have two folders: "/home/user/A" and "/home/user/B"

Folder A is the place where regular files and folders are saved and folder B is a backup folder that serves as a complete mirror of folder A. (Nothing is directly saved or modified by the user in folder B.)

My questions are:

  • How to list files that exist only in folder B? (E.g. the ones deleted from folder A since the last synchronization.)

  • How to copy files that exist in only folder B back into folder A?

  • How to list files that exist in both folders but have different timestamps or sizes? (The ones that have been modified in folder A since last synronization. I would like to avoid using checksums, because there are tens of thousands of files and it'd make the process too slow.)

  • How to make an exact copy of folder A into folder B? I mean, copy everything from folder A into folder B that exists only in folder A and delete everything from folder B that exists only in folder B, but without touching the files that are the same in both folders.

files file-copy synchronization

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edited Feb 26 '17 at 22:54




asked May 16 '15 at 20:49




  • Why not use a proper backup program for this? Duplicity is one example.

    – Qudit
    May 16 '15 at 21:57

  • Why not use a proper backup program for this? Duplicity is one example.

    – Qudit
    May 16 '15 at 21:57

Why not use a proper backup program for this? Duplicity is one example.

– Qudit
May 16 '15 at 21:57

Why not use a proper backup program for this? Duplicity is one example.

– Qudit
May 16 '15 at 21:57

5 Answers





This puts folder A into folder B:

rsync -avu --delete "/home/user/A" "/home/user/B"  

If you want the contents of folders A and B to be the same, put /home/user/A/ (with the slash) as the source. This takes not the folder A but all of it's content and puts it into folder B. Like this:

rsync -avu --delete "/home/user/A/" "/home/user/B"  

Explanation by SonicARG

-a Do the sync preserving all filesystem attributes

-v run verbosely

-u skip files that are newer on the receiver

--delete delete the files in target folder that do not exist in the source, /home/user/A: source folder, /home/user/B: target folder

share|improve this answer

  • 6

    rsync: run rsync app, -a: do the sync preserving all filesystem attributes, -v: run verbosely, -z: compress the data during the sync (transport the data in compressed mode), --delete: delete the files in target folder that do not exist in the source, /home/user/A: source folder, /home/user/B: target folder

    – SonicARG
    Jul 9 '16 at 19:25

  • Hi SonicARG, I totally forgot to get back to this and put the explanation, thanks submitting the explanation, I put yours in the answer, hope you don't mind.

    – TuxForLife
    Jul 11 '16 at 5:43

  • 5

    Rsync is primarly meant to copy files between different computers, as explained here it can serve the purpose to sync directories as well. So the -z option is interesting to reduce network traffic and thus enhance the performance of an rsync between 2 computers: ( read data from disk -> compress) ===network===> (uncompress->write to disk) Using -z to sync 2 directories on the same host is a bit silly and waste of cpu cycles as you would get (read data from disk -> compress -> uncompress -> write to disk)

    – GerritCap
    Mar 29 '17 at 8:51

  • @GerritCap, I made an edit, thanks for your valuable input

    – TuxForLife
    Jul 6 '18 at 15:48

  • I've tried the command but it create a sub-dir /home/user/B/A instead of overwrite A's content to B's content. Could you help me to have a look on it?

    – Luke
    Sep 19 '18 at 3:24


You could unison tool developed by Benjamin Pierce at U Penn.

Let us assume you have two directories,

/home/user/Documents/dirA/ and /home/user/Documents/dirB/

To synchronize these two, you may use:

~$unison -ui text /home/user/Documents/dirA/ /home/user/Documents/dirB/

In output, unison will display each and every directory and file that is different in the two directories you have asked to sync. It will recommend to additively synchronize (replicate missing file in both locations) on the initial run, then create and maintain a synchronization tree on your machine, and on subsequent runs it will implement true synchronization (i.e., if you delete a file from .../dirA, it will get deleted from .../dirB as well. You can also compare each and every change and optionally choose to forward or reverse synchronize between the two directories.

Optionally, to launch graphical interface, simply remove the -ui text option from your command, although I find the cli simpler and faster to use.

More on this: Unison tutorial at Unison user documentation.

share|improve this answer


    This is not completely the same as what you ask for, but you could considered using a version-control tool. Tools like Git do everything you ask for, and more, especially if you do not work in folder B directly it could be interesting to take a look at it. you can find some more information on git here

    share|improve this answer

    • 2

      This only works if you're willing to add everything to version control. It also forces every change ever committed to be permanently stored, which may be undesirable.

      – Qudit
      May 16 '15 at 21:58

    • @Qudit, that is true, although it is possible via cloning to limit the history, but limiting the history is not (yet ?) implemented in Git by default.

      – switch87
      May 16 '15 at 22:07

    • @switch87 Yes, I know you can delete old commits. Version control is not really an appropriate solution for generic backups imo though, especially if there are large binary files.

