Solaris won't update because ddt-incorporation is using a self-signed certifcate


I'm trying to update my Solaris 11.3 x86 system. The system hasSun/Oracle software on it, including Sun Developer Studio and Sun SSH server. It does not have other software on it, and I don't have anything in /usr/local.

I'm catching this error:

$ sudo pkg update
Creating Plan (Package planning: 1/10): -
pkg update: Chain was rooted in an untrusted self-signed certificate.
The package involved is pkg://solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation@,0.5.11-

According to Packaging and Delivering Software With the Image Packaging System | Untrusted Self-Signed Certificate, the docs say it is because of using a self-signed OpenSSL certificate. Another similar page is Troubleshooting Signed Packages, but it rehashes the earlier page and adds nothing new. The Oracle docs on updating a package is at Updating a Package but it does not appear to provide the information I need.

The Sun article lacks step-by-step instructions to clear the issue. I'm trying to get Solaris to trust the Sun certificate but I can't get beyond usage errors:

$ sudo pkg set-publisher --approve-ca-cert  solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation
pkg set-publisher: requires a publisher name
pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]
[-g origin_to_add|--add-origin=origin_to_add ...]
[-G origin_to_remove|--remove-origin=origin_to_remove ...]


$ sudo pkg set-publisher --approve-ca-cert  solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation sun
pkg set-publisher: Could not find /export/home/jwalton/solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation

I've tried other combinations, like prepending pkg:// and using the full name but the problems persist.

How do I get beyond this error?

share|improve this question

  • Have you tried using the full path to solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation?

    – Andrew Henle
    Aug 29 '18 at 10:18

  • FWIW, I get the same error here when trying to update a Solaris virtualbox VM with nothing fancy on it. Suggesting Oracle have messed up something somewhere.

    – Stéphane Chazelas
    Aug 29 '18 at 10:29

  • 1

    It's probably a matter of going through the steps described at

    – Stéphane Chazelas
    Aug 29 '18 at 10:59


I'm trying to update my Solaris 11.3 x86 system. The system hasSun/Oracle software on it, including Sun Developer Studio and Sun SSH server. It does not have other software on it, and I don't have anything in /usr/local.

I'm catching this error:

$ sudo pkg update
Creating Plan (Package planning: 1/10): -
pkg update: Chain was rooted in an untrusted self-signed certificate.
The package involved is pkg://solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation@,0.5.11-

According to Packaging and Delivering Software With the Image Packaging System | Untrusted Self-Signed Certificate, the docs say it is because of using a self-signed OpenSSL certificate. Another similar page is Troubleshooting Signed Packages, but it rehashes the earlier page and adds nothing new. The Oracle docs on updating a package is at Updating a Package but it does not appear to provide the information I need.

The Sun article lacks step-by-step instructions to clear the issue. I'm trying to get Solaris to trust the Sun certificate but I can't get beyond usage errors:

$ sudo pkg set-publisher --approve-ca-cert  solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation
pkg set-publisher: requires a publisher name
pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]
[-g origin_to_add|--add-origin=origin_to_add ...]
[-G origin_to_remove|--remove-origin=origin_to_remove ...]


$ sudo pkg set-publisher --approve-ca-cert  solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation sun
pkg set-publisher: Could not find /export/home/jwalton/solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation

I've tried other combinations, like prepending pkg:// and using the full name but the problems persist.

How do I get beyond this error?

share|improve this question

  • Have you tried using the full path to solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation?

    – Andrew Henle
    Aug 29 '18 at 10:18

  • FWIW, I get the same error here when trying to update a Solaris virtualbox VM with nothing fancy on it. Suggesting Oracle have messed up something somewhere.

    – Stéphane Chazelas
    Aug 29 '18 at 10:29

  • 1

    It's probably a matter of going through the steps described at

    – Stéphane Chazelas
    Aug 29 '18 at 10:59




I'm trying to update my Solaris 11.3 x86 system. The system hasSun/Oracle software on it, including Sun Developer Studio and Sun SSH server. It does not have other software on it, and I don't have anything in /usr/local.