      – Qudit
      May 16 '15 at 22:10

    • His question is for local backup, but if you use it for remote backup you can still use git annex for the bigger files. for local backup this is not a problem.

      – switch87
      May 16 '15 at 22:22

    • 2

      @switch87 This really should've been a comment to the Q and not an answer since it doesn't explain how you'd use git to do backups.

      – slm
      May 17 '15 at 11:35


    You can use it this way:

    rsync -avu --delete /home/user/A/* /home/user/B/

    This way you will copy the content of folder A into folder B, not the content of folder A itself.

    share|improve this answer


      The answer from TuxForLife is pretty good, but I strongly suggest you use -c when syncing locally. You can argue that it's not worth the time/network penalty to do it for remote syncs, but it is totally worth it for local files because the speed is so great.

      -c, --checksum
      This forces the sender to checksum every regular file using a 128-bit MD4
      checksum. It does this during the initial file-system scan as it builds
      the list of all available files. The receiver then checksums its version
      of each file (if it exists and it has the same size as its sender-side
      counterpart) in order to decide which files need to be updated: files with
      either a changed size or a changed checksum are selected for transfer.
      Since this whole-file checksumming of all files on both sides of the con-
      nection occurs in addition to the automatic checksum verifications that
      occur during a file's transfer, this option can be quite slow.

      Note that rsync always verifies that each transferred file was correctly
      reconstructed on the receiving side by checking its whole-file checksum,
      but that automatic after-the-transfer verification has nothing to do with
      this option's before-the-transfer "Does this file need to be updated?"

      This shows how having the same size and time stamps can fail you.

      The setup

      $ cd /tmp

      $ mkdir -p {A,b}/1/2/{3,4}

      $ echo "___________from A" |
      tee A/1/2/x | tee A/1/2/3/y | tee A/1/2/4/z |
      tr A b |
      tee b/1/2/x | tee b/1/2/3/y | tee b/1/2/4/z |
      tee b/1/2/x0 | tee b/1/2/3/y0 > b/1/2/4/z0

      $ find A b -type f | xargs -I% sh -c "echo %; cat %;"
      ___________from A
      ___________from A
      ___________from A
      ___________from b
      ___________from b
      ___________from b
      ___________from b
      ___________from b
      ___________from b

      The rsync that copies nothing because the files all have the same size and timestamp

      $ rsync -avu A/ b
      building file list ... done

      sent 138 bytes received 20 bytes 316.00 bytes/sec
      total size is 57 speedup is 0.36

      $ find A b -type f | xargs -I% sh -c "echo %; cat %;"
      ___________from A
      ___________from A
      ___________from A
      ___________from b
      ___________from b
      ___________from b
      ___________from b
      ___________from b
      ___________from b

      The rsync that works correctly because it compares checksums

      $ rsync -cavu A/ b
      building file list ... done

      sent 381 bytes received 86 bytes 934.00 bytes/sec
      total size is 57 speedup is 0.12

      $ find A b -type f | xargs -I% sh -c "echo %; cat %;"
      ___________from A
      ___________from A
      ___________from A
      ___________from A
      ___________from b
      ___________from A
      ___________from b
      ___________from A
      ___________from b

      share|improve this answer

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        5 Answers




        5 Answers











        This puts folder A into folder B:

        rsync -avu --delete "/home/user/A" "/home/user/B"  

        If you want the contents of folders A and B to be the same, put /home/user/A/ (with the slash) as the source. This takes not the folder A but all of it's content and puts it into folder B. Like this:

        rsync -avu --delete "/home/user/A/" "/home/user/B"  

        Explanation by SonicARG

        -a Do the sync preserving all filesystem attributes

        -v run verbosely

        -u skip files that are newer on the receiver

        --delete delete the files in target folder that do not exist in the source, /home/user/A: source folder, /home/user/B: target folder

        share|improve this answer

        • 6

          rsync: run rsync app, -a: do the sync preserving all filesystem attributes, -v: run verbosely, -z: compress the data during the sync (transport the data in compressed mode), --delete: delete the files in target folder that do not exist in the source, /home/user/A: source folder, /home/user/B: target folder

          – SonicARG
          Jul 9 '16 at 19:25

        • Hi SonicARG, I totally forgot to get back to this and put the explanation, thanks submitting the explanation, I put yours in the answer, hope you don't mind.

          – TuxForLife
          Jul 11 '16 at 5:43

        • 5

          Rsync is primarly meant to copy files between different computers, as explained here it can serve the purpose to sync directories as well. So the -z option is interesting to reduce network traffic and thus enhance the performance of an rsync between 2 computers: ( read data from disk -> compress) ===network===> (uncompress->write to disk) Using -z to sync 2 directories on the same host is a bit silly and waste of cpu cycles as you would get (read data from disk -> compress -> uncompress -> write to disk)

          – GerritCap
          Mar 29 '17 at 8:51

        • @GerritCap, I made an edit, thanks for your valuable input

          – TuxForLife
          Jul 6 '18 at 15:48

        • I've tried the command but it create a sub-dir /home/user/B/A instead of overwrite A's content to B's content. Could you help me to have a look on it?

          – Luke
          Sep 19 '18 at 3:24


        This puts folder A into folder B:

        rsync -avu --delete "/home/user/A" "/home/user/B"  

        If you want the contents of folders A and B to be the same, put /home/user/A/ (with the slash) as the source. This takes not the folder A but all of it's content and puts it into folder B. Like this:

        rsync -avu --delete "/home/user/A/" "/home/user/B"  

        Explanation by SonicARG

        -a Do the sync preserving all filesystem attributes

        -v run verbosely

        -u skip files that are newer on the receiver

        --delete delete the files in target folder that do not exist in the source, /home/user/A: source folder, /home/user/B: target folder

        share|improve this answer

        • 6

          rsync: run rsync app, -a: do the sync preserving all filesystem attributes, -v: run verbosely, -z: compress the data during the sync (transport the data in compressed mode), --delete: delete the files in target folder that do not exist in the source, /home/user/A: source folder, /home/user/B: target folder

          – SonicARG
          Jul 9 '16 at 19:25

        • Hi SonicARG, I totally forgot to get back to this and put the explanation, thanks submitting the explanation, I put yours in the answer, hope you don't mind.

          – TuxForLife
          Jul 11 '16 at 5:43

        • 5

          Rsync is primarly meant to copy files between different computers, as explained here it can serve the purpose to sync directories as well. So the -z option is interesting to reduce network traffic and thus enhance the performance of an rsync between 2 computers: ( read data from disk -> compress) ===network===> (uncompress->write to disk) Using -z to sync 2 directories on the same host is a bit silly and waste of cpu cycles as you would get (read data from disk -> compress -> uncompress -> write to disk)

          – GerritCap
          Mar 29 '17 at 8:51

        • @GerritCap, I made an edit, thanks for your valuable input

          – TuxForLife
          Jul 6 '18 at 15:48

        • I've tried the command but it create a sub-dir /home/user/B/A instead of overwrite A's content to B's content. Could you help me to have a look on it?

          – Luke
          Sep 19 '18 at 3:24




        This puts folder A into folder B:

        rsync -avu --delete "/home/user/A" "/home/user/B"  

        If you want the contents of folders A and B to be the same, put /home/user/A/ (with the slash) as the source. This takes not the folder A but all of it's content and puts it into folder B. Like this:

        rsync -avu --delete "/home/user/A/" "/home/user/B"  

        Explanation by SonicARG

        -a Do the sync preserving all filesystem attributes

        -v run verbosely

        -u skip files that are newer on the receiver

        --delete delete the files in target folder that do not exist in the source, /home/user/A: source folder, /home/user/B: target folder

        share|improve this answer

        This puts folder A into folder B:

        rsync -avu --delete "/home/user/A" "/home/user/B"  

        If you want the contents of folders A and B to be the same, put /home/user/A/ (with the slash) as the source. This takes not the folder A but all of it's content and puts it into folder B. Like this:

        rsync -avu --delete "/home/user/A/" "/home/user/B"  

        Explanation by SonicARG

        -a Do the sync preserving all filesystem attributes

        -v run verbosely

        -u skip files that are newer on the receiver

        --delete delete the files in target folder that do not exist in the source, /home/user/A: source folder, /home/user/B: target folder

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        edited Jan 11 at 11:10




        answered May 16 '15 at 22:04




        • 6

          rsync: run rsync app, -a: do the sync preserving all filesystem attributes, -v: run verbosely, -z: compress the data during the sync (transport the data in compressed mode), --delete: delete the files in target folder that do not exist in the source, /home/user/A: source folder, /home/user/B: target folder

          – SonicARG
          Jul 9 '16 at 19:25

        • Hi SonicARG, I totally forgot to get back to this and put the explanation, thanks submitting the explanation, I put yours in the answer, hope you don't mind.

          – TuxForLife
          Jul 11 '16 at 5:43

        • 5

          Rsync is primarly meant to copy files between different computers, as explained here it can serve the purpose to sync directories as well. So the -z option is interesting to reduce network traffic and thus enhance the performance of an rsync between 2 computers: ( read data from disk -> compress) ===network===> (uncompress->write to disk) Using -z to sync 2 directories on the same host is a bit silly and waste of cpu cycles as you would get (read data from disk -> compress -> uncompress -> write to disk)

          – GerritCap
          Mar 29 '17 at 8:51

        • @GerritCap, I made an edit, thanks for your valuable input

          – TuxForLife
          Jul 6 '18 at 15:48

        • I've tried the command but it create a sub-dir /home/user/B/A instead of overwrite A's content to B's content. Could you help me to have a look on it?