I'm catching this error:

$ sudo pkg update
Creating Plan (Package planning: 1/10): -
pkg update: Chain was rooted in an untrusted self-signed certificate.
The package involved is pkg://solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation@,0.5.11-

According to Packaging and Delivering Software With the Image Packaging System | Untrusted Self-Signed Certificate, the docs say it is because of using a self-signed OpenSSL certificate. Another similar page is Troubleshooting Signed Packages, but it rehashes the earlier page and adds nothing new. The Oracle docs on updating a package is at Updating a Package but it does not appear to provide the information I need.

The Sun article lacks step-by-step instructions to clear the issue. I'm trying to get Solaris to trust the Sun certificate but I can't get beyond usage errors:

$ sudo pkg set-publisher --approve-ca-cert  solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation
pkg set-publisher: requires a publisher name
pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]
[-g origin_to_add|--add-origin=origin_to_add ...]
[-G origin_to_remove|--remove-origin=origin_to_remove ...]


$ sudo pkg set-publisher --approve-ca-cert  solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation sun
pkg set-publisher: Could not find /export/home/jwalton/solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation

I've tried other combinations, like prepending pkg:// and using the full name but the problems persist.

How do I get beyond this error?

share|improve this question

I'm trying to update my Solaris 11.3 x86 system. The system hasSun/Oracle software on it, including Sun Developer Studio and Sun SSH server. It does not have other software on it, and I don't have anything in /usr/local.

I'm catching this error:

$ sudo pkg update
Creating Plan (Package planning: 1/10): -
pkg update: Chain was rooted in an untrusted self-signed certificate.
The package involved is pkg://solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation@,0.5.11-

According to Packaging and Delivering Software With the Image Packaging System | Untrusted Self-Signed Certificate, the docs say it is because of using a self-signed OpenSSL certificate. Another similar page is Troubleshooting Signed Packages, but it rehashes the earlier page and adds nothing new. The Oracle docs on updating a package is at Updating a Package but it does not appear to provide the information I need.

The Sun article lacks step-by-step instructions to clear the issue. I'm trying to get Solaris to trust the Sun certificate but I can't get beyond usage errors:

$ sudo pkg set-publisher --approve-ca-cert  solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation
pkg set-publisher: requires a publisher name
pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]
[-g origin_to_add|--add-origin=origin_to_add ...]
[-G origin_to_remove|--remove-origin=origin_to_remove ...]


$ sudo pkg set-publisher --approve-ca-cert  solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation sun
pkg set-publisher: Could not find /export/home/jwalton/solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation

I've tried other combinations, like prepending pkg:// and using the full name but the problems persist.

How do I get beyond this error?

solaris software-updates pkg

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edited Aug 29 '18 at 3:57


asked Aug 29 '18 at 3:27




  • Have you tried using the full path to solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation?

    – Andrew Henle
    Aug 29 '18 at 10:18

  • FWIW, I get the same error here when trying to update a Solaris virtualbox VM with nothing fancy on it. Suggesting Oracle have messed up something somewhere.

    – Stéphane Chazelas
    Aug 29 '18 at 10:29

  • 1

    It's probably a matter of going through the steps described at

    – Stéphane Chazelas
    Aug 29 '18 at 10:59

  • Have you tried using the full path to solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation?

    – Andrew Henle
    Aug 29 '18 at 10:18

  • FWIW, I get the same error here when trying to update a Solaris virtualbox VM with nothing fancy on it. Suggesting Oracle have messed up something somewhere.

    – Stéphane Chazelas
    Aug 29 '18 at 10:29

  • 1

    It's probably a matter of going through the steps described at

    – Stéphane Chazelas
    Aug 29 '18 at 10:59

Have you tried using the full path to solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation?

– Andrew Henle
Aug 29 '18 at 10:18

Have you tried using the full path to solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation?