          – Luke
          Sep 19 '18 at 3:24

        • 6

          rsync: run rsync app, -a: do the sync preserving all filesystem attributes, -v: run verbosely, -z: compress the data during the sync (transport the data in compressed mode), --delete: delete the files in target folder that do not exist in the source, /home/user/A: source folder, /home/user/B: target folder

          – SonicARG
          Jul 9 '16 at 19:25

        • Hi SonicARG, I totally forgot to get back to this and put the explanation, thanks submitting the explanation, I put yours in the answer, hope you don't mind.

          – TuxForLife
          Jul 11 '16 at 5:43

        • 5

          Rsync is primarly meant to copy files between different computers, as explained here it can serve the purpose to sync directories as well. So the -z option is interesting to reduce network traffic and thus enhance the performance of an rsync between 2 computers: ( read data from disk -> compress) ===network===> (uncompress->write to disk) Using -z to sync 2 directories on the same host is a bit silly and waste of cpu cycles as you would get (read data from disk -> compress -> uncompress -> write to disk)

          – GerritCap
          Mar 29 '17 at 8:51

        • @GerritCap, I made an edit, thanks for your valuable input

          – TuxForLife
          Jul 6 '18 at 15:48

        • I've tried the command but it create a sub-dir /home/user/B/A instead of overwrite A's content to B's content. Could you help me to have a look on it?

          – Luke
          Sep 19 '18 at 3:24



        rsync: run rsync app, -a: do the sync preserving all filesystem attributes, -v: run verbosely, -z: compress the data during the sync (transport the data in compressed mode), --delete: delete the files in target folder that do not exist in the source, /home/user/A: source folder, /home/user/B: target folder

        – SonicARG
        Jul 9 '16 at 19:25

        rsync: run rsync app, -a: do the sync preserving all filesystem attributes, -v: run verbosely, -z: compress the data during the sync (transport the data in compressed mode), --delete: delete the files in target folder that do not exist in the source, /home/user/A: source folder, /home/user/B: target folder

        – SonicARG
        Jul 9 '16 at 19:25

        Hi SonicARG, I totally forgot to get back to this and put the explanation, thanks submitting the explanation, I put yours in the answer, hope you don't mind.

        – TuxForLife
        Jul 11 '16 at 5:43

        Hi SonicARG, I totally forgot to get back to this and put the explanation, thanks submitting the explanation, I put yours in the answer, hope you don't mind.

        – TuxForLife
        Jul 11 '16 at 5:43



        Rsync is primarly meant to copy files between different computers, as explained here it can serve the purpose to sync directories as well. So the -z option is interesting to reduce network traffic and thus enhance the performance of an rsync between 2 computers: ( read data from disk -> compress) ===network===> (uncompress->write to disk) Using -z to sync 2 directories on the same host is a bit silly and waste of cpu cycles as you would get (read data from disk -> compress -> uncompress -> write to disk)

        – GerritCap
        Mar 29 '17 at 8:51

        Rsync is primarly meant to copy files between different computers, as explained here it can serve the purpose to sync directories as well. So the -z option is interesting to reduce network traffic and thus enhance the performance of an rsync between 2 computers: ( read data from disk -> compress) ===network===> (uncompress->write to disk) Using -z to sync 2 directories on the same host is a bit silly and waste of cpu cycles as you would get (read data from disk -> compress -> uncompress -> write to disk)

        – GerritCap
        Mar 29 '17 at 8:51

        @GerritCap, I made an edit, thanks for your valuable input

        – TuxForLife
        Jul 6 '18 at 15:48

        @GerritCap, I made an edit, thanks for your valuable input

        – TuxForLife
        Jul 6 '18 at 15:48

        I've tried the command but it create a sub-dir /home/user/B/A instead of overwrite A's content to B's content. Could you help me to have a look on it?

        – Luke
        Sep 19 '18 at 3:24

        I've tried the command but it create a sub-dir /home/user/B/A instead of overwrite A's content to B's content. Could you help me to have a look on it?

        – Luke
        Sep 19 '18 at 3:24


        You could unison tool developed by Benjamin Pierce at U Penn.

        Let us assume you have two directories,

        /home/user/Documents/dirA/ and /home/user/Documents/dirB/

        To synchronize these two, you may use:

        ~$unison -ui text /home/user/Documents/dirA/ /home/user/Documents/dirB/

        In output, unison will display each and every directory and file that is different in the two directories you have asked to sync. It will recommend to additively synchronize (replicate missing file in both locations) on the initial run, then create and maintain a synchronization tree on your machine, and on subsequent runs it will implement true synchronization (i.e., if you delete a file from .../dirA, it will get deleted from .../dirB as well. You can also compare each and every change and optionally choose to forward or reverse synchronize between the two directories.

        Optionally, to launch graphical interface, simply remove the -ui text option from your command, although I find the cli simpler and faster to use.

        More on this: Unison tutorial at Unison user documentation.

        share|improve this answer


          You could unison tool developed by Benjamin Pierce at U Penn.

          Let us assume you have two directories,

          /home/user/Documents/dirA/ and /home/user/Documents/dirB/

          To synchronize these two, you may use:

          ~$unison -ui text /home/user/Documents/dirA/ /home/user/Documents/dirB/

          In output, unison will display each and every directory and file that is different in the two directories you have asked to sync. It will recommend to additively synchronize (replicate missing file in both locations) on the initial run, then create and maintain a synchronization tree on your machine, and on subsequent runs it will implement true synchronization (i.e., if you delete a file from .../dirA, it will get deleted from .../dirB as well. You can also compare each and every change and optionally choose to forward or reverse synchronize between the two directories.

          Optionally, to launch graphical interface, simply remove the -ui text option from your command, although I find the cli simpler and faster to use.

          More on this: Unison tutorial at Unison user documentation.

          share|improve this answer




            You could unison tool developed by Benjamin Pierce at U Penn.

            Let us assume you have two directories,

            /home/user/Documents/dirA/ and /home/user/Documents/dirB/

            To synchronize these two, you may use:

            ~$unison -ui text /home/user/Documents/dirA/ /home/user/Documents/dirB/

            In output, unison will display each and every directory and file that is different in the two directories you have asked to sync. It will recommend to additively synchronize (replicate missing file in both locations) on the initial run, then create and maintain a synchronization tree on your machine, and on subsequent runs it will implement true synchronization (i.e., if you delete a file from .../dirA, it will get deleted from .../dirB as well. You can also compare each and every change and optionally choose to forward or reverse synchronize between the two directories.

            Optionally, to launch graphical interface, simply remove the -ui text option from your command, although I find the cli simpler and faster to use.

            More on this: Unison tutorial at Unison user documentation.

            share|improve this answer

            You could unison tool developed by Benjamin Pierce at U Penn.

            Let us assume you have two directories,

            /home/user/Documents/dirA/ and /home/user/Documents/dirB/

            To synchronize these two, you may use:

            ~$unison -ui text /home/user/Documents/dirA/ /home/user/Documents/dirB/

            In output, unison will display each and every directory and file that is different in the two directories you have asked to sync. It will recommend to additively synchronize (replicate missing file in both locations) on the initial run, then create and maintain a synchronization tree on your machine, and on subsequent runs it will implement true synchronization (i.e., if you delete a file from .../dirA, it will get deleted from .../dirB as well. You can also compare each and every change and optionally choose to forward or reverse synchronize between the two directories.

            Optionally, to launch graphical interface, simply remove the -ui text option from your command, although I find the cli simpler and faster to use.

            More on this: Unison tutorial at Unison user documentation.

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered Feb 2 '17 at 8:21





                This is not completely the same as what you ask for, but you could considered using a version-control tool. Tools like Git do everything you ask for, and more, especially if you do not work in folder B directly it could be interesting to take a look at it. you can find some more information on git here

                share|improve this answer

                • 2

                  This only works if you're willing to add everything to version control. It also forces every change ever committed to be permanently stored, which may be undesirable.

                  – Qudit
                  May 16 '15 at 21:58

                • @Qudit, that is true, although it is possible via cloning to limit the history, but limiting the history is not (yet ?) implemented in Git by default.

                  – switch87
                  May 16 '15 at 22:07

                • @switch87 Yes, I know you can delete old commits. Version control is not really an appropriate solution for generic backups imo though, especially if there are large binary files.

                  – Qudit
                  May 16 '15 at 22:10

                • His question is for local backup, but if you use it for remote backup you can still use git annex for the bigger files. for local backup this is not a problem.

                  – switch87
                  May 16 '15 at 22:22

                • 2

                  @switch87 This really should've been a comment to the Q and not an answer since it doesn't explain how you'd use git to do backups.

                  – slm
                  May 17 '15 at 11:35


                This is not completely the same as what you ask for, but you could considered using a version-control tool. Tools like Git do everything you ask for, and more, especially if you do not work in folder B directly it could be interesting to take a look at it. you can find some more information on git here

                share|improve this answer

                • 2

                  This only works if you're willing to add everything to version control. It also forces every change ever committed to be permanently stored, which may be undesirable.

                  – Qudit
                  May 16 '15 at 21:58

                • @Qudit, that is true, although it is possible via cloning to limit the history, but limiting the history is not (yet ?) implemented in Git by default.

                  – switch87
                  May 16 '15 at 22:07

                • @switch87 Yes, I know you can delete old commits. Version control is not really an appropriate solution for generic backups imo though, especially if there are large binary files.

                  – Qudit
                  May 16 '15 at 22:10

                • His question is for local backup, but if you use it for remote backup you can still use git annex for the bigger files. for local backup this is not a problem.

                  – switch87
                  May 16 '15 at 22:22

                • 2

                  @switch87 This really should've been a comment to the Q and not an answer since it doesn't explain how you'd use git to do backups.