– Andrew Henle
Aug 29 '18 at 10:18

FWIW, I get the same error here when trying to update a Solaris virtualbox VM with nothing fancy on it. Suggesting Oracle have messed up something somewhere.

– Stéphane Chazelas
Aug 29 '18 at 10:29

FWIW, I get the same error here when trying to update a Solaris virtualbox VM with nothing fancy on it. Suggesting Oracle have messed up something somewhere.

– Stéphane Chazelas
Aug 29 '18 at 10:29



It's probably a matter of going through the steps described at

– Stéphane Chazelas
Aug 29 '18 at 10:59

It's probably a matter of going through the steps described at

– Stéphane Chazelas
Aug 29 '18 at 10:59

5 Answers





It's not self-signed, but it's not signed by a certificate authority that the Solaris 11.3 GA version knows about. Support for the new certificate authority is one of the reasons you need to first update to Solaris 11.3 SRU 23 or later before you can upgrade to Solaris 11.4, as documented in the upgrade instructions.

share|improve this answer

  • So does this effectively mean that people without a support contract (i.e. no access to the SRU releases) can't upgrade from Solaris 11.3 to 11.4, and instead must do a clean install?

    – Tanz87
    Sep 7 '18 at 9:03

  • @Tanz87 unfortunately, that is correct.

    – alanc
    Sep 9 '18 at 21:35


I think I know exactly what you're trying to do, but you'll also fail at the next step which is where I'm up to.

pkg(1) stashes a copy of the certificate chain in /var/pkg/publisher/(publisher name)/certs, so you'll have the signing and root certificate in /var/pkg/publisher/solaris/certs. Copy the root certificate to the CA certificate directory in /etc/certs/CA/ and then pkg(1) will trust the certificate chain.

In my case, it's as easy as

cp /var/pkg/publisher/solaris/certs/370b6b4fba7b0ad472465ffe9377f8f6040b2cfd /etc/certs/CA/temp-solaris-object-signing.pem
svcadm restart system/ca-certificates

The next hurdle you'll find is that pkg://solaris/system/core-os@11.4,5.11- has an origin root-image dependency on pkg:/system/core-os@0.5.11- (see for details about pkg dependencies). There is probably a very good reason that is there...

EDIT: the rest of what you're probably trying to do is...

If you choose to ignore that giant red flag, and don't mind your Solaris 11.3 system becoming unsupportable (probably because you don't have a support contract in order to download 11.3SRU23), you can do something like:

pkgrecv -s /path/to/solaris11_4 -d /var/tmp/sol114 --raw pkg://solaris/system/core-os@11.4,5.11-
vi /var/tmp/sol114/system%2Fcore-os/11.4%2C5.11-*

Remove the dependency:

depend fmri=pkg:/system/core-os@0.5.11- root-image=true type=origin

Publish back to your local repo:

pkgsend publish -s /path/to/solaris11_4 -d /var/tmp/sol114/system%2Fcore-os/11.4%2C5.11- /var/tmp/sol114/system%2Fcore-os/11.4%2C5.11-
pkgrepo -s /path/to/solaris11_4 rebuild

Then run the upgrade.

You need to ensure that /var/tmp is completely empty before upgrading because it seems to create a new ZFS dataset for /var/tmp during the upgrade, otherwise it seems to work fine with a couple of fixable errors. YMMV, I tested this on an old T4-2 SPARC system (not x86), so I don't know if there are other quirks around GRUB upgrades etc.

share|improve this answer


    The following command will install 11.3 sru21 which will install new CA.
    DDT-incorporation is a diagnostic package which has explorer etc..

    pkg update --reject ddt-incorporation --accept entire@0.5.11-

    Later you can install the individual package if required or subsequent pkg update will not fail.
    pkg install ddt-incorporation

    share|improve this answer

    • You are apparently showing a command that is obviously not a valid command — it has unquoted parentheses (and not in an allowed configuration).  What do you mean?  Please do not respond in comments; edit your answer to make it clearer and more complete.