                  – slm
                  May 17 '15 at 11:35




                This is not completely the same as what you ask for, but you could considered using a version-control tool. Tools like Git do everything you ask for, and more, especially if you do not work in folder B directly it could be interesting to take a look at it. you can find some more information on git here

                share|improve this answer

                This is not completely the same as what you ask for, but you could considered using a version-control tool. Tools like Git do everything you ask for, and more, especially if you do not work in folder B directly it could be interesting to take a look at it. you can find some more information on git here

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                edited May 16 '15 at 21:54

                answered May 16 '15 at 21:21




                • 2

                  This only works if you're willing to add everything to version control. It also forces every change ever committed to be permanently stored, which may be undesirable.

                  – Qudit
                  May 16 '15 at 21:58

                • @Qudit, that is true, although it is possible via cloning to limit the history, but limiting the history is not (yet ?) implemented in Git by default.

                  – switch87
                  May 16 '15 at 22:07

                • @switch87 Yes, I know you can delete old commits. Version control is not really an appropriate solution for generic backups imo though, especially if there are large binary files.

                  – Qudit
                  May 16 '15 at 22:10

                • His question is for local backup, but if you use it for remote backup you can still use git annex for the bigger files. for local backup this is not a problem.

                  – switch87
                  May 16 '15 at 22:22

                • 2

                  @switch87 This really should've been a comment to the Q and not an answer since it doesn't explain how you'd use git to do backups.

                  – slm
                  May 17 '15 at 11:35

                • 2

                  This only works if you're willing to add everything to version control. It also forces every change ever committed to be permanently stored, which may be undesirable.

                  – Qudit
                  May 16 '15 at 21:58

                • @Qudit, that is true, although it is possible via cloning to limit the history, but limiting the history is not (yet ?) implemented in Git by default.

                  – switch87
                  May 16 '15 at 22:07

                • @switch87 Yes, I know you can delete old commits. Version control is not really an appropriate solution for generic backups imo though, especially if there are large binary files.

                  – Qudit
                  May 16 '15 at 22:10

                • His question is for local backup, but if you use it for remote backup you can still use git annex for the bigger files. for local backup this is not a problem.

                  – switch87
                  May 16 '15 at 22:22

                • 2

                  @switch87 This really should've been a comment to the Q and not an answer since it doesn't explain how you'd use git to do backups.

                  – slm
                  May 17 '15 at 11:35



                This only works if you're willing to add everything to version control. It also forces every change ever committed to be permanently stored, which may be undesirable.

                – Qudit
                May 16 '15 at 21:58

                This only works if you're willing to add everything to version control. It also forces every change ever committed to be permanently stored, which may be undesirable.

                – Qudit
                May 16 '15 at 21:58

                @Qudit, that is true, although it is possible via cloning to limit the history, but limiting the history is not (yet ?) implemented in Git by default.

                – switch87
                May 16 '15 at 22:07

                @Qudit, that is true, although it is possible via cloning to limit the history, but limiting the history is not (yet ?) implemented in Git by default.

                – switch87
                May 16 '15 at 22:07

                @switch87 Yes, I know you can delete old commits. Version control is not really an appropriate solution for generic backups imo though, especially if there are large binary files.

                – Qudit
                May 16 '15 at 22:10

                @switch87 Yes, I know you can delete old commits. Version control is not really an appropriate solution for generic backups imo though, especially if there are large binary files.

                – Qudit
                May 16 '15 at 22:10

                His question is for local backup, but if you use it for remote backup you can still use git annex for the bigger files. for local backup this is not a problem.

                – switch87
                May 16 '15 at 22:22

                His question is for local backup, but if you use it for remote backup you can still use git annex for the bigger files. for local backup this is not a problem.

                – switch87
                May 16 '15 at 22:22



                @switch87 This really should've been a comment to the Q and not an answer since it doesn't explain how you'd use git to do backups.

                – slm
                May 17 '15 at 11:35

                @switch87 This really should've been a comment to the Q and not an answer since it doesn't explain how you'd use git to do backups.

                – slm
                May 17 '15 at 11:35


                You can use it this way:

                rsync -avu --delete /home/user/A/* /home/user/B/

                This way you will copy the content of folder A into folder B, not the content of folder A itself.

                share|improve this answer


                  You can use it this way:

                  rsync -avu --delete /home/user/A/* /home/user/B/

                  This way you will copy the content of folder A into folder B, not the content of folder A itself.

                  share|improve this answer




                    You can use it this way:

                    rsync -avu --delete /home/user/A/* /home/user/B/

                    This way you will copy the content of folder A into folder B, not the content of folder A itself.

                    share|improve this answer

                    You can use it this way:

                    rsync -avu --delete /home/user/A/* /home/user/B/

                    This way you will copy the content of folder A into folder B, not the content of folder A itself.

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    edited Sep 24 '18 at 15:47


                    answered Sep 24 '18 at 15:38

                    Isaias SanchezIsaias Sanchez




                        The answer from TuxForLife is pretty good, but I strongly suggest you use -c when syncing locally. You can argue that it's not worth the time/network penalty to do it for remote syncs, but it is totally worth it for local files because the speed is so great.

                        -c, --checksum
                        This forces the sender to checksum every regular file using a 128-bit MD4
                        checksum. It does this during the initial file-system scan as it builds
                        the list of all available files. The receiver then checksums its version
                        of each file (if it exists and it has the same size as its sender-side
                        counterpart) in order to decide which files need to be updated: files with
                        either a changed size or a changed checksum are selected for transfer.
                        Since this whole-file checksumming of all files on both sides of the con-
                        nection occurs in addition to the automatic checksum verifications that
                        occur during a file's transfer, this option can be quite slow.

                        Note that rsync always verifies that each transferred file was correctly
                        reconstructed on the receiving side by checking its whole-file checksum,
                        but that automatic after-the-transfer verification has nothing to do with
                        this option's before-the-transfer "Does this file need to be updated?"

                        This shows how having the same size and time stamps can fail you.

                        The setup

                        $ cd /tmp

                        $ mkdir -p {A,b}/1/2/{3,4}

                        $ echo "___________from A" |
                        tee A/1/2/x | tee A/1/2/3/y | tee A/1/2/4/z |
                        tr A b |
                        tee b/1/2/x | tee b/1/2/3/y | tee b/1/2/4/z |
                        tee b/1/2/x0 | tee b/1/2/3/y0 > b/1/2/4/z0

                        $ find A b -type f | xargs -I% sh -c "echo %; cat %;"
                        ___________from A
                        ___________from A
                        ___________from A
                        ___________from b
                        ___________from b
                        ___________from b
                        ___________from b
                        ___________from b
                        ___________from b

                        The rsync that copies nothing because the files all have the same size and timestamp

                        $ rsync -avu A/ b
                        building file list ... done

                        sent 138 bytes received 20 bytes 316.00 bytes/sec
                        total size is 57 speedup is 0.36

                        $ find A b -type f | xargs -I% sh -c "echo %; cat %;"
                        ___________from A
                        ___________from A
                        ___________from A
                        ___________from b
                        ___________from b
                        ___________from b
                        ___________from b
                        ___________from b
                        ___________from b

                        The rsync that works correctly because it compares checksums

                        $ rsync -cavu A/ b
                        building file list ... done

                        sent 381 bytes received 86 bytes 934.00 bytes/sec
                        total size is 57 speedup is 0.12

                        $ find A b -type f | xargs -I% sh -c "echo %; cat %;"
                        ___________from A
                        ___________from A
                        ___________from A
                        ___________from A
                        ___________from b
                        ___________from A
                        ___________from b
                        ___________from A
                        ___________from b

                        share|improve this answer


                          The answer from TuxForLife is pretty good, but I strongly suggest you use -c when syncing locally. You can argue that it's not worth the time/network penalty to do it for remote syncs, but it is totally worth it for local files because the speed is so great.

                          -c, --checksum
                          This forces the sender to checksum every regular file using a 128-bit MD4
                          checksum. It does this during the initial file-system scan as it builds
                          the list of all available files. The receiver then checksums its version
                          of each file (if it exists and it has the same size as its sender-side
                          counterpart) in order to decide which files need to be updated: files with
                          either a changed size or a changed checksum are selected for transfer.
                          Since this whole-file checksumming of all files on both sides of the con-
                          nection occurs in addition to the automatic checksum verifications that
                          occur during a file's transfer, this option can be quite slow.

                          Note that rsync always verifies that each transferred file was correctly
                          reconstructed on the receiving side by checking its whole-file checksum,
                          but that automatic after-the-transfer verification has nothing to do with
                          this option's before-the-transfer "Does this file need to be updated?"

                          This shows how having the same size and time stamps can fail you.

                          The setup

                          $ cd /tmp

                          $ mkdir -p {A,b}/1/2/{3,4}

                          $ echo "___________from A" |
                          tee A/1/2/x | tee A/1/2/3/y | tee A/1/2/4/z |
                          tr A b |
                          tee b/1/2/x | tee b/1/2/3/y | tee b/1/2/4/z |
                          tee b/1/2/x0 | tee b/1/2/3/y0 > b/1/2/4/z0

                          $ find A b -type f | xargs -I% sh -c "echo %; cat %;"
                          ___________from A
                          ___________from A
                          ___________from A
                          ___________from b
                          ___________from b
                          ___________from b
                          ___________from b
                          ___________from b
                          ___________from b

                          The rsync that copies nothing because the files all have the same size and timestamp

                          $ rsync -avu A/ b
                          building file list ... done

                          sent 138 bytes received 20 bytes 316.00 bytes/sec
                          total size is 57 speedup is 0.36

                          $ find A b -type f | xargs -I% sh -c "echo %; cat %;"
                          ___________from A
                          ___________from A
                          ___________from A
                          ___________from b
                          ___________from b
                          ___________from b
                          ___________from b
                          ___________from b
                          ___________from b

                          The rsync that works correctly because it compares checksums

                          $ rsync -cavu A/ b
                          building file list ... done

                          sent 381 bytes received 86 bytes 934.00 bytes/sec
                          total size is 57 speedup is 0.12

                          $ find A b -type f | xargs -I% sh -c "echo %; cat %;"
                          ___________from A
                          ___________from A
                          ___________from A
                          ___________from A
                          ___________from b
                          ___________from A
                          ___________from b
                          ___________from A
                          ___________from b

                          share|improve this answer




                            The answer from TuxForLife is pretty good, but I strongly suggest you use -c when syncing locally. You can argue that it's not worth the time/network penalty to do it for remote syncs, but it is totally worth it for local files because the speed is so great.