      – G-Man
      Nov 14 '18 at 18:25


    To resolve the pkg update issue:
    Specify the exact version of the "package involved".

    pkg update --reject pkg://solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation@,0.5.11- entire@0.5.11-

    or simply reject it:

    pkg update consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation@ entire@0.5.11-


    New contributor

    GopiKrishna Jagadam is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      pkg uninstall consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation support/explorer

      share|improve this answer

      • In my case, after removing those two packages (support/explorer depending on ddt-incorporation), I still get the error for other packages (pkg://solaris/library/python/pyatspi-27@2.30.0,5.11-, suggesting that it's not only about those packages but that we need somehow to let Solaris know about the new oracle root certificate (pkg refresh --full doesn't help).

        – Stéphane Chazelas
        Aug 29 '18 at 10:46

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      5 Answers




      5 Answers











      It's not self-signed, but it's not signed by a certificate authority that the Solaris 11.3 GA version knows about. Support for the new certificate authority is one of the reasons you need to first update to Solaris 11.3 SRU 23 or later before you can upgrade to Solaris 11.4, as documented in the upgrade instructions.

      share|improve this answer

      • So does this effectively mean that people without a support contract (i.e. no access to the SRU releases) can't upgrade from Solaris 11.3 to 11.4, and instead must do a clean install?

        – Tanz87
        Sep 7 '18 at 9:03

      • @Tanz87 unfortunately, that is correct.

        – alanc
        Sep 9 '18 at 21:35


      It's not self-signed, but it's not signed by a certificate authority that the Solaris 11.3 GA version knows about. Support for the new certificate authority is one of the reasons you need to first update to Solaris 11.3 SRU 23 or later before you can upgrade to Solaris 11.4, as documented in the upgrade instructions.

      share|improve this answer

      • So does this effectively mean that people without a support contract (i.e. no access to the SRU releases) can't upgrade from Solaris 11.3 to 11.4, and instead must do a clean install?

        – Tanz87
        Sep 7 '18 at 9:03

      • @Tanz87 unfortunately, that is correct.

        – alanc
        Sep 9 '18 at 21:35




      It's not self-signed, but it's not signed by a certificate authority that the Solaris 11.3 GA version knows about. Support for the new certificate authority is one of the reasons you need to first update to Solaris 11.3 SRU 23 or later before you can upgrade to Solaris 11.4, as documented in the upgrade instructions.

      share|improve this answer

      It's not self-signed, but it's not signed by a certificate authority that the Solaris 11.3 GA version knows about. Support for the new certificate authority is one of the reasons you need to first update to Solaris 11.3 SRU 23 or later before you can upgrade to Solaris 11.4, as documented in the upgrade instructions.

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      answered Aug 29 '18 at 21:51




      • So does this effectively mean that people without a support contract (i.e. no access to the SRU releases) can't upgrade from Solaris 11.3 to 11.4, and instead must do a clean install?

        – Tanz87
        Sep 7 '18 at 9:03

      • @Tanz87 unfortunately, that is correct.

        – alanc
        Sep 9 '18 at 21:35

      • So does this effectively mean that people without a support contract (i.e. no access to the SRU releases) can't upgrade from Solaris 11.3 to 11.4, and instead must do a clean install?

        – Tanz87
        Sep 7 '18 at 9:03

      • @Tanz87 unfortunately, that is correct.

        – alanc
        Sep 9 '18 at 21:35

      So does this effectively mean that people without a support contract (i.e. no access to the SRU releases) can't upgrade from Solaris 11.3 to 11.4, and instead must do a clean install?

      – Tanz87
      Sep 7 '18 at 9:03

      So does this effectively mean that people without a support contract (i.e. no access to the SRU releases) can't upgrade from Solaris 11.3 to 11.4, and instead must do a clean install?

      – Tanz87
      Sep 7 '18 at 9:03

      @Tanz87 unfortunately, that is correct.

      – alanc
      Sep 9 '18 at 21:35

      @Tanz87 unfortunately, that is correct.