                            -c, --checksum
                            This forces the sender to checksum every regular file using a 128-bit MD4
                            checksum. It does this during the initial file-system scan as it builds
                            the list of all available files. The receiver then checksums its version
                            of each file (if it exists and it has the same size as its sender-side
                            counterpart) in order to decide which files need to be updated: files with
                            either a changed size or a changed checksum are selected for transfer.
                            Since this whole-file checksumming of all files on both sides of the con-
                            nection occurs in addition to the automatic checksum verifications that
                            occur during a file's transfer, this option can be quite slow.

                            Note that rsync always verifies that each transferred file was correctly
                            reconstructed on the receiving side by checking its whole-file checksum,
                            but that automatic after-the-transfer verification has nothing to do with
                            this option's before-the-transfer "Does this file need to be updated?"

                            This shows how having the same size and time stamps can fail you.

                            The setup

                            $ cd /tmp

                            $ mkdir -p {A,b}/1/2/{3,4}

                            $ echo "___________from A" |
                            tee A/1/2/x | tee A/1/2/3/y | tee A/1/2/4/z |
                            tr A b |
                            tee b/1/2/x | tee b/1/2/3/y | tee b/1/2/4/z |
                            tee b/1/2/x0 | tee b/1/2/3/y0 > b/1/2/4/z0

                            $ find A b -type f | xargs -I% sh -c "echo %; cat %;"
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b

                            The rsync that copies nothing because the files all have the same size and timestamp

                            $ rsync -avu A/ b
                            building file list ... done

                            sent 138 bytes received 20 bytes 316.00 bytes/sec
                            total size is 57 speedup is 0.36

                            $ find A b -type f | xargs -I% sh -c "echo %; cat %;"
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b

                            The rsync that works correctly because it compares checksums

                            $ rsync -cavu A/ b
                            building file list ... done

                            sent 381 bytes received 86 bytes 934.00 bytes/sec
                            total size is 57 speedup is 0.12

                            $ find A b -type f | xargs -I% sh -c "echo %; cat %;"
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from b

                            share|improve this answer

                            The answer from TuxForLife is pretty good, but I strongly suggest you use -c when syncing locally. You can argue that it's not worth the time/network penalty to do it for remote syncs, but it is totally worth it for local files because the speed is so great.

                            -c, --checksum
                            This forces the sender to checksum every regular file using a 128-bit MD4
                            checksum. It does this during the initial file-system scan as it builds
                            the list of all available files. The receiver then checksums its version
                            of each file (if it exists and it has the same size as its sender-side
                            counterpart) in order to decide which files need to be updated: files with
                            either a changed size or a changed checksum are selected for transfer.
                            Since this whole-file checksumming of all files on both sides of the con-
                            nection occurs in addition to the automatic checksum verifications that
                            occur during a file's transfer, this option can be quite slow.

                            Note that rsync always verifies that each transferred file was correctly
                            reconstructed on the receiving side by checking its whole-file checksum,
                            but that automatic after-the-transfer verification has nothing to do with
                            this option's before-the-transfer "Does this file need to be updated?"

                            This shows how having the same size and time stamps can fail you.

                            The setup

                            $ cd /tmp

                            $ mkdir -p {A,b}/1/2/{3,4}

                            $ echo "___________from A" |
                            tee A/1/2/x | tee A/1/2/3/y | tee A/1/2/4/z |
                            tr A b |
                            tee b/1/2/x | tee b/1/2/3/y | tee b/1/2/4/z |
                            tee b/1/2/x0 | tee b/1/2/3/y0 > b/1/2/4/z0

                            $ find A b -type f | xargs -I% sh -c "echo %; cat %;"
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b

                            The rsync that copies nothing because the files all have the same size and timestamp

                            $ rsync -avu A/ b
                            building file list ... done

                            sent 138 bytes received 20 bytes 316.00 bytes/sec
                            total size is 57 speedup is 0.36

                            $ find A b -type f | xargs -I% sh -c "echo %; cat %;"
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from b

                            The rsync that works correctly because it compares checksums

                            $ rsync -cavu A/ b
                            building file list ... done

                            sent 381 bytes received 86 bytes 934.00 bytes/sec
                            total size is 57 speedup is 0.12

                            $ find A b -type f | xargs -I% sh -c "echo %; cat %;"
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from b
                            ___________from A
                            ___________from b

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            answered 25 mins ago

                            Bruno BronoskyBruno Bronosky



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