      – alanc
      Sep 9 '18 at 21:35


      I think I know exactly what you're trying to do, but you'll also fail at the next step which is where I'm up to.

      pkg(1) stashes a copy of the certificate chain in /var/pkg/publisher/(publisher name)/certs, so you'll have the signing and root certificate in /var/pkg/publisher/solaris/certs. Copy the root certificate to the CA certificate directory in /etc/certs/CA/ and then pkg(1) will trust the certificate chain.

      In my case, it's as easy as

      cp /var/pkg/publisher/solaris/certs/370b6b4fba7b0ad472465ffe9377f8f6040b2cfd /etc/certs/CA/temp-solaris-object-signing.pem
      svcadm restart system/ca-certificates

      The next hurdle you'll find is that pkg://solaris/system/core-os@11.4,5.11- has an origin root-image dependency on pkg:/system/core-os@0.5.11- (see for details about pkg dependencies). There is probably a very good reason that is there...

      EDIT: the rest of what you're probably trying to do is...

      If you choose to ignore that giant red flag, and don't mind your Solaris 11.3 system becoming unsupportable (probably because you don't have a support contract in order to download 11.3SRU23), you can do something like:

      pkgrecv -s /path/to/solaris11_4 -d /var/tmp/sol114 --raw pkg://solaris/system/core-os@11.4,5.11-
      vi /var/tmp/sol114/system%2Fcore-os/11.4%2C5.11-*

      Remove the dependency:

      depend fmri=pkg:/system/core-os@0.5.11- root-image=true type=origin

      Publish back to your local repo:

      pkgsend publish -s /path/to/solaris11_4 -d /var/tmp/sol114/system%2Fcore-os/11.4%2C5.11- /var/tmp/sol114/system%2Fcore-os/11.4%2C5.11-
      pkgrepo -s /path/to/solaris11_4 rebuild

      Then run the upgrade.

      You need to ensure that /var/tmp is completely empty before upgrading because it seems to create a new ZFS dataset for /var/tmp during the upgrade, otherwise it seems to work fine with a couple of fixable errors. YMMV, I tested this on an old T4-2 SPARC system (not x86), so I don't know if there are other quirks around GRUB upgrades etc.

      share|improve this answer


        I think I know exactly what you're trying to do, but you'll also fail at the next step which is where I'm up to.

        pkg(1) stashes a copy of the certificate chain in /var/pkg/publisher/(publisher name)/certs, so you'll have the signing and root certificate in /var/pkg/publisher/solaris/certs. Copy the root certificate to the CA certificate directory in /etc/certs/CA/ and then pkg(1) will trust the certificate chain.

        In my case, it's as easy as

        cp /var/pkg/publisher/solaris/certs/370b6b4fba7b0ad472465ffe9377f8f6040b2cfd /etc/certs/CA/temp-solaris-object-signing.pem
        svcadm restart system/ca-certificates

        The next hurdle you'll find is that pkg://solaris/system/core-os@11.4,5.11- has an origin root-image dependency on pkg:/system/core-os@0.5.11- (see for details about pkg dependencies). There is probably a very good reason that is there...

        EDIT: the rest of what you're probably trying to do is...

        If you choose to ignore that giant red flag, and don't mind your Solaris 11.3 system becoming unsupportable (probably because you don't have a support contract in order to download 11.3SRU23), you can do something like:

        pkgrecv -s /path/to/solaris11_4 -d /var/tmp/sol114 --raw pkg://solaris/system/core-os@11.4,5.11-
        vi /var/tmp/sol114/system%2Fcore-os/11.4%2C5.11-*

        Remove the dependency:

        depend fmri=pkg:/system/core-os@0.5.11- root-image=true type=origin

        Publish back to your local repo:

        pkgsend publish -s /path/to/solaris11_4 -d /var/tmp/sol114/system%2Fcore-os/11.4%2C5.11- /var/tmp/sol114/system%2Fcore-os/11.4%2C5.11-
        pkgrepo -s /path/to/solaris11_4 rebuild

        Then run the upgrade.

        You need to ensure that /var/tmp is completely empty before upgrading because it seems to create a new ZFS dataset for /var/tmp during the upgrade, otherwise it seems to work fine with a couple of fixable errors. YMMV, I tested this on an old T4-2 SPARC system (not x86), so I don't know if there are other quirks around GRUB upgrades etc.

        share|improve this answer




          I think I know exactly what you're trying to do, but you'll also fail at the next step which is where I'm up to.

          pkg(1) stashes a copy of the certificate chain in /var/pkg/publisher/(publisher name)/certs, so you'll have the signing and root certificate in /var/pkg/publisher/solaris/certs. Copy the root certificate to the CA certificate directory in /etc/certs/CA/ and then pkg(1) will trust the certificate chain.

          In my case, it's as easy as

          cp /var/pkg/publisher/solaris/certs/370b6b4fba7b0ad472465ffe9377f8f6040b2cfd /etc/certs/CA/temp-solaris-object-signing.pem
          svcadm restart system/ca-certificates

          The next hurdle you'll find is that pkg://solaris/system/core-os@11.4,5.11- has an origin root-image dependency on pkg:/system/core-os@0.5.11- (see for details about pkg dependencies). There is probably a very good reason that is there...

          EDIT: the rest of what you're probably trying to do is...

          If you choose to ignore that giant red flag, and don't mind your Solaris 11.3 system becoming unsupportable (probably because you don't have a support contract in order to download 11.3SRU23), you can do something like:

          pkgrecv -s /path/to/solaris11_4 -d /var/tmp/sol114 --raw pkg://solaris/system/core-os@11.4,5.11-
          vi /var/tmp/sol114/system%2Fcore-os/11.4%2C5.11-*

          Remove the dependency:

          depend fmri=pkg:/system/core-os@0.5.11- root-image=true type=origin

          Publish back to your local repo:

          pkgsend publish -s /path/to/solaris11_4 -d /var/tmp/sol114/system%2Fcore-os/11.4%2C5.11- /var/tmp/sol114/system%2Fcore-os/11.4%2C5.11-
          pkgrepo -s /path/to/solaris11_4 rebuild

          Then run the upgrade.

          You need to ensure that /var/tmp is completely empty before upgrading because it seems to create a new ZFS dataset for /var/tmp during the upgrade, otherwise it seems to work fine with a couple of fixable errors. YMMV, I tested this on an old T4-2 SPARC system (not x86), so I don't know if there are other quirks around GRUB upgrades etc.

          share|improve this answer

          I think I know exactly what you're trying to do, but you'll also fail at the next step which is where I'm up to.

          pkg(1) stashes a copy of the certificate chain in /var/pkg/publisher/(publisher name)/certs, so you'll have the signing and root certificate in /var/pkg/publisher/solaris/certs. Copy the root certificate to the CA certificate directory in /etc/certs/CA/ and then pkg(1) will trust the certificate chain.

          In my case, it's as easy as

          cp /var/pkg/publisher/solaris/certs/370b6b4fba7b0ad472465ffe9377f8f6040b2cfd /etc/certs/CA/temp-solaris-object-signing.pem
          svcadm restart system/ca-certificates

          The next hurdle you'll find is that pkg://solaris/system/core-os@11.4,5.11- has an origin root-image dependency on pkg:/system/core-os@0.5.11- (see for details about pkg dependencies). There is probably a very good reason that is there...

          EDIT: the rest of what you're probably trying to do is...

          If you choose to ignore that giant red flag, and don't mind your Solaris 11.3 system becoming unsupportable (probably because you don't have a support contract in order to download 11.3SRU23), you can do something like:

          pkgrecv -s /path/to/solaris11_4 -d /var/tmp/sol114 --raw pkg://solaris/system/core-os@11.4,5.11-
          vi /var/tmp/sol114/system%2Fcore-os/11.4%2C5.11-*

          Remove the dependency:

          depend fmri=pkg:/system/core-os@0.5.11- root-image=true type=origin

          Publish back to your local repo:

          pkgsend publish -s /path/to/solaris11_4 -d /var/tmp/sol114/system%2Fcore-os/11.4%2C5.11- /var/tmp/sol114/system%2Fcore-os/11.4%2C5.11-
          pkgrepo -s /path/to/solaris11_4 rebuild

          Then run the upgrade.

          You need to ensure that /var/tmp is completely empty before upgrading because it seems to create a new ZFS dataset for /var/tmp during the upgrade, otherwise it seems to work fine with a couple of fixable errors. YMMV, I tested this on an old T4-2 SPARC system (not x86), so I don't know if there are other quirks around GRUB upgrades etc.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Sep 25 '18 at 7:14

          answered Sep 12 '18 at 7:16





              The following command will install 11.3 sru21 which will install new CA.
              DDT-incorporation is a diagnostic package which has explorer etc..

              pkg update --reject ddt-incorporation --accept entire@0.5.11-

              Later you can install the individual package if required or subsequent pkg update will not fail.
              pkg install ddt-incorporation

              share|improve this answer

              • You are apparently showing a command that is obviously not a valid command — it has unquoted parentheses (and not in an allowed configuration).  What do you mean?  Please do not respond in comments; edit your answer to make it clearer and more complete.

                – G-Man
                Nov 14 '18 at 18:25


              The following command will install 11.3 sru21 which will install new CA.
              DDT-incorporation is a diagnostic package which has explorer etc..

              pkg update --reject ddt-incorporation --accept entire@0.5.11-

              Later you can install the individual package if required or subsequent pkg update will not fail.
              pkg install ddt-incorporation

              share|improve this answer

              • You are apparently showing a command that is obviously not a valid command — it has unquoted parentheses (and not in an allowed configuration).  What do you mean?  Please do not respond in comments; edit your answer to make it clearer and more complete.

                – G-Man
                Nov 14 '18 at 18:25




              The following command will install 11.3 sru21 which will install new CA.
              DDT-incorporation is a diagnostic package which has explorer etc..

              pkg update --reject ddt-incorporation --accept entire@0.5.11-

              Later you can install the individual package if required or subsequent pkg update will not fail.
              pkg install ddt-incorporation

              share|improve this answer

              The following command will install 11.3 sru21 which will install new CA.
              DDT-incorporation is a diagnostic package which has explorer etc..

              pkg update --reject ddt-incorporation --accept entire@0.5.11-

              Later you can install the individual package if required or subsequent pkg update will not fail.
              pkg install ddt-incorporation

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Nov 15 '18 at 20:54

              answered Nov 14 '18 at 17:58




              • You are apparently showing a command that is obviously not a valid command — it has unquoted parentheses (and not in an allowed configuration).  What do you mean?  Please do not respond in comments; edit your answer to make it clearer and more complete.

                – G-Man
                Nov 14 '18 at 18:25

              • You are apparently showing a command that is obviously not a valid command — it has unquoted parentheses (and not in an allowed configuration).  What do you mean?  Please do not respond in comments; edit your answer to make it clearer and more complete.

                – G-Man
                Nov 14 '18 at 18:25

              You are apparently showing a command that is obviously not a valid command — it has unquoted parentheses (and not in an allowed configuration).  What do you mean?  Please do not respond in comments; edit your answer to make it clearer and more complete.

              – G-Man
              Nov 14 '18 at 18:25

              You are apparently showing a command that is obviously not a valid command — it has unquoted parentheses (and not in an allowed configuration).  What do you mean?  Please do not respond in comments; edit your answer to make it clearer and more complete.

              – G-Man
              Nov 14 '18 at 18:25


              To resolve the pkg update issue:
              Specify the exact version of the "package involved".

              pkg update --reject pkg://solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation@,0.5.11- entire@0.5.11-

              or simply reject it:

              pkg update consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation@ entire@0.5.11-


              New contributor

              GopiKrishna Jagadam is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
              Check out our Code of Conduct.


                To resolve the pkg update issue:
                Specify the exact version of the "package involved".

                pkg update --reject pkg://solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation@,0.5.11- entire@0.5.11-

                or simply reject it:

                pkg update consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation@ entire@0.5.11-


                New contributor

                GopiKrishna Jagadam is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.




                  To resolve the pkg update issue:
                  Specify the exact version of the "package involved".

                  pkg update --reject pkg://solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation@,0.5.11- entire@0.5.11-

                  or simply reject it:

                  pkg update consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation@ entire@0.5.11-


                  New contributor

                  GopiKrishna Jagadam is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.

                  To resolve the pkg update issue:
                  Specify the exact version of the "package involved".

                  pkg update --reject pkg://solaris/consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation@,0.5.11- entire@0.5.11-

                  or simply reject it:

                  pkg update consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation@ entire@0.5.11-


                  New contributor

                  GopiKrishna Jagadam is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.



                  New contributor

                  GopiKrishna Jagadam is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.

                  answered 9 mins ago

                  GopiKrishna JagadamGopiKrishna Jagadam



                  New contributor

                  GopiKrishna Jagadam is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.

                  New contributor

                  GopiKrishna Jagadam is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.

                  GopiKrishna Jagadam is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.


                      pkg uninstall consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation support/explorer

                      share|improve this answer

                      • In my case, after removing those two packages (support/explorer depending on ddt-incorporation), I still get the error for other packages (pkg://solaris/library/python/pyatspi-27@2.30.0,5.11-, suggesting that it's not only about those packages but that we need somehow to let Solaris know about the new oracle root certificate (pkg refresh --full doesn't help).

                        – Stéphane Chazelas
                        Aug 29 '18 at 10:46


                      pkg uninstall consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation support/explorer

                      share|improve this answer

                      • In my case, after removing those two packages (support/explorer depending on ddt-incorporation), I still get the error for other packages (pkg://solaris/library/python/pyatspi-27@2.30.0,5.11-, suggesting that it's not only about those packages but that we need somehow to let Solaris know about the new oracle root certificate (pkg refresh --full doesn't help).

                        – Stéphane Chazelas
                        Aug 29 '18 at 10:46




                      pkg uninstall consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation support/explorer

                      share|improve this answer

                      pkg uninstall consolidation/ddt/ddt-incorporation support/explorer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      edited Aug 29 '18 at 10:12

                      Jeff Schaller



                      answered Aug 29 '18 at 9:25




                      • In my case, after removing those two packages (support/explorer depending on ddt-incorporation), I still get the error for other packages (pkg://solaris/library/python/pyatspi-27@2.30.0,5.11-, suggesting that it's not only about those packages but that we need somehow to let Solaris know about the new oracle root certificate (pkg refresh --full doesn't help).

                        – Stéphane Chazelas
                        Aug 29 '18 at 10:46

                      • In my case, after removing those two packages (support/explorer depending on ddt-incorporation), I still get the error for other packages (pkg://solaris/library/python/pyatspi-27@2.30.0,5.11-, suggesting that it's not only about those packages but that we need somehow to let Solaris know about the new oracle root certificate (pkg refresh --full doesn't help).

                        – Stéphane Chazelas
                        Aug 29 '18 at 10:46

                      In my case, after removing those two packages (support/explorer depending on ddt-incorporation), I still get the error for other packages (pkg://solaris/library/python/pyatspi-27@2.30.0,5.11-, suggesting that it's not only about those packages but that we need somehow to let Solaris know about the new oracle root certificate (pkg refresh --full doesn't help).

                      – Stéphane Chazelas
                      Aug 29 '18 at 10:46

                      In my case, after removing those two packages (support/explorer depending on ddt-incorporation), I still get the error for other packages (pkg://solaris/library/python/pyatspi-27@2.30.0,5.11-, suggesting that it's not only about those packages but that we need somehow to let Solaris know about the new oracle root certificate (pkg refresh --full doesn't help).

                      – Stéphane Chazelas
                      Aug 29 '18 at 10:46

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